Nipple Piercings...

Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I have been thinking about getting my nipples peirced... and curious to get feedback from people who have considered, or have gotten them peirced.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
For it!!! More nipple play all the way!!! And it looks so pretty!!!
Against it!!! Yikes! That looks like it might hurt.. and it doesn't look all that pretty...
I have my nipples peirced and love them!!!
I have my nipples (or had) and wish I didn't get them done
I am toying with the idea
Other... please explain
Total votes: 317 (268 voters)
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Contributor: Woman China Woman China
As I mentioned in the original post, I am looking for feedback on women who have their nipples peirced.

I do not plan on having children, but I am not excluding it. And am curious about the effects of nipple pericings are when it comes to breast feeding.

Nipple sensitivity?

Complications? Abscesses? How often does your rings catch on your bra? Long term effects of having them if any? Problems clearing airport security (I fly very frequently)? And anything else anyone can add.

Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
I have mine pierced and I love the way they look. I love nipple play and some torture but I'm one of the few who really can't tell a difference in sensitivity.
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I have been considering getting mine pierced for about a month. I saw my friend get hers done. She has a really high pain tolerance but she said that it hurt a lot. I am leaning toward getting them done though...
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Waterfall
I have been considering getting mine pierced for about a month. I saw my friend get hers done. She has a really high pain tolerance but she said that it hurt a lot. I am leaning toward getting them done though...
For pain and stuff... I beleive it is called "Emla Patch/Cream" it is a prescribed do-dah that you apply to the skin to numb it to take away the pain. I am looking into trying to get some to finish off my ankle tattoo as he has to go over the tendon and that is going to hurt!!

I am not too worried about the pain in my nipples though. I am more worried about enjoying it too much!!!
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by TheSinDoll
I have mine pierced and I love the way they look. I love nipple play and some torture but I'm one of the few who really can't tell a difference in sensitivity.
How long have you had yours done? And how did you treat them once they were done?
Contributor: Linga Linga
I have my nipples done twice, vertical and horizontal and I love them. My favourite piercings by far!
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
Originally posted by Woman China
As I mentioned in the original post, I am looking for feedback on women who have their nipples peirced.

I do not plan on having children, but I am not excluding it. And am curious about the effects of nipple pericings are when it comes to ... more
I had my done about 9 years ago and loved them - I took them out when my son was born so that I could breastfeed. I had absolutely NO problems. I did notice that a bit of milk would come out where the piercing was, but that was never an issue.
My nipples are still sensitive, never had any problems with decreased sensitivity.
They never set off a metal detector - and there were no complications.
I never had them catch on anything.... well except that one time I was wearing rings and my bf was wearing barbells in his... ouchie.
I tried to put them back in after my son stopped breastfeeding... the left one was perfect but the right one did not cooperate... I might get it repierced one day.
If you do get them done, wear a supportive bra and do NOT accidentally knee yourself in the tit while in the bathtub. another ouchie.

Edit: getting them done did NOT hurt as much as getting my industrials.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I have mine done horizontally, and haven't found that they really did anything one way or the other for sensitivity. I had no complications from mine, and they don't catch on my bra like, ever. I've had problems with the loofah in the shower, but never really with my bra. I wear barbells in mine, and haven't ever had any problems setting off metal detectors at the airport, at least not that these have caused, lol.

I'm also curious about the breastfeeding, as I do plan on having kids in the future. And I'm also a little curious if anybody else with theirs done has any problems still making crusties. They don't hurt or anything, but they never stopped making them. They clean off real easy, s their not a problem, but I am curious. (Sorry for the thread-jacking )
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
I think it does look pretty, but it looks so painful.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Don't have mine pierced, but I know someone who does, and he says it feels pretty nice, though he was a bit out of it when he originally got it pierced.
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
I got mine done a few months ago. They've yet to heal, but that's because I play with them any time they get better. It's my own fault and I need to do better. They only get caught on my bra if I take it off sloppily under my shirt. Playing with them feels great and they have made my nipples more sensitive.

