How do you feel about 11 and 12 year olds being given condoms?

Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
In one of the Sex Feeds today on SexIs there's a news piece about Philadelphia offering mail-order condoms to children as young as 11.

Do you think they should or shouldn't be able to get them that young? If you disagree with this, about what age should they be able to get them?
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Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
Even though I think that sex at 11 or 12 has the potential to cause emotional and/or physical problems, I still believe that it is better for children this age to get the protection they need. I don't think the access to condoms will cause an increase in sex at a young age, but it can help with safe sex practices.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Personally I feel that if kids are having sex (at any age) they should not only be given access to condoms but also be encouraged to get them and educated on how to use them correctly. While I wouldn't be thrilled if a child of mine were having sex that young, I'd be less happy if they weren't able to protect themselves.

Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
Personally I feel that if kids are having sex (at any age) they should not only be given access to condoms but also be encouraged to get them and educated on how to use them correctly. While I wouldn't be thrilled if a child of mine were having ... more
This is pretty much exactly how I feel.

I might not be so thrilled that my (or any child) would be having sex that young, but if they're going to do it, they're going to do it, and it would be silly to not make sure they were protecting themselves at the very least.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Jul!a
This is pretty much exactly how I feel.

I might not be so thrilled that my (or any child) would be having sex that young, but if they're going to do it, they're going to do it, and it would be silly to not make sure they were ... more
Agreed. I would hope that the kids would cherish being kids though and not do that kind of stuff.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I remember when I was in seventh grade, I found out that sixth graders had been giving oral sex to one another. I suck at math, but the sixth graders would have been 12 or 13 at the time (in middle school), and I highly, highly doubt they were using safe sex when doing this or even thinking about protection. I was actually surprised that people that young were engaging in it when I found out.

I read the article through and it doesn't give that detail, but I'm curious if they're offering a smaller size for the younger users of the condoms. I think regular condoms might be a bit large for younger users.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
The state should not be parenting or giving out condoms to children.
Contributor: hypomania hypomania
personally it makes me sick to my stomach thinking of CHILDREN being sexually active at that age, if they're making that choice they need to have the knowledge and tools available to be safe about it. obviously just saying 'no' isnt going to work, so we have to be mature enough to move to plan B
Contributor: CSEA CSEA
Originally posted by removedacnt
In one of the Sex Feeds today on SexIs there's a news piece about Philadelphia offering mail-order condoms to children as young as 11.

Do you think they should or shouldn't be able to get them that young? If you disagree with ... more
They shouldnt even be concerned about sex!
Contributor: MR Chickhabit MR Chickhabit
Originally posted by CSEA
They shouldnt even be concerned about sex!
I won't play ostritch and put my head in the sand and ignore the fact that these kids can and are having sex. Condoms are important to anybody having sex, age is irrelevant.

Our young kids do not require as much protection as we think they do, we can/should educate our children about sex and then equip them to handle it.

Not allowing them condoms is like training someone for war, and then sending them into the battlefield naked.
Contributor: SamsDelight SamsDelight
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
Personally I feel that if kids are having sex (at any age) they should not only be given access to condoms but also be encouraged to get them and educated on how to use them correctly. While I wouldn't be thrilled if a child of mine were having ... more
I agree but I think it is sad. I pray I can parent my children well enough to show them the risk and have them make informed decisions or be afraid enough of what I will show them that they will keep it in there pants. (I have boys). They are so cute now. I need to find a way to not let them grow up. Come on science.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I don't support it. Children that age should not be sexually active and we shouldn't be doing anything to facilitate it. It's a parental responsibility. Society shouldn't be parenting.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
My husband lost his virginity at eleven. With an 'older woman'. (She was thirteen.) I asked him if he thinks it's appropriate for children so young to have access and he said he did. Though he isn't sure who should control the access.
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
I am against it. Handing out condoms at that age promotes kids to become sexually active. I do think that parents should know enough about their kids to know when they need them! If the parents do not know their children, then they do not belong being parents.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by markeagleone
I am against it. Handing out condoms at that age promotes kids to become sexually active. I do think that parents should know enough about their kids to know when they need them! If the parents do not know their children, then they do not belong ... more
Being human promotes kids becoming sexually active. Access to condoms isn't going to change that.
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
If you put a candy bar in front of their face, at that age, you promote them to eat it. If you keep it out of site, it more than likely will be out of mind.
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
At that age, most don't even have the hormones kicking in. so, instead of curbing a biological issue, you would be just putting it into their heads.
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
It should be available just in case, but it shouldn't be handed out to everyone. I don't think kids that young should be experimenting, but if they do, it's better if it is safe.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I don't support it. Children that age should not be sexually active and we shouldn't be doing anything to facilitate it. It's a parental responsibility. Society shouldn't be parenting.
This is exactly how I feel. I think that's what is wrong with our society. People expect the government to take care of everything for them. It should be up to parents. I don't want my tax dollars promoting sexual activity to 11 year olds.

It isn't like training someone for war, and then sending them into the battlefield naked. It is more like telling a child "don't touch the stove because it is very hot and you will get burned, but if you do, make sure you use oven mitts." It's contradictory.
Contributor: Lada Lada
I vaguely remember some classmate getting access to condoms at about that age. They make very odd water ballons especially with condoms lubed with N9. (I'm showing my age.)

