living with your abuser after the abuse. TRIGGER WARNING.

Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
i'm posting this just trying to see if anyone has similar experiences and-or advice.

my father was very physically and emotionally abusive when i was a kid. i've blocked out alot of the things that happened. tonight i was speaking with my younger sister, who is really the only person i can talk to about it with, though we rarely talk about it. my mother denies it ever happened, and denied it during it. my older sister would never admit it either, and would accuse me of being psychotic if i brought it up.

my baby sis revealed to me some things i never knew that were even more shocking. it stirred up alot of old emotions.

once i moved out of the house at 18 things got much better between me and my parents. he never hit me again. the mental abuse slowed to a screeching, as i could simply get in my car and leave when he started being an asshole. also, by heading to college and meeting new people who treated eachother as normal individuals, his behavior to me seemed so radical and abnormal, i became stronger towards it.

nowadays i have tried to mend my relationship with my parents. they were still very controlling of my behavior until i was financially free of them. they're incredibly manipulative and love to guilt trip me.

i really want them in my life. i go back and forth between trying to mend things and simply mourning the loss of the relationship that could never be.

i've also recently sought counseling, for it has finally began to surface that i very well may have completely blocked out sexual abuse by my father. this has been coming out for years but i've been in denial. things are coming to a head.

my question is, have any of you ever had to keep your abuser in your life? is it possible to fix the relationship? have you ever confronted the abuser and laid out on the table all the things that hurt you, and given them a chance to say they're sorry?

i tried 2 years ago to do what i'd wanted to since i was 12. block them out forever.

i moved to italy on the pretense of a self discovering journey. deep down i know it was to escape my parents. my oppressive, manipulative, mind fucking family.

they guilt tripped me constantly while i was gone. i came home. and they ignore me. it really fucking sucks.

my extended family is pretty close. i know for me it would not break my heart to simply cut them out. forever.

it would be so much easier if i could simply see them as completely good intentioned, or completely malicious. either make up or write them off.

what to do?

thanks for listening.
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Contributor: indiglo indiglo
"my question is, have any of you ever had to keep your abuser in your life? is it possible to fix the relationship? have you ever confronted the abuser and laid out on the table all the things that hurt you, and given them a chance to say they're sorry?"

I never had to keep that person in my life, and I never tried to fix the relationship or confront them about it. I did, however, keep someone in my life who knew something was going on, but blocked it out and stayed in denial because it was too difficult for them to deal with. These are all such personal choices, it's very hard to say what's best for any particular situation.

I'm so proud of you for choosing to start counseling, that is a HUGE step and I hope you will be able to explore some of these questions more thoroughly with your therapist.

I watched a documentary a while back called "Awful Normal" (if you search for it you should be able to find it online, I think I watched it on Netflix, but maybe Documentary Heaven might have it as well). It chronicles the journey of a young woman, and her sister, who were molested during childhood, and whose parents were also in denial about it. She decides to look up and confront the abuser, and along the way many other secrets come out. The ending isn't necessarily full of resolution, but it does chronicle her personal journey in dealing with this.

The most important thing is to figure out what exactly you want to accomplish with the confrontation, and to more or less know how you will feel if everything (or anything) is denied resolutely to your face. You may need to do some confronting to further your healing process, or you may not. Whatever you decide will be the right answer for you. I wish you peace and strength in your journey.
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
I wish I had a solution for you. In my family, my mother is/was the abuser. After many years of trying to work things out, I finally just shut her out of my life. Like you, I got the guilt trips and emotional abuse. I tried many times, but finally gave up on trying to reconcile things with her.

Indiglo's advice is really good. Try to get your feelings out in the open and let them know how you really feel. Be honest, and make yourself heard. I also applaud the fact that you are getting counseling. Professional advice will serve you well. I can only offer my own experience, and that didn't turn out so well.

I really hope things work out better for you. I know this doesn't really help you, but I know what you're going through. For me, it boiled down to a choice: live with the abuse or leave the abuser. I had to leave. I know I'm better off now, but it sucks that we couldn't work it out.

