Informative topic breakdown of Squirting Dildo:
Squirting-Peeing or not?
I am not saying that women can't ejaculate. I know first hand that isn't true, but sometimes the sensation and getting caught up in the moment that I.
Can any woman learn to squirt?
Can any woman learn to squirt? Just wondering cause I have reasearched and have yet to experience the pleasure of squirting.
Do you squirt?
any girls ever have orgasms from this? i hear that some can't have them without. is this true?
Squirting problems - please help!
When I was in high school I was able to squirt a lot. I knew the difference in sensation between squirting an urinating. I was squirting relatively...
My wife squirted for the first time a couple of nights ago. She was shocked at first at how wet everything got and thought the condom broke. Anyone.