Anti Rape-Condom?

Contributor: MuffysPinguLove MuffysPinguLove
So, I was browsing the internet the other day and I ran across this article about a device called the Anti-Rape-Condom. I had to post it here and ask: has anyone else heard about this? Do you think it's a good idea? Bad idea?

Personally, I think it has it's pros and cons. I'm interested to see what everyone else has to say.
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Contributor: Sir Sir
The name, I do not like. But the invention and the idea? YES, it is EXCELLENT! Especially in such places where this is a MAJOR problem.

It reminds me of a succubus, teeth inside, latching on and killing the penetrator. These do not kill the person, though.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Oh, yeah. We had it in an RPG sourcebook. We called it 'The Halfling Anti-Rape Device', so the Hobbits can deter the nasty humans from molesting them.

Hey, if someone is such a fuckwit as to try to rape someone else, they deserve what they get.
Contributor: bzzingbee bzzingbee
Wow, never heard of this either. I agree that the idea is solid, but I'd still feel weird wearing it. I guess if you live somewhere that it is an everyday concern, it would be worth it. And that sure is one easy way to idenitfy you rapist...
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
What this reminds me of is a movie I watched a few years ago called Killer Condom .

It's a great idea, I think - I wonder how effective it would actually be?
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I do think this is a fantastic idea and is great for those women who live in areas that this is definitely a serious concern. I don't think I'd ever personally wear one, just because it looks bigger than a tampon, and I hate wearing those too. But I'm all for these.
Contributor: MuffysPinguLove MuffysPinguLove
Originally posted by Jul!a
I do think this is a fantastic idea and is great for those women who live in areas that this is definitely a serious concern. I don't think I'd ever personally wear one, just because it looks bigger than a tampon, and I hate wearing those ... more
It actually reminded me of a film I saw called Teeth. In short the leading female character had teeth in her vagina...
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove
So, I was browsing the internet the other day and I ran across this article about a device called the Anti-Rape-Condom. I had to post it here and ask: has anyone else heard about this? Do you think it's a good idea? Bad idea?

Personally, ... more
I think it's interesting that someone tries to make the argument that it might be used for revenge on an unfaithful partner. As if there were not plenty of ways to do violence to someone if you were the kind of person who would do so. It's not like those same people are suggesting that women not be allowed to have kitchen knives, which would be just as easy to use for revenge.

I think it's a great idea for women who are at constant, serious risk or for anybody really, who feels the need for such an item.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I saw them three years ago I believe. There are two versions that I know of.

It is excellent. It is just like any other protection in my opinion. Some women are not able to go against theit attacker if they are being subdued, or they don't like the idea of guns etc. This is perfect. It is COMPLETELY self defense. It will not harm someone unless they do something unwanted by the wearer.

I would wear one if I needed to. Also, I heard that they cannot be removed unless they go to a hospital...instant catching of a predator.

I support it wholeheartedly.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Only thing is... how do you put it in and how does it stay in?
Contributor: Nefarius Nefarius
I like the idea of this, but the problem I have with it is not the fact that it MIGHT be used against unfaithful partners, and the like.

The problem I have with it is that when it IS used against unfaithful partners (and even faithful partners, who don't deserve it, because it WILL happen you know..), they will immediately be prosecuted for rape, using the device as evidence, and then we have a whole group of people who are suddenly innocent, but facing jail or worse for something they are perceived to have done by society. Or, at the very least, looked down upon by the general public.


I don't like that whatsoever.

There are just too many vindictive, and conniving bitches out there with a craving for trouble. Isn't enough we have women who seduce men into having unprotected sex while she lies to them and tells them she's got her own protection, just so she can have his child, and force him into paying her for it?
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove
It actually reminded me of a film I saw called Teeth. In short the leading female character had teeth in her vagina...
I've seen that movie. I still can't decide how much I like it. It was a great concept but the acting fell just a bit short for me. But yes, Teeth was definitely one of the first things I think of every time I see one of these.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I thought this was a great idea when I saw it posted on facebook, but then when I showed it to Mike he said he thought that it'd just end up with the person wearing it being beaten or murdered by the attacker once they are stabbed, grabbed or whatever by the condom.

In the link it says that it'll buy you time to get away, which I guess is true, but I still worry that someone will end up getting killed.
Contributor: omgmegg omgmegg
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove
So, I was browsing the internet the other day and I ran across this article about a device called the Anti-Rape-Condom. I had to post it here and ask: has anyone else heard about this? Do you think it's a good idea? Bad idea?

Personally, ... more
I saw this not too long ago, and saw they were giving them away at the world cup. The idea of this seems great, but I hate the name!! However in practice, it's just another form of protection and for girls and women who live in an area where rape is a serious concern, bravo to them for providing some pain for their attacker.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove
It actually reminded me of a film I saw called Teeth. In short the leading female character had teeth in her vagina...
Yup saw that! VAGINA DENTATA!
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
I agree with Alicia. There is no way of telling how someone will react to that kind of pain. Sure, some attackers may be incapacitated and writhe around on the ground so the victim can get away. Some will just get very, very angry and take that anger out on the victim.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I like the idea, esp. as a small woman. Men may not realize how scary it is to know that any man who isn't in a coma can overpower you. Easily. Even though I lift weights.