You have my sympathy and support, and I hope the best for you.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Oh hun, I'm so sorry that you had to suffer like that! I was molested multiple times as a child by people very close to me( a male and a female). Then, I was raped again as a teenager by a stranger.

My relationship with the persons that hurt me is non-existent. I just don't have the desire or willpower to be close to people who knowingly hurt me and knew it was wrong. You are very brave for talking about your abuse, and I applaud you for seeking professional help over these issues.

Your intentions are very good for wanting to reestablish a proper relationship with your parents, but if they aren't willing to fess up to what they did and go the extra distance to reconnect with you, then it is something that you cannot force. I really wish I had a good answer for you, but I'm afraid I do not.

I am so sorry and I hope you get the proper support you need and deserve. You can PM me anytime if you ever want to talk; it really does help talking to people who've been through similar issues.

It is such a shame how so many of us here have been abused, but at least we all have each other for support.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Just so everyone knows, I've removed the spam thread and the responses to it. Why did I remove your replies? Because without the spam post to provide context, your posts will just look weird.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I spammed that fucker to!

Anyhow, My sister and I were sexually abused by my grandfather. Who actually sexually abused my mother, so yes I do have some kind of experience with this. Actually he was the only grand parent who gave a damn about me. However I would never ever want to fix anything unless it was his funeral(not that I want to put him there).

Family issues like this can be hard to decide what to do. You have to decide if you want to see him. If you want a relationship with your mother who chooses to deny what she knows is true.

I know that it is going to be hard, however really I think that it is unhealthy to try to fix anything or have anything to do with such a family. I forgave my mother for what she did. In all fairness she knew full damn well what he did to her, it was only a matter of time before it happened to us. However my mother has no contact now with her father as do neither of us. He tries to write us letters saying how GOD has saved him and BLAHBLAH whatever I do not want to hear it and neither do any of us.

I think it would be healthier for you to leave him out of your life and if that means cutting off your family because they choose his side over yours. Then they are not very good family and you can make a better one.

Good luck in you choice. *Hugs* Lots of love to you I know it is hard choice to make!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by gone77
Just so everyone knows, I've removed the spam thread and the responses to it. Why did I remove your replies? Because without the spam post to provide context, your posts will just look weird.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by gone77
Just so everyone knows, I've removed the spam thread and the responses to it. Why did I remove your replies? Because without the spam post to provide context, your posts will just look weird.
Thanks a bunch! I'm applaud you for taking care of the spammer in such a timely manner! I so love this community! You rule Kristi!
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Beck
First of all, LMAO at spamming that asshole! Kudos to ya!

Secondly, I'm sorry that you were hurt too, beck! *HUGS* It seems that lots of us here have been through such atrocities, yet we're all here being strong and getting on with our lives! Yay us! It is nice to know that we can all just talk about these horrible things and get support from each other. I'm learning. People in this community are so encouraging, I wish I had a support network over here, but I'm afraid I don't.

Overall, I agree with what you said: It's just one of those things that it is probably best to cut those people out of your life, no matter how unfortunate it is.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
First of all, LMAO at spamming that asshole! Kudos to ya!

Secondly, I'm sorry that you were hurt too, beck! *HUGS* It seems that lots of us here have been through such atrocities, yet we're all here being strong and getting on with ... more
Thanks *hugs* to you also, it is unfortunate that people do these things!However I refuse to let that ruin my life!
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
Thanks a bunch! I'm applaud you for taking care of the spammer in such a timely manner! I so love this community! You rule Kristi!
Thanks! I'm happy to help.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i'm posting this just trying to see if anyone has similar experiences and-or advice.

