Monthly Breast Examinations

Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Blinker
When my boyfriend is around, he handles my boobs enough for both of us, and he would more readily notice anything weird than I would. I get the standard exam when I go in for my yearly PAP, and my gyno always asks "Have you been checking your ... more
Not true - as a man I do a lot of breast play - but I'm not looking for trouble. Frequent careful breast self-examination is just as important as annual PAP tests. Check out P'Gell's link and be you're own best friend!
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Not true - as a man I do a lot of breast play - but I'm not looking for trouble. Frequent careful breast self-examination is just as important as annual PAP tests. Check out P'Gell's link and be you're own best friend!
Makes sense to me!
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I just had mine!

*Demands a cookie!!* lol
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Illusional
I just had mine!

*Demands a cookie!!* lol

That's great - remember it's all about repetition. The whole concept is to be aware of what has changed since your last exam. Keep track on paper, memories are unreliable.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Illusional
I just had mine!

*Demands a cookie!!* lol


Good girl!
Contributor: Hannah Savage Hannah Savage
P'Gell! Will you be my breast friend? (Ho ho, I made a funny)

Mine, more often than not, are rather tender to touch. Like a sore muscle needing a massage--that painful pleasure. Sometimes they are so sore that I avoid touching them altogether. So... I have been lacking on my breast exams, a lot.

I once went to a museum in Boston where they had a display for breast exams, and you could feel these 3 different breasts that had lumps in them. It would tell you which lumps were cancer and which weren't. It was very interesting. Unfortunately there were a ton of people around the display so I couldn't really get the feel for it.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
i don't actively set aside time to them, but i play with them often enough or my boyfriend does that we would notice a difference if one were to occur.
Contributor: null null
I know I'm supposed to, but I never have. My gyno's never actually shown me how, but I probably wouldn't do them on my own anyway. I'm so healthy :/
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Honestly I'm a bit shocked by the ambivalence of the women on the site, who by all measures are very 'body aware'.

Every athlete is running around in pink this month - every other fund-raiser is for breast cancer because this Breast Cancer Awareness month.

But so many of the women on this pole just think you're too healthy to bother.

12% of you are wrong - it's not a huge number - nor is it insignificant. Simple preventative measures are your best protection - not your boy friend fondling your breasts.

Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
I don't do it as often as I should, seeing as cancer runs in my family, but I do so about every few months or so. I should probably start monitoring them more though. :/
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Honestly I'm a bit shocked by the ambivalence of the women on the site, who by all measures are very 'body aware'.

Every athlete is running around in pink this month - every other fund-raiser is for breast cancer because this ... more
That is "it wont happen to me" syndrome. (I am not trying to be rude or insult, just saying). Many women (or men for that matter for whatever other health concern) figure it wont happen to them, or once every 12 months is good enough when the Doc does it.

I was in that boat. We all have been at some point in our lives. I was young and meh. I had better things to do than check my breasts. Then my mom was diagnosed and you want to bet that set me for a reality check. Now I do not have a specific day of the month that I check mine, I am forever checking them. Either in the shower, lying in bed, whatever. Hell sometimes I am feeling them sitting here reading reviews. It is really not that hard to incorporate into your life. Once you read up on what you are doing its rather easy and can be done while you relax at night.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Jobthingy
That is "it wont happen to me" syndrome. (I am not trying to be rude or insult, just saying). Many women (or men for that matter for whatever other health concern) figure it wont happen to them, or once every 12 months is good enough when ... more
For sure. Some people think, "If I don't think about it, it won't happen to me." Similar to young people (or older ones) who refuse to buy birth control, thinking if they buy it "It means I'm looking for sex." Then they get pregnant or diseases.

It takes 10 or 15 minutes a MONTH! It could save your life. Having your partner feel you up during sex is NOT a substitute for real, concentrated breast exams you do yourself. He or she is not looking for lumps, they are horny and getting you off and getting off themselves. Although My Man loves to play with my breasts, I never consider his daily Boob Grabbing to be a substitute for a real breast exam. Not only does he not do the same things that are required for a breast exam (he's trying to get me to COME, while doing other things, he isn't paying attention to the entire breast, or the texture or going all around to check for lumps, he's PLAYING) he doesn't really know what to look for.

Fifteen minutes a month. That's all it takes. If you get good at it, maybe shorter than that. It CAN save your life.

Off soapbox now.

I boobies.

