you're right, i know you can get it in many ways... i'm just saying if it can be transmitted sexually, and it's an infection, it is technically an STI, a sexually transmitted infection.
Originally posted by
yeah, but its not an STI. My son has had it numerous times and I had it on my nipples when nursing. Yeast is a horrible little bug that loves to live in warm moist areas, so it often gets worse in summer especially if you do not get out of your wet
yeah, but its not an STI. My son has had it numerous times and I had it on my nipples when nursing. Yeast is a horrible little bug that loves to live in warm moist areas, so it often gets worse in summer especially if you do not get out of your wet swimsuit fast enough.
something about that idea just isn't very... sexy.
however, we talked about it, and he seemed cool. he's just such a 'girl' sometimes... so 'EEK!' about things like blood, etc. he's getting used to it though, as he must, as the partner of a girl who makes art out of her menstrual blood!
(yep, i sure do!) sarahmarieisfree . blogspot.com has fotos, etc of the project.