my father was very physically and emotionally abusive when i was a kid. i've blocked out alot of the things that happened. tonight i was speaking with ... more
I had to cut my abusers out of my life for the sake of my son has never even met them. Sometimes you have to decide whether you love yourself enough to walk away from abuse. It is seductive and family abusers trade on the whole 'you have to love me because I am family' wheeze...problem is you do.
Do I ache for my parents? Sure I do, but I don't miss the guilt trips, interference in my marriage/partnerships, the negative feedback and outright nastiness a bit. I am not the cause of their troubles and I can't be the cure.
Confrontation only works when there is a sincere desire to move on, this rarely happens though. It is hard to break a lifetime of habits and thought patterns and I have found abusive people are weirdly invested in making YOU change even if that change is actually bad for everyone involved.
Get yourself mentally and emotionally well and let go of the crutch of needing abuse to feel validated, trust me I am not attacking with that statement I am empathising....I have these same feelings but I realize they stem from a feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with me and I need my parents approval/love/support. The real truth is they are sick and need time and/or distance to get themselves well. You and I can neither cure them nor provide comfort so we shouldn't try. All we can do is make sure we break the cycle and let healing begin inside ourselves.
You are an amazing person and you can be the parent for yourself that you need.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Beck
Thanks *hugs* to you also, it is unfortunate that people do these things!However I refuse to let that ruin my life!
I try to not let it ruin me, but at times it gets really hard, especially since I don't really have anyone here to talk to about it. I live around a lot of people who don't understand and have the whole "Blame the Victim" philosophy, so a lot of my recovery was kind of just willpower and some counseling when I finally got to college.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I had to cut my abusers out of my life for the sake of my son has never even met them. Sometimes you have to decide whether you love yourself enough to walk away from abuse. It is seductive and family abusers trade on the whole 'you ... more
Wonderfully said!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
I try to not let it ruin me, but at times it gets really hard, especially since I don't really have anyone here to talk to about it. I live around a lot of people who don't understand and have the whole "Blame the Victim" ... more
I know what you mean. I have to keep track of my grandfather. I get email updates to find out where he lives. (Since he is registered) I find that whenever I look at him I remember and sometimes things that are said to me and smells remind me. However since I live 20min away from him, I find it important to know where he is. It really is hard! Counseling did help me some, I found that my will power was more helpful.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I had to cut my abusers out of my life for the sake of my son has never even met them. Sometimes you have to decide whether you love yourself enough to walk away from abuse. It is seductive and family abusers trade on the whole 'you ... more
Wow, I applaud you because that was very well said! I am terribly sorry that you were abused, too. Such a shame that so many of us had to suffer through this shit, but it's good to see that you're moving on with your life and protecting your family.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Beck
I know what you mean. I have to keep track of my grandfather. I get email updates to find out where he lives. (Since he is registered) I find that whenever I look at him I remember and sometimes things that are said to me and smells remind me. ... more
I was so afraid to report my abusers, so I'm glad that you reported him. I know so much about the people who hurt me as a child and their lives now. I guess it was because I was 6 when they started to hurt me, so it is kind of understandable why I didn't say anything. I was really confused back then. As for the random asshole that raped me when I was in high school, I saw on the news a few years ago that he went to prison for robbing some people at gunpoint, so he's out of the way. I just wish I pressed charges against him, but I was so ashamed.

It really is hard! I totally agree that willpower was way more helpful. My counselor, she just wanted to know every little detail and that just really scared me. I know she meant well, but it just felt really awkward to me. I still do have nightmares about the abuse to this day, too. Certain smells trigger memories of the abuse for me as well. I guess it isn't uncommon after all.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
I was so afraid to report my abusers, so I'm glad that you reported him. I know so much about the people who hurt me as a child and their lives now. I guess it was because I was 6 when they started to hurt me, so it is kind of understandable why ... more
There is a reason she wants details and it isnt prurient interest, she wants you to experience the abuse in a safe setting again so that the impact is lessened when you have flashbacks. Its a pretty common technique and one of the most hurts though and you have to have an amazing level of trust in your counselor though regardless of your trust level if you allow yourself to simply answer the questions it WILL help.
I have zero trust in just about everyone and that went DOUBLE for my counselor (I am honest enough that I told her and she explained what she was trying to achieve) whom I believed was judging me and "siding" with my parents.....ya I have guilt issues as well!
Anyhow TALK about the abuse and the triggers to memory and they lose their impact. You have to unfreeze the memories so that you control the flow.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
There is a reason she wants details and it isnt prurient interest, she wants you to experience the abuse in a safe setting again so that the impact is lessened when you have flashbacks. Its a pretty common technique and one of the most ... more
I think my issue was that I didn't trust my counselor at all. I've had bad experiences with lots of them, but I am still looking for one that I can at least feel comfortable talking to about all this stuff. Hey, I have lots of trust issues, too, since you can never really be too careful these days. Most the people who've hurt me have been really close, so I'm always suspicious.

