Hey! I got my IUD in about four weeks ago. The first day sucked, and the first week I was uncomfortable, but overall I was doing pretty well for someone who had never had kids.
Monday I went to an amazing concert, which means I spent 4 hours jumping, being jostled, smushed, and elbowed. Once the adrenaline wore down and everything 24 hours later, I ended up with my usual aches and pains that come from concert-going... But also some uteran discomfort. It's not PAIN, per say, but it almost feels like the first week after I got my IUD in. I haven't had much excess bleeding or anything, just the light spotting I've had since I got it in.
My question is, could I have displaced my IUD? I'm kind of paranoid about it! Could it just have gotten jostled a bit and now is just re-settling in? Have any of you had something like this happen? Should I call my Dr right this instant? Wait? Thanks, guys!
Monday I went to an amazing concert, which means I spent 4 hours jumping, being jostled, smushed, and elbowed. Once the adrenaline wore down and everything 24 hours later, I ended up with my usual aches and pains that come from concert-going... But also some uteran discomfort. It's not PAIN, per say, but it almost feels like the first week after I got my IUD in. I haven't had much excess bleeding or anything, just the light spotting I've had since I got it in.
My question is, could I have displaced my IUD? I'm kind of paranoid about it! Could it just have gotten jostled a bit and now is just re-settling in? Have any of you had something like this happen? Should I call my Dr right this instant? Wait? Thanks, guys!