I actually have a silicone bracelet which says this. One of my daughters got it from the place she works at. I wore it to the Exam, when I did my 15 year re-take of my Lactation Consultant Board and everybody loved it. I saw one on one of the contributors in one of her Video reviews. I can't remember who. They are white or black silicone bracelets that say "I boobies" or something similarly. It always gets comment and makes people think. Also the couple of bucks I paid for it goes for breast cancer research and treatment.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I sort of do it. I have to push my arms forward at work a lot so my chest muscles get very tight and get little knots and trigger points in them. So I massage my chest all the time (like 3-4 times a week) with pretty firm pressure to try and loosen up my muscles. I like to think with that much attention it'd be pretty hard to miss if I got a lump or something.
Contributor: rdytogo rdytogo
It isn't on my calendar to check every month, but when I remember, which is usually about once a month I will check.
Contributor: Not here Not here
I don't have a schedule for it, but I definitely touch my breasts enough to be well aware if there were any issues. I've also had a yearly gyno exam since I was 18, so I'm confident in my awareness level. Definitely a good thing to be in tune with your body.

Two of my aunts, not blood relation, had breast cancer so it is something that I am always aware of. One of them had both removed, and the other was able to keep both breasts. It doesn't run in my family though, but it did hit close to home.

And P'Gell, that's awesome that you have one of those bracelets! I want one, too. Or a Save the Ta-Tas bumper sticker
Contributor: joja joja
I'm in a low-risk group (under 40, doesn't run in family), so I pretty much never check.
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
My wife has a little door hang card from the doctor, and when she completes her breast exam on the Monday during her period, she will remove the dot for that month.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
I check myself regularly and thanks to this I found a fibroadenoma a month ago. I had it removed and am really happy I found it so early! It happened to be of the rare type, which has a 10% potential of turning into cancer in the future.
I'm only 21.
So those who don't examine themselves, please, do!
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I do them myself.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I don't have a specific date marked down, but I check them regularly. I have pretty dense breast tissue, and when I first started checking them, the texture would freak me out. But now I know what's normal for me, so I'd recognize a change. My adoptive aunt had breast cancer 2 years ago, and even sent me a breast self exam kit. If I didn't remember to check them, she'd be reminding me! It's so easy to do, takes just a few minutes, and isn't unpleasant at all. I love my breasts and want to keep them healthy.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Not on a regular basis but going to take care of this right now! I appreciate the reminder, all you guys are great!
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
my mom has had it and supposedly has 3 out of the 5 'breast cancer genes' they tested her for. so chances are one of the 3 of us daughters will be very predisposed to it. i used to check but it just freaked me out.

i'm going to mind over matter until it becomes an issue.
Contributor: thebest thebest
i forget to
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
please vote for my breast cancer awareness video by clicking the link then clicking like at the bottom of the video. thank you.
Contributor: RedGoddess RedGoddess
Originally posted by Jobthingy
Do you all check regularly?

Before my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer I did not very often. Now i try to be a little more diligent about it.
I should be checking more often than not, but i do not check routinely (same time every month), but i do often feel my breast for irregularities.
My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer x2.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I do them all the time. Way more than once a month. I know to make sure that it is after period, I do them all the time.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
My mother died of breast cancer when I was only 7, so I've checked mine religiously, twice a month (at ovulation and after my period). I've demonstrated how to do it to all of my female friends, and when I was with my ex, taught him how to do them.

I don't know that self-exams would have helped my mother much, since she metastasized very quickly (was diagnosed when I was 5). But I take my breast health extremely seriously.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I actually don't self examine, although I do go to the doctor and have it done along with my PAP. I actually do not do it because, although I know this is controversial, most of the smaller lumps or those that are in deeper sections of tissue are very easy to miss. On top of that, a lot of physicians are advising that they may be a waste of time, because by the time you notice one, it will already be at a stage where you should be in treatment. Most of the larger lumps apparently turn out to be cysts or fatty tissue collections.

I haven't neglected to self-examine because of this, but I just never felt it necessary. If I notice any changes or concerns I would just consult a physician anyway. So I never bothered.

But, I don't see where it could cause any harm in others doing it, so feel 'em up, ladies
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Originally posted by joja
I'm in a low-risk group (under 40, doesn't run in family), so I pretty much never check.
Don't want to sound alarmist, but it didn't run in my mother's family either, and she was 39 when she was diagnosed.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Peggi
I actually don't self examine, although I do go to the doctor and have it done along with my PAP. I actually do not do it because, although I know this is controversial, most of the smaller lumps or those that are in deeper sections of tissue ... more
Actually most breast cancers are found by self exams. Women often notice changes before their yearly or bi-yearly mammogram. And many small lumps are simply not metastasis at all.

If you saw how quickly the techs who read mammos go through their work, you may not have such faith in the dedication of lesser paid echelons of the medical profession. They are the people who will find or miss a ready-to-see or difficult to see tumor. Often, you feel it before and in between mammos. Plus, too many mammos can also predispose you to cancers of all kinds.