You're definitely right though! Even talking about some of this stuff in the forums makes me feel a bit stronger. Thank you for the great advice!
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i'm posting this just trying to see if anyone has similar experiences and-or advice.

my father was very physically and emotionally abusive when i was a kid. i've blocked out alot of the things that happened. tonight i was speaking with ... more
Well you can reach out and say you want a good relationship and try but if the other party isnt willing,which obviously they arent they are acting horribly. I think you need to move on with your life and let your heart heal and not be torn. You keep giving,pouring your cup and their cup is dried up and empty...Cut them out of your life until they have REALLy changed maybe once in a great while sit down and have a meeting with them and as soon as they act like their old selves LEAVE asap.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
I was so afraid to report my abusers, so I'm glad that you reported him. I know so much about the people who hurt me as a child and their lives now. I guess it was because I was 6 when they started to hurt me, so it is kind of understandable why ... more
I had to report him, he was living on my parents sofa! He only did 6years, very unfair. When ever he moves into an area since his crime was PWA(Pre Adam Walsh Act) no one had to be notified when he moves into the area. Which is bull, He is most likely living next door to children. Makes me angry to think what he could be doing. I know he started so young with me and my sister that it is beyond disgusting!

I was also date raped when I was in high school. I reported him, however they did nothing. Really was my fault because I did not report it soon enough. It was just me saying he did it. I check on facebook to see what the hell he is up too. I have not heard that he has done that to anyone else. However he very well may of.

If I ran into my grandfather I am not even sure how I would react. I have to avoid shopping in the nicer area of town because he lives right down the street. I refuse to let him even know I have a family. I do not want him to see my babies.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Beck
I had to report him, he was living on my parents sofa! He only did 6years, very unfair. When ever he moves into an area since his crime was PWA(Pre Adam Walsh Act) no one had to be notified when he moves into the area. Which is bull, He is most ... more
That's just appalling! Only 6 years for all the trauma he's caused?! I swear sex offenders get off way too damn easily. It sucks that it was before AWA was implemented! It's terrifying how he can easily have access to more children, yet it seems like you are the only one keeping track of him, when the authorities should help out with that, IMO!

How horrible! I don't blame you for the police not catching him; it's so traumatizing when you get abused AGAIN. I was in shock that another completely unrelated person raped me in high school, too. You are so brave for at least attempting to get him in trouble. I really commend you for that, since it's one of my greatest regrets in my life; I really wish I did say something about it back when I had the chance. I really hope that the date raping asshole gets what's coming to him! It is very possible that he hurt someone else who isn't saying anything .

I avoid shopping in the areas where my abusers live by, too. I don't know what I would do if I encountered them in person, either. Good on you for not letting him near your family! Your little ones deserve better than a great grandfather like that!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm so sorry this happened to you Alice (and the rest who have suffered.) I think working with your therapist and taking his or her advice about how to deal with this is the best tactic.

The man who abused me was the father of my best friend. I didn't have much contact with him as I got older, and I never had to live with him. I had nightmares about this man until I was in my late 20s. (The abuse happened when I was around 9 over several months, maybe longer.)

I have dealt with the issue, have come to peace and no longer allow him to occupy space in my mind, my heart or my life.

