Where you ever tested for HIV/STDS/AIDS?

Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
This is just a general question to see how many people actually get tested.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Never have but want too.
49  (26%)
More then once.
134  (72%)
To scared too.
2  (1%)
Total votes: 185
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Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
In the military, it isn't really a choice that you are given. They tested us annually regardless of our relationship/sexual status. I never could understand it, being that I was married and had been for a long time.
Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
Originally posted by Redboxbaby
In the military, it isn't really a choice that you are given. They tested us annually regardless of our relationship/sexual status. I never could understand it, being that I was married and had been for a long time.
I get tested all the time at my Ob/Gyn so I feel ya on that lol.
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
I was tested once, about 18 years ago. I tested negative, FWIW.
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
I get tested for everything after every partner, even if we used protection. Better safe than sorry.
Contributor: Tidwtrguy Tidwtrguy
I get tested regularly and hope that anyone not in a monogamous relationship does the same. Know your status!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I've never been tested, and I see no reason to be.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Never had to, only been with one person my whole life.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
Of course!

The first time, I had an allergic reaction to a cream. My doctor was away, and the one filling in for her thought it looked like herpes. I called all of my exes in a panic. It was not. I called my exes back, but one of them never spoke to me again, not even to find out that I didn't give her herpes.

The second time, I found out that my ex had been cheating on me with a rather promiscuous young lady.

The third time, I slept with that ex again (weak!) and then heard that she had herpes. I got tested again.

However, I am miraculously STD-free!
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
There actually wasn't a voting option for me; I've been tested once.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
Yes... been tested several times when I migrate to a different country.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I am tested after any sexual action. I'd hate to have something I wasn't aware of and pass it along to another!
Contributor: Checkmate Checkmate
I have been in many clinical trials, and as far as I can remember, most include tests for STDs. As an EMT I have also been tested after an accidental needle prick.
Other than that I have no reason to be tested as I have been in a monogomous relationship for my entire life.
Contributor: Pleasure Piratess Pleasure Piratess
Some screening are routine here with a yearly pap screen (which is required for birth control) and a full work-up with pregnancy... and this is regardless of how many partners you have had (which is sadly necessary).
Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
Yup I wanna get tested again even though im married ya know. But like I said what's there to lose? Im gonna go get poked
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Department of Health for me.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
After my husband and I got together a few years ago, I had gotten tested for whatever the gyno could test for at my pap that year. His ex wasn't always faithful, and I just wanted to make sure nobody had ended up with anything.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
At least on a yearly basis, more frequently if there's been a switch-up with partners
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Pleasure Piratess
Some screening are routine here with a yearly pap screen (which is required for birth control) and a full work-up with pregnancy... and this is regardless of how many partners you have had (which is sadly necessary).
I turned down an HIV test during my pregnancies because pregnancy can cause a false positive and then DCFS can come in and get in your business, "demand" you stop breastfeeding, take your kid away and it's all bullshit. My doctor honored my desire to refuse "mandatory" testing during pregnancy. I agreed to the syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia etc, but not the HIV test. Most pregnant women who test positive for syph or the Clap (which are treatable and not nearly as dangerous as HIV) think or swear they are in monogamous relationships. HIV really has a different ball game. Syph and the Clap are MUCH more transmittable than HIV and thus more common in the general hetero population.

I think I was tested once while not pregnant a long time ago. It was negative, of course. I'm in a monogamous relationship, and have never had anal play or sex with anyone with him and he has never had anal play or sex with anyone but me.

Although "everyone is at risk" most people are not at high risk. I know it's like being a heretic to say this, but I know I'm not at high risk and I've seen too many false positives ruin people's lives. A false positive will follow you the rest of your life, as it is NOT one of the things which are "private" in your medical record (actually, little if any of your medical record is private in any way.) If one engages in high risk behavior (hetero PIV or oral sex really isn't "high risk" behavior in the USA, no matter what people say) then it's smart to get tested.

But, not during a pregnancy, or if one is involved in a known monogamous relationship, especially if it's long term.
Contributor: Blooddragon Blooddragon
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
This is just a general question to see how many people actually get tested.
I have been tested in the past as has my wife. Nothing to be scared about. Knowing is so much better than fear. You do need to be re tested if you believe you may have been in contact though, because it can take several months to show up in your blood test!
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I get tested whenever I go to the gynecologist. She tests me for several different STDs. I don't really care one way or the other about her testing, but I think it's required for her to give me prescriptions for birth control.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by darthkitt3n
I get tested whenever I go to the gynecologist. She tests me for several different STDs. I don't really care one way or the other about her testing, but I think it's required for her to give me prescriptions for birth control.
She is not required by law to test you for HIV to give you the BC pill. No one can force you, for any reason to have an HIV test.

Some hospitals prefer doctors do a PAP every year or two in order to renew BC pills, and in some states one has to have a syphilis test in order to get married (but in most states this is changing due to personal privacy) but no one is "required" to get an HIV test. It's even hard to require rape suspects or even convicted rapists to have an HIV test if they do not consent.

Any test of your body bodily fluid or blood can be considered an invasion of your privacy, and very few medical test are "required" by any law.
Contributor: bunny love bunny love

Testing is SO important! I'm in a monogamous relationship, but I continue to get tested when I go for my yearly gyno appointment. It's just a matter of principle for me.
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
I get tested whenever I am at the gyno even though I've only been with one person for the past 3 years.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
Originally posted by Lucidity
I get tested for everything after every partner, even if we used protection. Better safe than sorry.
This. Even though they were long term monogamous (supposedly) partners, you never know. I wanted the piece of mind and to be able to tell my next partner yes I've been tested and I am clean.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
My OB/GYN tested me every time I got pregnant and it's always good news I got.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
Originally posted by Lucidity
I get tested for everything after every partner, even if we used protection. Better safe than sorry.
Same here! It's the best way to go.
Contributor: ninaspinkturtle ninaspinkturtle
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
This is just a general question to see how many people actually get tested.
i get tested once a year....just mainly to make me relax and not have to worry so much
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I'm a regular blood donor - they check every time. I'm old enough that my promiscuous years were pre-AIDS and since them I don't participate in high-risk behaviors - so I've never gone in and specifically requested a test.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Doctor still wants it even tho Ive been with my man for 7 years. Shes right tho because youd never know if you did catch something from your partner. Its during my pap.