I have heard a lot of negative things about douching. About how it can wash away a woman's natural bodily fluids that help to fight off infections within the body. So, I have never used any of these. But....was wondering.....
Douching-Good/Bad/Indi fferent?
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Which is best?
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I like the new silicone Fetish Fantasy douche/enema from Pipedream. It's not available here yet.
I douched once after a period last year.....NEVER again. It was unscented but I am too sensitive down there and I had a VERY bad reaction. Horrible and intense burning like I've never had before! It hurt so bad. I had to go to the doctor and get meds pill/cream.
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Which is best?
Vaginal douching is not healthy. I have never heard anal douching wasn't but I have never heard it was either. Those are for anal douching.
Vaginal douching is not good at all. I haven't ever done anal douching either.
Most of those products are for anal douching. I don't douche anywhere. It's bad for your vagina, and can actually increase the incidence of infection. Some people use an anal douche before anal sex, or anal play, but I don't like it, for me it would cause more problems than not doing it.
Douching is such a bad idea. Here's my thoughts, your vagina was made to be the way it is, it is NOT unclean and does not need to be "rinsed out"
No douching for me.
The only time I EVER do it is when I come down with BV. Hydrogen Peroxide douches restore the natural pH and only kill off the bad bacteria because the vagina creates it's own natural form of H202.
I never do it for any other reason. I have a delicate ecosystem and douching would only make it worse.
I never do it for any other reason. I have a delicate ecosystem and douching would only make it worse.
Those douche are meant for anal douching as preparation for anal sex.
Anal cleansing is fine for me once in a while but no way in hell I'll ever use a vaginal douche.
Yep, this.
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Those douche are meant for anal douching as preparation for anal sex.
I don't like them.
No one has actually voted for a douche. I hear they're bad, because your vagina is self-cleaning and douching ruins the pH balance that naturally does its job, but I could be wrong.
I don't douche, it messes with your pH levels.
I don't and won't douche vaginally. It messes up your PH levels. Anal douching is fine, you just can't do it obsessively because that can mess things up, too.
Yeah, I had noticed that they were for anal....it pretty much was for either or (the survey/poll). I agree, its not healthy at all. Personally, I couldn't imagine doing the anal douching. Just doesn't seem like something I'd find pleasurable or even bareable lol
Originally posted by
Vaginal douching is not healthy. I have never heard anal douching wasn't but I have never heard it was either. Those are for anal douching.
Douching is unnecessary and unhealthy. Your vagina is a self-cleaning system and knows what it's doing.
Never have, never will! The vagina is a self cleaning oven!
I don't know anything about anal douching, but I definitely would not recommend vaginal douching.
vaginal douching is the one that everyone is concerned about.. It isnt good because it washes away the natural balance which makes you more prone to infections...
Originally posted by
Vaginal douching is not healthy. I have never heard anal douching wasn't but I have never heard it was either. Those are for anal douching.
As far as anal douching.. never tried it...
I have never douched.
I've used an anal douche before, but I've never douched my vag because it's meant to clean itself.
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If they ARE ok to use, in what instance would it be appropriate to use these?
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