Your situation is different, as your family won't admit to the abuse. IMO, talking to your therapist is the best way to handle it.

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
I was so afraid to report my abusers, so I'm glad that you reported him. I know so much about the people who hurt me as a child and their lives now. I guess it was because I was 6 when they started to hurt me, so it is kind of understandable why ... more
I am very suspicious of counselors who need to know every detail of the abuse or who want to focus ONLY on the abuse. These counselors need... counseling. I don't agree that abreaction (experiencing the fear and feelings of the abuse all over again) have any place in the therapeutic venue. Therapy can certainly focus in some ways on the abuse, but hyper-focusing on the abuse is not to the benefit of the person seeking help. I know we may have to agree to disagree about this.

The therapists who helped me with this issue did Gestalt therapy, and the abuse was part of many things I worked on. They also focused on many other things other than the abuse, and that was to my benefit. I was never asked for details and I didn't feel I needed to give great detail. I feel they did the right thing in a therapeutic venue.

The work I did made me a stronger person in full. I do not consider myself either a "victim" nor am I a "survivor" as it's basically the same thing. I am just me, and the abuser did NOT make me who I am, nor contribute nor detract from who I am. I refuse to give him that distinction and place of focus in my adult life. It was something that happened to me not who I am.

I needed and wanted to move beyond the abuse, and it was BY FAR not the most interesting thing that ever happened to me, nor something I wanted to spend years discussing, nor is it my identity. It was dealt with well, but efficiently. Then I moved on and LIVED!

I have moved on fully and experience life to the fullest and rarely think of the abuse at all anymore. I don't think that would be the case if I had been forced to go through every single feeling again. I DID have a few abreations, but it happened spontaneously, it was not brought on by therapeutic methods.

As you can see, people have some pretty strong feelings on this issue, and we may not all agree on the best therapy. But, perhaps we all need something slightly different to heal.

The person who hurt me no longer has ANY hold on me or my life. That is the end result of quality therapy, as far as my life is concerned.

My therapists worked to help me deal with the issue and the best thing was I moved on and now live fear free!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
That's just appalling! Only 6 years for all the trauma he's caused?! I swear sex offenders get off way too damn easily. It sucks that it was before AWA was implemented! It's terrifying how he can easily have access to more children, yet ... more
It really is appalling!

It really is hard to go to the police and talk about. Let alone having to do it twice in my life. It really is ridiculous that people like this get anyway with some of the things they do.

I am at peace with what happened to me. However I can never bring myself to forgive them. I feel as if these kinds of things are unforgivable.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I had to cut my abusers out of my life for the sake of my son has never even met them. Sometimes you have to decide whether you love yourself enough to walk away from abuse. It is seductive and family abusers trade on the whole 'you ... more
I relate to most of this and agree. When it comes to abusers that you can't easily "cut out" of your life, it gets complicated. It's easy to get locked into patterns of abuse and not even see it. Even if you do recognize it, how do you escape? If you don't know your abuser it is very easy to villainize them. People that are close to you, well, you realize their complexity. You remember the abuse, but you also remember the good times. You love your family, and of course, you may cling to those good times.

To be honest, I'm not one to offer advice. I still seek both of my parents' approval relentlessly, though I try to kid myself about it. No matter how many times I am hurt by them, I continue to seek that approval. And yes, I recall all of the wonderful things they've shared with me and allow those memories to eclipse the very, very real damage they have caused and continue to cause.

I am still struggling to create boundaries in my familial relationships. To find a way to love them and honor them while still protecting myself. I think everyone has to find a strategy and a balance that is right for them. As P'Gell said, it'll be different for everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that. I want you to know that I really, really feel for you. Hell, do you Skype? Maybe we could chat or instant message or email if it sounds like something you'd be into. I can't offer you definite solution, but I can at least nod my head while you speak and tell you honestly that I understand.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I made the choice 3 weeks after my 25th birthday to hang up on my father one day while he was screaming at me on the phone at my office. That was the last time I spoke to him (actually second to last...he called to tell me my grandfather was dying a year or so later but it was a 2 sentence conversation). He is incredibly charming and financially generous...he has to be to cover up the level of clinical sociopath and honestly just the manipulative abusive monster that he is.

