The actual number of people that have one type or another of HSV would probably surprise you. However, being most who have it never get tested or never have outbreaks, it just keeps transmitting itself and the medical community doesn't seem too concerned about it, seriously! I just saw a GYN last month and she said that they typically won't test unless you have VISIBLE symptoms. However, most with it have NO symptoms and may very well NEVER have any. She also told me how her friend got it from her fiance who was told by his Dr. that he had bad jock itch for 5 years! And to top it off, she said that her husband has cold sores too. I think she was trying to reassure me that is really isn't anything more than an inconvenience for some, but that it is very common. Additionally, she said that if every person was tested for it, the results would be over 50% of population. The reason the test is often overlooked is because the psychological effects are often much worse than the physical symptoms/outcomes due to the stigma associated with it. Education is the key to understanding, much like anything else. Sadly though, many resort to taunting and stupid jokes when it really isn't warranted (and they have a 50% chance of having it too!)