Today, I discovered that Lelo recently added a menstrual cup to their Intimina line, the "Lily Cup." (I would offer a link, but I've been wrong before regarding what Eden counts as a manufacturer's website, so you'll have to use Google.) While I don't plan on getting one myself (at least not until my Diva Cup needs replacing), I know there's a lot of Lelo fans out there in Edenland, and I figure those of you who either love menstrual cups already or are thinking of getting one might like to try one from a brand you trust.
Thoughts? Opinions? I find the shape of the rim to be particularly interesting. It's meant to prevent spills, which would be a big bonus for those concerned that they'll have trouble getting a cup out mess-free.
Thoughts? Opinions? I find the shape of the rim to be particularly interesting. It's meant to prevent spills, which would be a big bonus for those concerned that they'll have trouble getting a cup out mess-free.