My father was physically abusive on and off while I was a child and I have blocked most of that out. I remember him holding me up by my throat against a window while he was throwing me out of his house once -why? because he found out I 'let' my boyfriend at the time hit me and he was ashamed of his daughter being so weak. Crazy much? But I personally find physical abuse heals better and faster for me though than the emotional scars he left behind. Those are the ones I'm still dealing with. He could twist any situation or conversation around to make him the good or right one, manipulate me into whatever he wanted, and basically just used me as a trophy daughter when convenient; an emotional and mental whipping post when inconvenient. Twenty-five years of not being good enough, being called fat, stupid, worthless, and a constant disappointment (none of which I was) were simply enough one day. I'd spent three periods of time away from him previously and in that time, saw how 'normal' people function in a healthy relationship through my mom and her boyfriend (now common law husband). This is probably somewhat like what you experienced when you went to college and were exposed to something different for the first time. But he is my dad and I loved him and because of the mindfuck he'd been pulling my entire life, I still wanted to be accepted and approved of by him - something I know now will NEVER happen. So I repeatedly went back.

And with gifts, false love, and extreme mental manipulation, he'd get me back on 'his' side. Because he needed a child to show off at the time or someone had accused him of being a bad parent and appeasing me was his way of showing them up. He always had to be in control of everything and anything around him which included every facet of my life. He had my phone line in his house tapped when I moved back in for a few months when I was 18, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

He would keep his claws just far enough in me that he could pull guilt trips for things I'd been given or threaten to take things away, but far enough out of reach that I never had a true relationship with him or any actual parental closeness or approval. He's also made threats on me that while they *should* have been reported, I didn't realize HOW wrong what he was doing at the time and I didn't fully understand that he is in fact a severely sociopathic man until later on - meaning I didn't know at the time just how dangerous he was. He cannot see right vs wrong on the same level as healthy people - if he can rationalize something (abuse, crime, etc.) to himself as right, it's right, even though he knows if someone else were to do it, it would clearly be wrong.

The fact that he's in denial of being a raging alcoholic as well doesn't help. My mom actually has told me over the last few years how severe his behavior was because of that when I was younger and I basically have NO recollection of him between the time I was 2 and 10 (the times he was at his worst) meaning it has been blocked out. Occasionally I will remember certain things but my mind clearly doesn't want to deal with it and my mom did her best to protect me from who he was.

I TRIED to keep him in my life. Because he's my father, because in some ways I'm just like him, because I have so little family to begin with, because it seems, culturally, like the right thing to do. I let him back in 3 times, he would swear he'd changed, and within weeks would be back to controlling my life through financial means and manipulating my mind and emotions so that I was too weak or felt too worthless to get away from him.

So on August 20th, 2007, when he was screaming at me telling me I had embarrassed him at MY 25th birthday party where he was falling down drunk and calling my husband's family white trash (btw, the supposed embarrassment was based on the seating arrangements), I yelled back. For the first. time. EVER. While it actually seemed to impact him and his voice quieted down just a bit, he said he'd call me soon and I hung up on him. I figured we'd cool off and go back to this stupid game we play and I'd get a brief break from the abuse until he suckered me back in or until I missed him enough to go back.

