Why you should always listen when your parents tell you to be careful..

Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
So at first I was going to just come over here and tell you that you should always listen when your mom makes a fuss about being uber careful near boiling water, but I figure I can't be the only person who got a reminder the hard way, so I'm wondering about the rest of you.

I was boiling my massage heart and it slipped out of the tongs and back into the boiling water, sending boiling water splashing all over the place. Some landed on my shirt, but a small splash managed to find the one section of skin my shirt had slid up to expose. And here is the result:

boil burn

It's not the greatest picture, but that's the small patch of boiled skin I've currently got going on. Seems to be healing just fine right now. Anybody else remember to be careful the hard way?
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Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
Ouch! That looks painful!

My mom was always on me to wear oven mitts, even if I was just readjusting or moving something on a sheet in the oven with my hand...I never listen though and although I've never burned my fingertips doing it, I'm a pro at having burns on the back of my hands from the heating elements at the top of the oven!
Contributor: Not here Not here
I work at a diner, and about six months ago, I was pouring *JUST* brewed coffee with my left hand, (I'm a righty..) which I never had a problem with.. and of course, that time it didn't work out so well and slipped. Thankfully I wasn't near any customers, but I managed to pour the coffee all over my right hand, just past my wrist. I tried to play cool, and ran it under cold water, then tried to go about my business, but there was no faking it- it hurt like a BITCH! A co-worker gave me a ziploc bag filled with ice and I tried to relax for a bit, then decided to have another co-worker bring me to the E.R. I ended up having 1st degree burns, with some areas of 2nd degree burns on my hand. It sucked, but they gave me oxycodone for the pain, which I DESPERATELY needed.

My man almost passed out and had to leave the room the first time we had to change the bandages, which caused me to almost pass out. He said it wasn't that it was that bad, but that it was me that was hurt. I thought that was pretty cute in a twisted sort of way, lol.

So yeah.. don't pour coffee with any hand but your dominant one, children!
Contributor: CynicallyYours CynicallyYours
i have definitely learned some lessons the hard way.

i will never again go near a seemingly friendly dog that the owner isn't controlling. i think i was like 5 when i was greeted by a dog that seemed friendly. as soon as i went to pet it, it started barking and going crazy and ended up sinking it's teeth into my heel.

i've been a little nervous around dogs i don't know really well ever since!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Yeah, it happened to me too. *sigh* I was in college and cooking dinner in my apartment before my evening shift of work. I was trying to be "quick" so when I opened the oven to get the food out to have dinner, I only opened the door up part way, about a 45 degree angle. I put oven mits on and reached inside... And yes, everyone guessed it. The door closed. On my arm. But not on the oven mit. It landed on bare skin right above the protective mit and, unfortunately, I was wearing short sleeves. So the soft, sensitive skin on the inside of my forearm, close to my elbow, got burned and BAD. It was a huge, triangle shaped burn that lasted MONTHS as a scar. Mostly it burned like hell for days and my skin bubbled. I should have gone to the hospital for it... The oven was still on then too so it was "cooking" temperature. Around 375-400 degrees.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
You need to be careful even if you're wearing clothes. Hot water goes through clothes, and it can keep hot stuff right up against your skin.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by ScottA
You need to be careful even if you're wearing clothes. Hot water goes through clothes, and it can keep hot stuff right up against your skin.
The first thing I did after I got splashed was lifted up my shirt and started holding a dry towel against the area. The only spot that was affected for me was the spot that boiling water splashed where my shirt had ridden up. I got really lucky it wasn't much much worse. Long story short, I agree with you wholeheartedly, you should always be careful when doing anything with hot things.
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
Yup...I totally stepped on a pencil when I was 7. Then they didn't get it all out and when I was 15 a cyst grew around it and I had to have surgery to remove it. Needless to say I am always yelling "put that pencil away!" to my kids.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by J's Alley
Yup...I totally stepped on a pencil when I was 7. Then they didn't get it all out and when I was 15 a cyst grew around it and I had to have surgery to remove it. Needless to say I am always yelling "put that pencil away!" to my kids.
My sister somehow, when we were all much younger, managed to stab the bridge of her nose with one of those weird whiteish pencils, and part of the graphite bit broke off inside. Now she has what looks like a gray freckle at the top of her nose. She got very lucky and didn't have any complications from it.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Jul!a
So at first I was going to just come over here and tell you that you should always listen when your mom makes a fuss about being uber careful near boiling water, but I figure I can't be the only person who got a reminder the hard way, so I'm ... more
Gahhh sounds like me all the time. My Mom was always telling me to be careful when removing a cookie sheet from the oven and sure as shit the other night I hit the top rack with my wrist for a friggin split second and I have a nasty burn mark across my skin. Stupid oven...
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Jul!a
My sister somehow, when we were all much younger, managed to stab the bridge of her nose with one of those weird whiteish pencils, and part of the graphite bit broke off inside. Now she has what looks like a gray freckle at the top of her nose. She ... more
Mmmmhmmm are we related? I stabbed a graphite pencil into the back of my hand when I was in middle school and still have it imbeded in my hand. Apparently it;s harmless but yup I lived up to my nicname "Gracie"!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Not here
I work at a diner, and about six months ago, I was pouring *JUST* brewed coffee with my left hand, (I'm a righty..) which I never had a problem with.. and of course, that time it didn't work out so well and slipped. Thankfully I wasn't ... more
Or take trays out of the window with the palm of your hand without checking for temperature. Or cut lemons with the blade pointing toward your body or while holding the lemon in your hand. Or look down as your feet when carrying food through a doorway...or shove a canister trashcan down on your finger...Gawd restaurants are hazardous places to work! Should get hazard pay...mostly for dealing with the customers. >.<
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Mmmmhmmm are we related? I stabbed a graphite pencil into the back of my hand when I was in middle school and still have it imbeded in my hand. Apparently it;s harmless but yup I lived up to my nicname "Gracie"!
Ouch! I remember one time when I was a kid, the house we were living in at the time had those awesome "old school" curtain rods, you know the ones that kinda look like a cane and push onto a holder in the wall? Well one day my brother, sister, and I had been playing with them (after being told not to) and they got left out. I went running for something and came down with my full weight onto the 'handle' part of the cane shape. It went about an inch into the bottom of my foot. I couldn't walk right for a few weeks, so I went around everywhere scooting around on my butt, lol
Contributor: Sebmissive Sebmissive
Ouch! I've done that before. Not with toys, with food. But still. I refuse to fry food because I'm paranoid I'll get burned. Btw, your plaid pants look crazy similar to mine.