Increase breast size with breast massage?

Contributor: loveme loveme
Whenever I have any type of issue with my body is refer to natural, at home remedies or alternative medicine. I have done A LOT of research on how to increase breast size without the surgery. Of course there are the pills, lotions, and things of that sort. The ones that have stood out to me the most is breast enhancement through fat injections, which I have seen very nice results, breast massage, and a way more alternative one, breast enhancement through meditation or self hypnosis. For those of you that know about self hypnosis, you know how it works and that it makes a lot of sense. It has a lot to do with the law of attraction, what you believe you receive. I know, many people truly believe this is bogus! But if you are someone who practices meditation, self hypnosis, or the law of attraction, then you know how real it really is. But the one that definitely stood out to me the most is breast enhancement with breast massage. It makes sense, you massage the area (it has to be a certain way) which increase the blood circulation to your breasts. Plus it has a great benefit, your menstrual flow will be reduced since some of the blood that your body pushes out will instead be drawn to your breasts. I will provide a link for anybody who is interested in seeing for themselves. When I hear about something new that I am interested in, I always make sure to do a good amount of research before getting involved with anything. I have seen nothing but positive reviews and testimonials on this. My question is: has anybody on here tried this, or knows someone who has, and it has worked for them? I barely started doing this. I would love to see what your thoughts on this are..

Breast enlargement with breast massage:


Breast enlargement with hypnosis:

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Contributor: socceras socceras
If you stop the massaging do they go back down to a smaller size?
Contributor: loveme loveme
Originally posted by socceras
If you stop the massaging do they go back down to a smaller size?
You know, I have thought about that. Even though I really doubt it, I am not completely sure. You would have to look into that. I'm sure a simple google search can answer that question. Google can be your best friend!
Contributor: Eugler Eugler
Increasing breast size with hypnosis was proved by Milton Erickson in the late sixties. It works up to a certain limit. I can have a look for the study if you want to.

I read about positive results with massage and vacuum cups but don't know about scientific prove.
Contributor: sexy34 sexy34
My breast have grown even though i lost weight. my boyfriend massages them alot. thank you for the info.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Aside from pregnancy, hormone intake, weight gain or surgery, nothing is going to substantially increase breast size.

None of the "massage" or "hypnosis" studies have ever been able to be recreated by anyone other than the person who first published them, and that, scientifically, is a good reason to stay away from these things.

Anyone can publish one study and "prove" prove whatever they want. Only if the study can be reproduced again, by someone else using the same method is the method considered "proven". And none of these breast growth ideas have that kind of evidence behind them.

Blood flow does not increase either fat deposits or ductal structure. I'm a lactation consultant, I KNOW breasts and their structure. And they are made from little more than fat deposits and milk ducts and some lymph tissue, and none of these can "grow" from massage. If that were the case, people who have a lot of, say, back massages would have HUGE... backs (as their are fat deposits in the back. Backs only grow when the skeletal muscles are exercised.) And that doesn't happen with breasts, they have no skeletal muscle to exercise.

Milk ducts can only be increased by usage which would require lactating. There is no large skeletal muscle in the breast which can be grown through usage. Lymph tissue remains the same size, unless cancer or infection effects it, and fat tissue usually only grows when the entire body gains weight.

Sorry, but there is no science behind any of these breast growth ideas. They aren't based on fact or on the actual structures of the human female breast.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by loveme
Whenever I have any type of issue with my body is refer to natural, at home remedies or alternative medicine. I have done A LOT of research on how to increase breast size without the surgery. Of course there are the pills, lotions, and things of that ... more
The first page is NOT a study, it's conjecture. It's just an article filled with opinion. Here is a quote from the article that proves the writer has no idea what he or she is talking about; Since phytoestrogens travel through the bloodstream, the more blood you have flowing to your breasts... END QUOTE.

Uh, phytoestrogens are PLANT hormones that may mimic very weak NON steroidal estrogens. People's bodies don't make "phytoestrogens&q uot; (Because we're not plants. We make real estrogen, as we are mammals.) And the jury is still out on whether any plant phytoestrogens effect humans, but the most promising and well done studies say plant hormones have NO effect on human functioning and are not taken up or used by the human body as real human hormones.