But it never happened. He never came back looking for me. He doesn't love me - and that's not a statement based in pity or self-doubt, it's a statement based in psychology - he CAN'T love me. He's not fully capable of such emotions and bonds. And I haven't needed him. Do I miss him? So much some days it hurts. Because until I fully realized what he was and while my mind could push the bad stuff far away from me, I was daddy's little girl. But the freedom is worth it. Time passed, I didn't give it much thought because all of our other 'time outs' had been caused by HUGE fights, slamming doors, etc. but basically as time went on, I got stronger, I moved on, came more into my own and just....lived. Around 27 or so I did make the choice to never go back. Because if I'd gone 2 years and my life was so much less painful and so much less unencumbered by him, there was no reason for me to go back. It was a long overdue decision that I had to come to in my own time, and base partly in logic and partly in emotion. Does he bring good to my life when he's in it? Yes, but very little. Does he bring bad? Very much so. He makes me doubt myself, dislike myself, accept hurt and abuse because he makes it feel deserved. The little bit of positive is so greatly outweighed by the negative that once I spent enough time out of the situation, it was a clear choice. And that is what it was - a choice. I CHOSE to get away from him and everyday, even when I miss my daddy, I CHOOSE to stay away. Because I deserve to be surrounded by love and to feel free and not be hurt in any way by any person - even if genetically I am half of them. Blood only goes so far with me - it's the people that really love you and know you that I now call family.

My guess for you? You'll come to the same point. Whether it is by time and logic, or whether it is by blowout fight and harsh words, one day it will just be ENOUGH. Do I recommend you try to keep him in your life? NO. But I also know that having someone tell you just to get out or get away isn't helpful. Chances are, he will never change. You will never have a healthy or happy relationship, and you will be a happier better stronger person when he's not in your life. But you have to CHOOSE to get there. If you choose to use therapy as an assist, that's great and will help you get there and come to peace with it but they can't make the decision for you.

If you need anything, please feel free to message me. I've been in very similar shoes.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
The most important part is barriers. Set them now, stick to them, and do not allow them to go past them.

As an adult, you have the ability to remove your parents from your life. That can also be your only bargaining chip when it comes to having them in your life in a healthy way.

Remember, always, that you do not deserve to be treated as they have treated you.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Big hugs to all!

I couldn't imagine this happening in my life and I feel those it's happened to.

Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
My sister was my primary abuser. She never sexually abused me, but she has a rage disorder. Whenever she was in a rage, she would beat me, all while telling me it was my fault for being stupid, lazy, fat, worthless, useless, hateful, horrible... When she wasn't in a rage she would either be just the best big sister ever, or she would be horribly controlling and manipulative. She'd either praise me to the heavens as the best kid sister on the planet, or she would subtly imply that I was the most worthless creature who had ever lived, and would try to turn my friends against me. She built up the idea that I was fat over years, even though I was slightly underweight for my stocky build as a child. It definitely contributed to my anorexia.

My stepmother began abusing me emotionally when I hit puberty - she can not stand to have another woman in her house, so she pulled the same shit with her daughter and my sister. Her daughter also became anorexic, and emotionally stunted for a long time - since her mother treated her well when she was a child, she became convinced acting childish into adulthood would be the only thing that could re-earn her mother's love. I've become the favored target, because I'm the dutiful child. I go home every holiday (which none of my siblings have done since their various marriages), do all the cooking, all the clean-up, buy and wrap all the presents for Christmas, and still have to deal with at least one tantrum from her. Like her throwing a stick of butter at me and screaming that I was going to kill my father if I put it into the turkey stuffing. Or her throwing a fit over Christmas dinner, calling me a godless pagan (I'm a Christian), a horrible daughter, a slob (because the kitchen was still a mess after I had spent the entire day cooking, cleaning, and wrapping, with her not having to lift a finger), and that I didn't need to eat dinner anyway, since I'm so disgustingly fat. She began ragging me on my weight more often after it came out that I have an eating disorder, because that's how you help ED sufferers!

I can't cut my sister off, because she is making progress with her medication and her therapist... the last time she visited, she only had one rage/drama spell, and she didn't hit anything. Just told me that I was disgusting and self-centered, which is progress. I got sick from the stress, and her rage evaporated, and she spent the rest of the visit treating me like I was made of cut glass. I can't cut out my stepmother without cutting out my father, and even though he made a terrible choice for a second wife, I love him very much. Thankfully, I have no contact with and no way to contact any of my other abusers - a former nanny, her kids, an ex-friend, my ex-husband...