So I know its a touchy subject because some think its okay ,others believe you shouldn't do it.My question is do you?If so how often? Has anyone any problems from douching?
Featured by EdenFantasys
Ladies, do you douche?
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Constructive discussions on Anal douche:
Does everyone douche before anal or using an anal toy or beads?
Anyone weirded out about poo coming out during sex??? :/
Advice on Enemas?
I have never in my life had an enema, and I am totally new to anal play. However, I am seeing a lot of talk of cleaning out and anal douching. I am...
Okay, so what's the big deal about enemas? I don't get it. GF offered to give me one. I'm kinda nervous about it. Sounds kinky, but is it...
Which douche is most effective?
I was looking at some douches and was wondering what's more effective as a general: hand based or shower based? Just genera lack of knowledge...
Difference between an enema and a douche?
I've just heard they both clean you out so what's the differences in them and is one of them safer than the other?
Does everyone douche before anal or using an anal toy or beads?
Anyone weirded out about poo coming out during sex??? :/
Advice on Enemas?
I have never in my life had an enema, and I am totally new to anal play. However, I am seeing a lot of talk of cleaning out and anal douching. I am...
Okay, so what's the big deal about enemas? I don't get it. GF offered to give me one. I'm kinda nervous about it. Sounds kinky, but is it...
Which douche is most effective?
I was looking at some douches and was wondering what's more effective as a general: hand based or shower based? Just genera lack of knowledge...
Difference between an enema and a douche?
I've just heard they both clean you out so what's the differences in them and is one of them safer than the other?
Did it once because I just felt "blah" after my period. Got an unscented one. BIG mistake. I had a HORRIBLE allergic reaction and had to go to the doctor and get an antibiotic . She told me not to do again, like I really needed to be told that, lol!
I don't recommend ANY woman does unless directed by a doctor. I ignored what I read in magazines about how it really isn't necessary or good for you and did it anyway and ended up regretting it.
I don't recommend ANY woman does unless directed by a doctor. I ignored what I read in magazines about how it really isn't necessary or good for you and did it anyway and ended up regretting it.
My husband told me a story about his very first girlfriend. It was that time of the month and everything was slowing down, so she wanted to freshen things up. He said the smell was so sweet, flowery and overpowering that he made her go shower until it was gone. She was embarrassed and I took the message to heart and never tried it.
I had also been warned countless times by my OB/GYNs that douching was a big, big no no and that if I needed to freshen up down there there was likely an underlying medical condition and not just the "state of the union" as it were.
I had also been warned countless times by my OB/GYNs that douching was a big, big no no and that if I needed to freshen up down there there was likely an underlying medical condition and not just the "state of the union" as it were.

Never. My mother did a few times way back when it was the "big" thing to do, I suppose, and it caused her a world of grief. Between her and the doc saying "no," I don't give a damn what the commercials trying to sell me crap say.
I never have and never will.
I think I may have once or twice when I was in college and didn't know any better. Now, never do. Don't even consider it.
I never have and never will douche.
No way.
No way will I EVER douche. It's so bad for you!
Never, Never, Never unless its under medical advise
I use to do it all the time before my complete hysterectomy at age 21. Now I don't feel the need or want. My daughters don't do it either. I told them times have changed since I was young or even your Nana's time so if you feel the need I will take you to the OB/GYN. You need a check anyway because of the cancers in the family.
Originally posted by
So I know its a touchy subject because some think its okay ,others believe you shouldn't do it.My question is do you?If so how often? Has anyone any problems from douching?
I never have and never will. My sister's gotten so many allergic reactions from douching.
I douche every few months and its mainly when I feel blah or before having sex with a new partner. Guess I want the "fresh" feeling but its not often that I do
Never done it. I work at a store that sells douches & we sell a TON of them, though.
no way! I had an ob/gyn tell me they were a bad thing to use
I did a few times after my period, but found out it's bad for you, so I never did it again.
Never have and I never will. My mom used to do it, but I think she wised up. She was a product of the era she grew up in. In those days, douching was touted by advertisers as a hygienic necessity. Women simply didn't know any better.
Yuck! Never ever.
I've heard horror stories which keep me far away from trying it.
Originally posted by
So I know its a touchy subject because some think its okay ,others believe you shouldn't do it.My question is do you?If so how often? Has anyone any problems from douching?
It sounds so awful—why would you put your vagina through that?
Never have and never will. The vagina is self cleaning. If you're really self conscious you can clean inside of it with water, but it's not necessary.
I really don't see a good reason to do it.
Is there a point to douche?
My mother and I were talking of women who douche as she was thinking of douching. I just said, "Ma, you know there is a reason why in today's English we call people who are idiots a "douche"? You know this right?"
She got the hint and did not douche.
I so love my mama. She was almost a douche!!!
My mother and I were talking of women who douche as she was thinking of douching. I just said, "Ma, you know there is a reason why in today's English we call people who are idiots a "douche"? You know this right?"
She got the hint and did not douche.
I so love my mama. She was almost a douche!!!
Noooooo way!!! Never have, never will!
The science on it doesn't support it.
i use to but heard it is not good for you so stoped
I usually did it so that my husband wouldn't feel nasty having sex with me after my period...but I just read up on it, and now I kinda know part of my answer to the reason why I may not get pregnant (this is only from what I read now) but the other parts...I'm already prone to yeast infections, I don't need to make it worse for myself. I quit douching.
No. I would never want to do something with the name "Douching."
Nope, never.
Originally posted by
So I know its a touchy subject because some think its okay ,others believe you shouldn't do it.My question is do you?If so how often? Has anyone any problems from douching?