Also, you'd have to not just massage, but use a breast pump at least 8 to 12 times a day, for weeks on end, and also take a prolactin precurser (like the non-hormonal drugs like Domperidone or Reglan) in order to raise your prolactin levels enough to cause breast growth. But, these only work if you are already lactating. This usually ONLY happens when the woman is already lactating. You can't look at how a lactating breast behaves and extrapolate it to fit into a non-lactating breast, they are two completely different body states.

As for the other article, with a reference to Dr. Willard's hypnosis study, his study has never been been performed and gotten the same results done by anybody else. When only ONE person can get result from a method, that method is almost always suspect.

My nursing training, my lactation education and experience and everything I've learned by years of studying science (and studying how the human breast works) is making my alarm bell rings reading this stuff. This website simply isn't backed by scientific date or the scientific method.

The only drug we know for sure will cause small increases in breast tissue is real estrogen and real progesterone like those found in high dose birth control pills and prescription medications for menopausal symptoms.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by P'Gell
Aside from pregnancy, hormone intake, weight gain or surgery, nothing is going to substantially increase breast size.

None of the "massage" or "hypnosis" studies have ever been able to be recreated by anyone other than the ... more
Thank you so much for saying this, and in such a well-informed, well-structured manner. I love it when someone with a medical background steps in on topics like this.

Back to the OP, on the "what you believe you receive" note, that doesn't really work like this. It's true that mental state can effect health to a degree, but that has more to do with outlook and the chemicals being released by the brain. I could "believe" all I wanted that I could gain naturally blue eyes or grow a few more inches, but it's simply not going to happen. That's genetics, which also play a role in determining the size of your breasts.
Contributor: Eugler Eugler
Breast Development Possibly Influenced by Hypnosis: Two Instances and the Psychotherapeutic Results

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Volume 2, Issue 3, 1960

Stimulation of breast growth by hypnosis

Journal of Sex Research

Volume 10, Issue 4, 1974


Breast Enlargement through Visual Imagery and Hypnosis

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Volume 19, Issue 4, 1977


Hypnotic Stimulation of Breast Growth
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Volume 19, Issue 4, 1977


Breast development through hypnotic suggestion

J Am Soc Psychosom Dent Med. 1969;16(2):58-61.
Contributor: loveme loveme
Originally posted by Rin (aka Nire)
Thank you so much for saying this, and in such a well-informed, well-structured manner. I love it when someone with a medical background steps in on topics like this.

Back to the OP, on the "what you believe you receive" note, that ... more
If you haven't studied the law of attraction, manifestation, meditation, etc., then you simply wouldn't know. People who have practiced these things know it is real. You have no idea the things you are missing out on for not having an open mind. There are alot of things in these areas that are difficult or impossible to be proven scientifically. Personally, I don't rely too much on science. It's about faith, I don't recall a scientist ever seeing god, yet most of us believe he's there. It's about faith. Simple as that.
Contributor: loveme loveme
Originally posted by P'Gell
The first page is NOT a study, it's conjecture. It's just an article filled with opinion. Here is a quote from the article that proves the writer has no idea what he or she is talking about; Since phytoestrogens travel through the ... more
Yes, I don't believe I said they were studies. I said I read plenty of reviews and testimonials. I wouldn't expect this to be scientifically proven, which I understand most people rely on science. Me personally, I don't. Yes, the breast massaging I was and still am a little skeptic about. But like I said about hypnosis and meditation, only the people that study and practice these know that you can achieve almost impossible things by this. I know most don't believe this, which is very unfortunate. Even if you try it, it's not going to work for you if you go into it with a closed mind.
Contributor: loveme loveme
Originally posted by Eugler
Breast Development Possibly Influenced by Hypnosis: Two Instances and the Psychotherapeutic Results

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Volume 2, Issue 3, 1960

Stimulation of breast growth by ... more
Thank you for the links
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
This may be a great way to get your partner to do regular breast massages on you. Give them some info on how it will make your breasts grow. Who cares if it is true is you can get them to massage you?
Contributor: marriedlady123 marriedlady123
Originally posted by P'Gell
Aside from pregnancy, hormone intake, weight gain or surgery, nothing is going to substantially increase breast size.

None of the "massage" or "hypnosis" studies have ever been able to be recreated by anyone other than the ... more
I would love if this was true.....too bad!