read that right! A spray on condom? A German inventor came up with one, but I'm skeptical. Where does the cum go?! What do you think? link
more read that right! A spray on condom? A German inventor came up with one, but I'm skeptical. Where does the cum go?! What do you think? link
I am seriously concerned about the same thing you are. If it has nowhere to go but up and out, then doesn't that defeat the purpose? Although, this is by far the best invention I have seen lately.
Fascinating. I'm glad to hear about the chamber though: I was thinking if you had to rely on a man to actually think and cover the whole thing while he's in the mood, you'd better get ready for STDs/Pregnancy.
It is innovative and interesting - but I am skeptical for the same reasons as most commenters on this thread, as well how impractical it is to have to use a plug-in spraying machine/chamber, the 20 seconds for it to apply could cause loss of erection, the material could be allergenic... I dunno, cool in theory but seems impractical overall.
Fascinating. I'm glad to hear about the chamber though: I was thinking if you had to rely on a man to actually think and cover the whole thing while he's in the mood, you'd better get ready for STDs/Pregnancy.
I just imagine this 'chamber' and having my partner say, 'Hang on babe, gimme 30 seconds' while he sticks his dick in a hissing box.
I think that is more of a turn-off and hassle than a condom wrapper. Interesting, definitely, but not a solution.
I was just looking into this and it seems they postponed the project sometime in 2008 because they needed a faster drying latex. I don't know that the market would be that large either so maybe its best that it was postponed.
This actually seems scary, quite honestly. I would fear that my penis would be forever blue, or that some of the material would get inside of the urethra.
Overall, however, I like the idea simply because it's innovative. It's interesting, to say the least.
I just imagine this 'chamber' and having my partner say, 'Hang on babe, gimme 30 seconds' while he sticks his dick in a hissing box. I think that is more of a turn-off and hassle than a condom wrapper. Interesting, definitely, but not a solution.
LMAO, you couldn't be more right IMO. I personally think you would be better off with a loud condom wrapper then a large hissing box, though I do wonder what that sensation must feel like; to have liquid latex shot at your junk?
I just imagine this 'chamber' and having my partner say, 'Hang on babe, gimme 30 seconds' while he sticks his dick in a hissing box. I think that is more of a turn-off and hassle than a condom wrapper. Interesting, definitely, but not a solution.
OMG...I just had the most amazing mental picture EVER! I love that.
You know what? How totally impractical is this for the spontaneous one night stand a guy met at the bar? I mean really? So here they are ready to get it on and he has to go put it in the the girl thinks heyour nuts. Maybe he will get lucky and she will have some type of unknown box fetish.
Also, uh, if he meets the girl and gets a motel room. "Hey, can you help me carry this up to the room?" Seriously.
First thoughts:
Does it even take 20 seconds to roll on a condom? And is there a wait time afterwards? Do you have to clean out the extra latexy bits that have dried in your insta-condom-box? These concerns are turning a 20 second novelty into a 20 minute relationship killer. Is the hissing like a sexy, 'ooh that hurts don't stop' or more like a run-away steam engine? (Chuggachuggac huggachugga, choo chooo....)
Also, can I chose from a variety of colors, or perhaps mix-and-match? The option of stripey or polkia-dot patterns may validate this for me!
I'm going to have to agree with Gary. Ripping it off through accidental hair if it got on.. ow. As for practical.. I'd say I don't trust the material or the way it works. However, if this is the start for something better that comes along later, I'm all for it.
I'm going to have to agree with Gary. Ripping it off through accidental hair if it got on.. ow. As for practical.. I'd say I don't trust the material or the way it works. However, if this is the start for something better that comes along
I'm going to have to agree with Gary. Ripping it off through accidental hair if it got on.. ow. As for practical.. I'd say I don't trust the material or the way it works. However, if this is the start for something better that comes along later, I'm all for it.
It's a stab at a problem I guess, but I have to agree with Gary. My guys are fairly hairy...that would be ouchie!
Agreeing with the above posters about the lack of reservoir for ejaculate + pulling out hair if this is being used on a fleshy dick. For jelly cocks etc this might be cool, though.
Agreeing with the above posters about the lack of reservoir for ejaculate + pulling out hair if this is being used on a fleshy dick. For jelly cocks etc this might be cool, though.
This would be great for toys if it ended up being more cost effective than a regular condom.
Totally agree with all the other concerns about the product.
The only thing we see as being really innovative about is is that it may allow you to play with/create your own custom textures. This could allow for some pretty creative sensations/designs.
I love that people are being more innovative about sexual health and pregnancy prevention. It would be really helpful for people whose penises are outside the constraints of common condoms, or for people with allergies.
Impractical? Maybe. But every really great idea has to start somewhere else with a silly prototype...