Since the condoms would have to be gotten by mail-order it would take planning to get them. I think that would mean that condoms wouldn't be used for spontaneous silliness but I'm not sure about the planning abilities of the average 11-12 year old.

Some sex educators recommend that people with penises masturbate using a condom and having condoms available to this age group will facilitate that.

I think 11-12 year olds should have access condoms. Even if all they do is gross out their frieds with them they're getting comfortable with opening them for when they're older.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by markeagleone
At that age, most don't even have the hormones kicking in. so, instead of curbing a biological issue, you would be just putting it into their heads.
Sooo not true. Kids are entering puberty earlier and earlier these days. There are documented cases of 7 and 8 year old girls starting their periods well before their 13-16 year old peers.

This is another one of those arguments where one side refuses to believe sex exists outside of marriage and the other refuses to parent their children.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I have a few things to say about this.

1. Kids are indeed hitting puberty earlier than ever before. Girls as young as 8 years old in San Antonio have started their menstrual cycles. Girls as young as 10 years old have been brought into planned parenthood to me directly more than a month pregnant.

2. Kids have been found to be sexually active even at ages of 9 years old.

3. If we refuse to at least offer protection to kids who are determined to act in sexual ways, we are being ignorant. Of course, we don't want our kids having sex so young. But if they are going to do it anyway, at least let them do it safe. no one wants to find out their child has contracted AIDS/HIV, Herpes, etc. or find out their daughter/son is a mother/father.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I have a few things to say about this.

1. Kids are indeed hitting puberty earlier than ever before. Girls as young as 8 years old in San Antonio have started their menstrual cycles. Girls as young as 10 years old have been brought into planned ... more
I'm sorry - I don't see how you cannot prevent kids that age from having sex. When my now 19 & 20 year olds were that age they were closely enough supervised that sex was out of the question. In HS things loosened up. They both opted to wait until they were seniors to have sex.

It's distressing that we have this attitude that 'if they're going to do it anyway...'. We've got to be parents and be active in making sure they are both educated about the facts and not unnecessarily tempted by premature opportunity.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I'm sorry - I don't see how you cannot prevent kids that age from having sex. When my now 19 & 20 year olds were that age they were closely enough supervised that sex was out of the question. In HS things loosened up. They both opted to ... more
I don't mean that we can't stop them. We sure as hell can. But the kids who end up pregnant, are the poorly supervised kids whose parents get upset when they find out their child was having sex. I'm saying that it is best to offer the kids, who are going to do it anyway, condoms. I would rather find out my child had sex behind my back safely, than unprotected. Either that, or parents need to keep an eye on their kids at all times.

For instance, just the other week we had a 11 year old with an ectopic pregnancy. Her mother was yelling at her in the waiting room, and the divorced husband was telling the mother it was her fault for going to sleep and leaving the two kids downstairs unsupervised. So basically, if parents are being this way, it's best to give them condoms.

Not to mention that this 11 year old is in grave danger of actually being infertile for the rest of her life. Her body was not ready for this type of change.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I also don't think they should be given out to kids in class. I think they should be available upon request from the school nurse or a pharmacy etc. My sister's cafeteria ran out of food today, I don't think we need anymore money wasted on condoms if they can't keep food in the cafeteria. Kids should be able to sincerely ask for a condom, and receive one. Not tons of them, just one. Only when they need it. Just in case.
Contributor: kelaaa33wish kelaaa33wish
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I also don't think they should be given out to kids in class. I think they should be available upon request from the school nurse or a pharmacy etc. My sister's cafeteria ran out of food today, I don't think we need anymore money wasted ... more
I agree with you , if they can request one is great but not just hand them out by the handfuls.
Contributor: BabyL0ve BabyL0ve
no. I think they should be aware how sex and what condoms are, but I don't think they should have it. They will be curious of how to do it.
Contributor: newfoundlust newfoundlust
Originally posted by removedacnt
In one of the Sex Feeds today on SexIs there's a news piece about Philadelphia offering mail-order condoms to children as young as 11.

Do you think they should or shouldn't be able to get them that young? If you disagree with ... more
That is just wrong. Those are exactly that, children.
Contributor: Sangsara Sangsara
I had a condom at 5. obviously I had no need for it then- and I didn't have sex at all until age 14 and yes I used a condom because it was instilled in me very young that condoms were a protection you used no matter what. I cant say that I used a condom every single time I've ever had sex- in fact I was careless often- but in my defense if there was a condom around guaranteed I used it if I was in my right mind. condoms protect. they do not cause sex. if a person wants to have sex and has a willing partner despite how old or young they may be they are gonna do it. at least give teach them to protect themselves and eachother.
Contributor: geekkink geekkink
Originally posted by Bunnycups
The state should not be parenting or giving out condoms to children.
Nahh... just pay for the kids, kids later condoms Twenty bucks, raising a child on the welfare you can pay instead. 100,000+ a year. Ohh and before you say the kids need to get jobs than, they can't until they are fourteen.. so yeah brilliant plan.