You can breastfeed with them, but I've never had kids so I can't give too much first hand advice on that one.

My left nipple didn't hurt until the jewelry was in. My right one was the most painful thing I've ever gotten done, but it's crooked and got stuck halfway through. It was still bearable. Am I missing anything?

PS, don't walk through beaded curtains topless with pierced nipples. Horrifying.
Contributor: ninaspinkturtle ninaspinkturtle
Originally posted by Woman China
I have been thinking about getting my nipples peirced... and curious to get feedback from people who have considered, or have gotten them peirced.
my boyfriend wont let me but i would love to get mine pierced
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
I had mine pierced and absolutely loved them. I'm thinking of getting them done again.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Woman China
I have been thinking about getting my nipples peirced... and curious to get feedback from people who have considered, or have gotten them peirced.
I am considering it but I still believe mine are too small
Contributor: PinkPedal PinkPedal
I got mine pierced for my 20th birthday and loved them but now that Ive had them for a year they seem to get infected a lot and no matter what I do theres always a smell . . . I'm growing to no like them any more.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
I would, but I'm too chicken.
Contributor: lovebugg lovebugg
I want mine done, but my husband is against it
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
I think they look amazing and I have considered it, but I don't think I would be brave enough to do it for real.
Contributor: lemony lemony
I would consider it if I wasn't afraid of the complications if it gets infected or is performed incorrectly. I'd rather not lose feeling over something.
Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
I wouldnt do this owwww.
Contributor: Taylor Von Taylor Von
I had one done, not for very long and I took it out. I lost some sensitivity in that nipple.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
I don't like the way it looks enough to put myself through the pain I can imagine it causing.
Contributor: beautifulpierced beautifulpierced
i loved my nipple rings, i had double nipple piercings.i loved the sensation, other than the piercing it self, when i got two sometimes the jewelry would rub together inside the piercing and i could feel it, it made my nipples hard out of no where... i used curved barbells and absolutely loved them, id still have them if it wasn't for getting pregnant and taking them out. Needless to say i should have taken them out before i actually had my baby because when milk came in and they were out i felt like a sprinkler
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
I think it looks very sexy, but I'd never consider it for my self. Ouch!!
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I've been toying with the idea of getting mine done. Hubby has really been into nipple play here lately. I think it's very sexy.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'd like to have it done, but The Man says no. I've been toying with the idea of getting a triangle piercing (it's a genital piercing behind the clitoral stalk, using an angled barbell) but, I have to find the right person, so they don't break anything. He thinks labial piercings are "weird" and I like them. But, with some of the toys we use, I don't know if they'd be a good idea for us.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Jul!a
I have mine done horizontally, and haven't found that they really did anything one way or the other for sensitivity. I had no complications from mine, and they don't catch on my bra like, ever. I've had problems with the loofah in the ... more
Nipple piercings don't effect breastfeeding. BUT, you will have to take the jewelry out, until the baby is weaned. Sometimes the hole closes. The longer you've had the piercing, the less likely the hole is to close.

I had a client whom I told to take the jewelry out, and she did, but she put fishing line in to keep the hole open (and she didn't tell me.) One day she was feeding the baby, and looked down and the baby had swallowed the fishing line! She called me in panic! It was a horrifying 6 to 8 hour wait for that fishing line to come out in the diaper, but it did. She just let them alone after that.

You are really feeding too often to be putting the jewelry in and out, plus you'll be sore enough during the pregnancy that you'll probably want to take them out.

As for "crusties" it depends. Again on how long you've had them pierced and whether they have gone through a milk ductile or not. Some women have some milk leaking out, others don't. There's no way to know until you do it. If it leaks, you wear nursing pads, it isn't a big deal.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
I'd never do it myself! I don't mind them on other people, but they don't really do much for me.