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wanting to know if any of you with sexual trauma in your past have had it affect your sex life (I can't imagine it not, at least for me.)
how has it affect your sex life with consenting partners?
how have you tried to overcome
wanting to know if any of you with sexual trauma in your past have had it affect your sex life (I can't imagine it not, at least for me.)
how has it affect your sex life with consenting partners?
how have you tried to overcome it? have you been successful?
any and all information you're willing to share is delicately accepted. thank you so much for sharing on this incredibly difficult subject.
thank you.
Um, ok. *thinks* For me, I also had emotionally abusive/neglectful parents. The motions were there, and criticism but communication wasn't. "you could have anything you ask" but was mentally beaten down to know that asking was futile. Attempts to open up were rejected. I have been sexualized since early childhood, and also have had dreams that woke me upset/crying that were from my point of view, not always with overt sexual content, but with sexual feeling. Anything from being hurt, to the wallpaper pattern hitting me in the face over and over, but it was what was behind me that hurt, and the impression of being very young. Furniture was ID'd as being around age three. Large toys from the receptive point of view provoke the edges of a reaction I have not pinned down yet. Other things happened later as a tween.
It has affected my sex life with partners in that:
1)I will not easily do bondage or the receiving end of S&M except in very specific situations.
2) I have some kind of reenactment issue. Large toys that hurt, thoughts of rough sex with older men of a certain body type/features are frequent and toying then is qualitatively different and darker than when I am "just playing". And I can't come.
I have role issues with other men, overestimate their ages, etc.
Many childhood joys such as holiday specials, etc are depressingI have had to duck into the bathroom when my daughter played a Peanuts or other DVD because I was crying uncontrollably. Other's accounts of abuse are profoundly affecting and depressing in a way that seems linked to the other reaction.
A few rules to live by:
Don't punish yourself for other people's sins.
When you feel yourself skidding a bit, try to make some time to be good to yourself and immerse yourself in the best part of your current life. Be as self reliant as possible. Don't use what happened as an excuse. Stay the fuck away from the self-destructive stuff, it is better to hurt than to damage yourself further. OK, four things.
I function well with just some self sabotage and difficulty getting ahead. The stereotypical positive coping methods help, when I use them. Else I get by. The negative coping methods help a little, but are rapidly counterproductive. See above. It does get better especially if you don't wallow in it.