Well no my bf hasnt had a condom break... yet
Who has actually had a condom break during sex?
I have had two break out of >2000 (it's all kinds of impossible to figure out how many exactly, but at least 2000). Each was with a different partner, once when I was on top and once when the guy was. Both times, both my and my partner noticed immediately, and we hopped off and in one case got another one, and in the other case finished off nonvaginally. No biggies.
luckily it's never happened to me
Back in the day when I actually needed to use them, it wasn't all that uncommon of an occurrence.
No. Actually I don't even know someone this has happened to.
Wow, those numbers are really surprising, kind of nerve wracking actually. I've never had one break during sex, but I have had one on a toy that broke.
It happened to my parents, that's how I came to be.
Back when I was between IUD's, my husband and I went through a scary period when we had four, yes FOUR, condoms break within a period of three months. I'm latex sensitive so these were all non-latex condoms. I wonder if they tend to break more easily than the latex ones.
never had one break
I've had 3 partners in my life and never has a condom broke.
Originally posted by
Not sure if this is already a post somewhere on EF, but I'm really curious to know.
no they really do break i have had atyleast 6 break on me and all from diff boxes
Originally posted by
I think it's a myth, personally.
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single ... more
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single ... more
I think it's a myth, personally.
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single tear, even with the ballet flats and fishnets she was wearing.
A friend and I also once decided to use them as water balloons, and began to fill our first one up in the bath tub. The sonofabitch filled the entire tub before it burst.
And our smooth as velvet insides manage to break them while being worn by something that will never be larger than a breadstick? Doesn't scan. Use another form of birth control and be more discriminate about partners. less
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single tear, even with the ballet flats and fishnets she was wearing.
A friend and I also once decided to use them as water balloons, and began to fill our first one up in the bath tub. The sonofabitch filled the entire tub before it burst.
And our smooth as velvet insides manage to break them while being worn by something that will never be larger than a breadstick? Doesn't scan. Use another form of birth control and be more discriminate about partners. less
too many to count... condoms and my vag don't get along
It happened to us once a few years ago. I think I was on birth control at the time though so it wasn't a big deal.
I have never had one break.
Never had one break during intercourse with a partner but I've been with a partner who has had one break during intercourse. I was quite distressed over the matter.
I had one break last year. I have an IUD, so pregnancy wasn't an issue, it was just the possibility of STDs that had me freaking out.
My ex didn't know how to use them properly (he never used lube), so it happened once. Luckily I was on the pill. After that time we would always use lube.
I've had one break while he was putting it on, but I've never had one break during sex . . . and I've had a lot of it.
Once! I now have 2 kids! No lie, hahaha! Best Sex accident I ever had
scary moment!
Only once when i was still a teenager. We didnt know till way after we were still new to it. Scariest month ever.
Its happend to us a few times, Once as he was inserting his penis inside me it was kinda of difficult, yes i was wet, but we didnt have sex in a very long time so it was tight, but then i heard a tear and pop. The condom had burst. Another time it was because of very rough sex. Those are the 2 reasons why our condoms broke a few times, but im on the pill so i dont make it such a big deal, and i always get tested.
it also depends on the brand that you use. not all condoms that break are because of a deceptive partner. sometimes it's too old or just a bad brand
Originally posted by
I think it's a myth, personally.
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single ... more
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single ... more
I think it's a myth, personally.
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single tear, even with the ballet flats and fishnets she was wearing.
A friend and I also once decided to use them as water balloons, and began to fill our first one up in the bath tub. The sonofabitch filled the entire tub before it burst.
And our smooth as velvet insides manage to break them while being worn by something that will never be larger than a breadstick? Doesn't scan. Use another form of birth control and be more discriminate about partners. less
While hanging out at Denny's after a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performance, one of the girls opened up a condom and put it on over her foot and leg, all the way up to her thigh. Not a single tear, even with the ballet flats and fishnets she was wearing.
A friend and I also once decided to use them as water balloons, and began to fill our first one up in the bath tub. The sonofabitch filled the entire tub before it burst.
And our smooth as velvet insides manage to break them while being worn by something that will never be larger than a breadstick? Doesn't scan. Use another form of birth control and be more discriminate about partners. less
Yes, I've had condoms break many years ago. Haven't had to use them in quite a while now though, perhaps the quality has improved.
I've seen them break multiple times. This was back in the dark ages when condoms didn't come in sizes. Put a one-size-fits-all condom on a big man and the chances are high that it will break.
Chilipepper, your examples don't involve friction. If they did, you would have seen different results.
Chilipepper, your examples don't involve friction. If they did, you would have seen different results.
We've never had one break, but one definitely slipped off inside of me once. That freaked us out. One of the reasons I'm thinking about going on birth control...
Yes a few times with my fiance
Originally posted by
Not sure if this is already a post somewhere on EF, but I'm really curious to know.
yes, because there was not enough lube. luckily, he didn't finish and there were no regrettable mistakes made!
Had it happen a few times when I was young and dumb and didn't know about lube, and then again more recently, a couple years back. This time I was smart enough to go to the GP right away and get emergency contraception. Luckily it's pretty rare, if you have properly fitting condoms, but it does happen.