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No kidding, when my guy is cleaning up the house, it is not a "turn on" per se, but it makes MY stress level drop, because I know CHORES are done. If they are DONE, I can relax and that makes for great, long lasting sex play.
No kidding, when my guy is cleaning up the house, it is not a "turn on" per se, but it makes MY stress level drop, because I know CHORES are done. If they are DONE, I can relax and that makes for great, long lasting sex play.
How about YOU? Does having your lover "clean up" the place help YOU relax and thus get playful?
I am a guy, but I do this at my GFs house and my GF says its "sexy", which I don't take literally, but I know she appreciates it anyway. I do it partially to help her out and so that she hopefully has more time for sex and quality time
I also do most/all of the cooking. Seems to work and I think her GFs are envious when she tells them I run the vacuum and have dinner ready for her when she gets home.