What I'm wondering is whether rapists would see the exterior portion of it and remove it before proceeding. They don't look at what they're doing?

I read a study years ago that if a rapist feels safe, then something happens to make them feel unsafe, they'll be much more likely to injure or kill their victims. I'm not sure if this condom would qualify as making rapists feel unsafe.

If you're going to fight, fight from the beginning.
Contributor: kck kck
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I saw them three years ago I believe. There are two versions that I know of.

It is excellent. It is just like any other protection in my opinion. Some women are not able to go against theit attacker if they are being subdued, or they don't ... more
Yeah, that's right. Only a medical tech can remove it.

I've also heard that men can't urinate with it in, and that the more you tear at it trying to get it off, the firmer the grip becomes.

Contributor: kck kck
Originally posted by Nefarius
I like the idea of this, but the problem I have with it is not the fact that it MIGHT be used against unfaithful partners, and the like.

The problem I have with it is that when it IS used against unfaithful partners (and even faithful ... more
This device is primarily meant for women in (developing) countries where rape is a common practice--especially in those countries where millions contract AIDS through forced sexual activity. It's a form of defense for the defenseless. I sincerely doubt that we'll be seeing this at Walgreens any time soon.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I think it's a good idea in theory, but I just think there may be too many problems once it's put into play, so to speak. I'd be curious to hear about actual experiences with real women.
Contributor: AU AU
I've seen a lot of criticism of these devices and it puzzles me. The argument is usually that a woman is endangering her life more by wearing one. It really depends on the situation, the rapist. Also, a lot of people seem to think that the device is actually bladed and thought it was excessive. It's not actually sharp, from my understanding, just uncomfortable and difficult to remove. I think it is a great invention, but one that needs a bit of thought to ones' situation before wearing? I'd like to hear stories about experiences with it.
Contributor: fatesrelease fatesrelease
I really can't be quite sure. As far as right now I don't worry because I am with someone I have been with for three years who has never ever pressured me to have sex. I don't really have to worry about going on dates with strangers and having them rape me. I carry pepper spray in my bag at all times though.
Contributor: joja joja
Originally posted by Nefarius
I like the idea of this, but the problem I have with it is not the fact that it MIGHT be used against unfaithful partners, and the like.

The problem I have with it is that when it IS used against unfaithful partners (and even faithful ... more
Obviously it can be used to trick someone even while having consensual sex - however, I disagree that getting caught with one of these things on equals "automatic prosecution of rape." Rape is actually very difficult to prosecute, as it often comes down to "He said, she said." Any old accusation, even with proof that the two did have sex, is no guarantee of conviction, not even close.
Contributor: FAM4LIFE FAM4LIFE
Originally posted by joja
Obviously it can be used to trick someone even while having consensual sex - however, I disagree that getting caught with one of these things on equals "automatic prosecution of rape." Rape is actually very difficult to prosecute, as it ... more
Yes, that's what I thought! It's super hard to prosecute someone for rape. And, as far as the rapist reacting violently to this, it's very likely that this will happen anyway. I love this idea. I think you stand a much better chance fighting off an attacker.
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
I realize women could be spiteful and try to use it as a revenge ploy, and that's why people argue it shouldn't exist, but not everyone is to use it for that purpose. Having something that stops rape before it gets too far is a great idea. I wish we would see it soon in stores. I also think having it exist, would make it easier to actually send a rapist to jail, physical proof as he had to have it removed.

My only concerns are: 1: You don't know how someone could react, they could hurt you worse and perhaps they like pain themselves? 2: Does it cut into the man, if so couldn't they bleed and transfer an STI to you? Talk about a double whammy, someone trying to rape you and you get an STI to boot from it.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
Originally posted by gone77
I think it's a good idea in theory, but I just think there may be too many problems once it's put into play, so to speak. I'd be curious to hear about actual experiences with real women.
Same here. Not too sure on this one.
Contributor: lexical lexical
Vagina dentata! I think it's kinda scary...also, it's ineffective unless the actual act is taking place. It's not a deterrent, it's just a punishment once the rape is actually occurring...Unless the girl's walking around announcing that she's wearing an anti-rape device.
Contributor: socceras socceras
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove
So, I was browsing the internet the other day and I ran across this article about a device called the Anti-Rape-Condom. I had to post it here and ask: has anyone else heard about this? Do you think it's a good idea? Bad idea?

Personally, ... more
holy crap i have never heard of this.....i think it is amazing!!!!!! i would like one but idk if i would b/c i would not go somewhere where i thought i might be raped
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove
So, I was browsing the internet the other day and I ran across this article about a device called the Anti-Rape-Condom. I had to post it here and ask: has anyone else heard about this? Do you think it's a good idea? Bad idea?

Personally, ... more
I think having it would be accepting the fact that you will be raped, and that is wrong. No one should ever have to accept that, or say that it's okay that it will happen. I think that it is a great idea, yes, that it will protect the poor victim. It's just the idea of acceptance I don't like. But it might be better if there were a way to shock or stun people before they have entry.