Health Ed in US public schools needs some serious work to do.
Which of the below do you believe in?
Agreed. I'd even suggest some re-education for older folks whose knowledge may be badly outdated. Anyone who can have sex needs to learn how to play it safe.
Originally posted by
Health Ed in US public schools needs some serious work to do.
none, but I had some good sex education.
Hepatitis from meat?! You just blew my mind!
Wow, these are good questions.
Heard most of these at some point...
Originally posted by
Here are some common folk wisdoms about sex. Have you ever believed any of these?
Scare stuff!
Oops, I jumped into the poll too quickly. I used to believe a few of those things when I was a kid.
None of them.
I did along time ago think that all std's had symptoms
Me, too. It's sad how much these keep going around and around even though we scientifically know better. Sadly, the power of sex can override reason sometimes, even in smart people. I think that's why these old wives tales persist!
Originally posted by
Heard most of these at some point...
When I was much younger I believed the virgin one
That's like saying you can't get pregnant if you're on top....NOT TRUE!
wow, we need hella education!
All false
I didn't vote, because, even when I was in a teenager, I never believed any of this.
Originally posted by
Here are some common folk wisdoms about sex. Have you ever believed any of these?
I believe in none of those things.
Virgins are always clean.
I know none of those to be true. Virgins can be born with STDs passed on from their mother!
"Smokers have a special danger: if the mouthpiece burns the lips at all blood can get on their pipe. If said pipe is shared, you can catch blood borne diseases. Crack and meth users have this problem frequently."
Originally posted by
Many of us have heard these saying before and may have even believed them before we knew better. In fact, some people still believe these folk wisdoms even though all of the above are false.
Virgins are always clean.
You can be born with ... more
Virgins are always clean.
You can be born with ... more
Many of us have heard these saying before and may have even believed them before we knew better. In fact, some people still believe these folk wisdoms even though all of the above are false.
Virgins are always clean.
You can be born with STDs. Also, not all STDs come from sex. more on that in a bit,
You can't catch STDs if you have only had sex with the one you lost your virginity to.
See the part about virgins.
If they look clean, they are clean.
Not all STDs have obvious symptoms. Some can go into "hiding" but still be transmitted. Herpes is the most famous for this, but HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, HPV and more can all have hidden or no symptoms.
If they say they've been tested, they have been tested.
People will say anything to get into your pants. This means they can lie because they think they're clean and don't need to be tested due to other things on the list.
STIs only come from sex or needle drugs.
Some STDs can be caught nonsexually. Hepatitis can come from undercooked meat, wearing pants that are too tight can cause vaginosis and sharing dildos can spread illness. There are more where that came from, too! The risk of catching an STI nonsexually without drug use is low, but it does happen.
It's very possible to be born with an STI as well. Since not all of them have symptoms and not all parents get tested, it's impossible to know unless you get tested.
Smokers have a special danger: if the mouthpiece burns the lips at all blood can get on their pipe. If said pipe is shared, you can catch blood borne diseases. Crack and meth users have this problem frequently.
All STDs have symptoms.
Not all STDs have symptoms all the time. See "If they look clean" for more.
Being part of an awareness group is as good as being tested.
Only testing is a substitute for testing. All people, clean or not, can be in awareness groups. less
Virgins are always clean.
You can be born with STDs. Also, not all STDs come from sex. more on that in a bit,
You can't catch STDs if you have only had sex with the one you lost your virginity to.
See the part about virgins.
If they look clean, they are clean.
Not all STDs have obvious symptoms. Some can go into "hiding" but still be transmitted. Herpes is the most famous for this, but HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, HPV and more can all have hidden or no symptoms.
If they say they've been tested, they have been tested.
People will say anything to get into your pants. This means they can lie because they think they're clean and don't need to be tested due to other things on the list.
STIs only come from sex or needle drugs.
Some STDs can be caught nonsexually. Hepatitis can come from undercooked meat, wearing pants that are too tight can cause vaginosis and sharing dildos can spread illness. There are more where that came from, too! The risk of catching an STI nonsexually without drug use is low, but it does happen.
It's very possible to be born with an STI as well. Since not all of them have symptoms and not all parents get tested, it's impossible to know unless you get tested.
Smokers have a special danger: if the mouthpiece burns the lips at all blood can get on their pipe. If said pipe is shared, you can catch blood borne diseases. Crack and meth users have this problem frequently.
All STDs have symptoms.
Not all STDs have symptoms all the time. See "If they look clean" for more.
Being part of an awareness group is as good as being tested.
Only testing is a substitute for testing. All people, clean or not, can be in awareness groups. less
I never knew this. I'll be more careful with who I share a pipe/hookah with now.
I am always amazed that people believe these. I work with a girl who just recently got pregnant from a one night stand when we asked her why she didn't use a condom and isn't she afraid of STD's her response was, "well he said he was clean and he looked clean. Plus he said he would pull out (which he didn't)
none of those.. even though i clicked all STDs have symptoms. whoops. I know they don't. So I don't believe in any of those.
None of them!
none of them
I know it's not true, but I was definitely under the belief that all STDs had symptoms, even if not immediately. I was so scared when I learned the truth. I went out and got tested right away and was clean.
I never believed any of these.
virgins are clean
Originally posted by
Here are some common folk wisdoms about sex. Have you ever believed any of these?