Erotic Stories or Porn?

Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Erotic Stories
underHim , Ciao. , Vanille , hillys , Kinkme , Hallmar82 , PropertyOfPotter , Destri , geliebt , Ice1 , SaraW0512 , L&P3040 , SadoMas , removedacnt , meezerosity , BG529 , PassionateLover2 , tigertiger , gloomybear , lecanis , LoveYouLikeThat , Mightymegarod , Missmarc , hybridinsurge , fun41 , Bethy Cassatt , g- , Woman China , Eliza , unfulfilled , KRD , J5ive , Howells , quackbuster , laflauta , Ilovelingerie , Faeya , Nacht Stern , Rey , LavenderSkies , icyqueen , mpfm , countryfan1290
43  (59%)
Stinkytofu10 , ghalik , Love Obsessed , CoffeeCup , peachmarie , digit88 , brevado , PeachCandy
8  (11%)
I can't pick just one!
Kitka , Scarlette , RomanticGoth , Bex1331 , corsetsaurus rex , TwistedTruth , zaftigzoo , KrissyNovacaine , caligaliber , P'Gell , pinkpottergirl , Falsepast , FeKitten , AshMegYo , Airen Wolf , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , LovesAPoet , LunaLuthor , vanilla&chocolate , woodsdragon , sXeVegan90 , mdnght
22  (30%)
Total votes: 73
Poll is closed
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Contributor: underHim underHim is a personal favorite for reading. It is free and they have tons of good stuff.
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
I agree; that is where I find most of my stories!
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
While both can be interesting I tend to prefer erotic stories, just lets me feel a little more involved and less of a detached viewer.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
Porn for me.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I love both!
Contributor: hillys hillys
I love stories, porn just makes me laugh I don't know why
Contributor: Scarlette Scarlette
Usually I would fall into the "erotic story" category, but I actually dont mine porn very much (as long as it meets my requirements) but usually, I dont like the porn for the visuals...its the sound.

...So I also really like erotic audio, doesnt matter if it's sexual sounds or stories, or even dirty talk, Im totally into that.
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
Erotic stories. I love having my Kindle. Now nobody knows what i'm reading and can't give me weird looks for reading it in public. I also really like reading them aloud to my guy.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
I love audio stories the best!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I'd rather imagine the scene, instead of actually watching it
Contributor: corsetsaurus rex corsetsaurus rex
It's really mood-dependent for me, but I think 80% of the time I'd rather read about it than just watch people go at it.
Contributor: Destri Destri
Erotic stories for me! Porn tends to leave me bored, but an erotic story will really make my engine race
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I really do like both, but I read erotica more than looking at visual porn. In many other aspects of life, I'm a VERY visual person, but stories get me going more than porn, often. It's easier to insert myself into the scenario when I don't SEE the other people right there in front of my face, I think
Contributor: SaraW0512 SaraW0512
Erotic Stories! My imagination can do a much better job than any movie director (plus it isnt as cheesy)
Contributor: Love Obsessed Love Obsessed
I like porn but,it really turns me off sometimes.They show the woman's vagina far too much I'm wanting to just give up watching.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
I like both.

However, I like neither when it comes to toy reviews. The facts, and nothing but the facts when it comes to that.

I enjoy porn more with my husband, most of the time. (But, I have my Kink stuff he isn't into, so that I watch alone, and not often.) I do like erotica, but my husband isn't into it. It works out, though.
Contributor: pinkpottergirl pinkpottergirl
Kink porn, and erotic stories. It just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I love erotica. I don't care that much for porn. It's too canned.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
i like both but sometimes its irritating having to click for the next page on my Kindle.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
Stories. I don't like watching porn very much, the noises and everything is distracting.
Contributor: BG529 BG529
Stories. But latley we've been on a 80s movie kick watching stuff like Two Moon Junction, and Stuff
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
I like reading erotica short-stories and also write them too!!
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
I love porn, i watch more and have a bigger collection than my boyfriend. I like visual more than reading something.
Contributor: tigertiger tigertiger
Originally posted by vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
i prefer erotica. video porn isn't made with women in mind, ever.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
erotic stories are better because they are more believable
Contributor: lecanis lecanis
Originally posted by vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
Erotic stories all the way. While visual porn can be fun to look at once in awhile, it doesn't hold my attention long at all. A good story, on the other hand, can have me fantasizing about it off and on for days.
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by vanilla&chocolate
Women: do you prefer erotic stories or porn on the whole? I have gone through phases with both, but if given the choice I would probably read an erotic story and let my imagination do the rest. I was wondering how you all compare!
the p word
Contributor: LoveYouLikeThat LoveYouLikeThat
<3 Literotica. Shamelessly addicted