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I have a phobia of men particularly physically imposing men. I can't help but know that if they wanted to they could.
Does anyone else have this fear?
If anyone else has different phobias feel free to express them.
Terrified of insects and arachnids, including moths and crickets. Yes, I know I'm ridiculous. i also have issues with needles. i'm trying to overcome that because i'd like to do needle play.
i don't like tall, imposing men. Not only could they hurt me if they wanted to, but i'm only 4'11" and for some reason they have a tendency to stand very close to me which means i have a difficult time looking at their face as i talk to them. i don't consider this a phobia though. i think phobias tend to be somewhat irrational fears. Like my fear of crickets. There's absolutely nothing about crickets that warrant my fear. Tall, big, imposing men, especially, say, when i'm walking to my car alone in a dark parking lot, is a perfectly valid and reasonable, possibly even wise, fear.