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Could it be from a change in the PH balance? Men who came home after the Gulf War (Gulf War Syndrome) had similar problems. Their semen would burn there wives and cause serious problems with their lady parts. Children were born with birth defects as
Could it be from a change in the PH balance? Men who came home after the Gulf War (Gulf War Syndrome) had similar problems. Their semen would burn there wives and cause serious problems with their lady parts. Children were born with birth defects as well. The show I watched the woman had to have special allergy medication to help her. My daughter and I watched a program on the Science channel that covered sex and human reproduction (what happened between conception and birth) and it said how womens bodies attack semen so only the strong survive. My daughter made a crack about how there is so many stupid people out there that what is this world coming to. She was upset about the fact the show said only strong sperm survived and how can that be when criminals and idiots run around procreating. What are your thoughts?
No, semen allergy is usually a reaction to the
proteins in a certain man's semen.
Actually in vitro is possible. They take the semen and centrifuge out all the serum and semen, down to pure sperm. This eliminates most of the proteins and conception can take place, at least in vitro (meaning "in glass.") They can also take individual sperm and inject them into the egg, although this process, as the egg itself doesn't "choose" the sperm, can result in more health issues with the baby.
At one point I may have had a mild allergy to my husband's semen. It also could have been a spermicide allergy. We have used withdrawal for years and I never had a reaction anywhere other than vaginally, so it was either a short time allergy or due to the spermicide.