Waxing pubic hair?

Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
What are your reactions to the idea of waxing your sensitives??
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Scared and not mentally ready for it
Confused and not sure what the process entails
Don't think a smooth pubic area is for you
Total votes: 36 (30 voters)
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Contributor: LaLaLouise LaLaLouise
I shave at least 3 or 4 times a week. As far as waxing, I would be worried about the pain. But I have heard that Brazilian waxes are painless. So part of it is that I'm kind of a low-maintenance girl, never get my hair or nails done, have never had anything waxed. So would it be worth the time, money, and trouble of going and having it done when I can just shave in the shower?
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
From both our experience, it is definitely more economical, visually appealing, and physically nicer than trimming or shaving. He has said that she looks different and much more sexier when waxed. He constantly gets razor burn so wax is a great thing for him. Pain is dependent upon the waxer and kind of wax used...
Contributor: catgirl9 catgirl9
I didn't vote because there's no option for "I wax and love it!". It hurt the first time, but it's like plucking your eyebrows, you just get used to it and after a while it doesn't hurt as much. I tweeze any strays that pop up. After doing it for a while, it's no big deal.
Contributor: Howells Howells
Intead of waxing you could try sugaring. It's well worth the effort: ~30 minutes with tweezing included, then just leftover shaving in the very end (secret ingredient) and it LASTS. 1 week total bare skin, the 2nd week 'not bad', and the 3rd week is like short hair. You can do it again on the 3rd or 4th week. I bought a cup of premade sugar in like february and I still got almost half left so it's cheap too!
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
what about i want to do it, but not yet? actually a friend and i are going to our nation's capital to get our lady hair lazered off. that way, we'll never have to shave or anything like that again
Contributor: Howells Howells
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
what about i want to do it, but not yet? actually a friend and i are going to our nation's capital to get our lady hair lazered off. that way, we'll never have to shave or anything like that again
Mind you that's not one time job either. You'll need several repeated treatments to be effective.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
None of those options are really how I feel about it. I work at a spa, so I know the process pretty darn well even though I am not the one who perfoms it. To me it wasn't worth it because no matter what I do I get a bunch of ingrown hairs when I wax. I've since gotten laser hair removal done and that has really been effective even though it hurts a lot.
Contributor: IslandGoddess IslandGoddess
I've always wanted to get waxed but I heard it hurt alot!
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by Howells
Mind you that's not one time job either. You'll need several repeated treatments to be effective.
yeah that's the only problem. but i think in the long run, it'll be worth the investment.
Contributor: Dear Ruby Dear Ruby
I waxed once - my skin was bruised *horribly* and a good amount of the hair was still stuck in there. Ow for no reason! I have ridiculously thick, well rooted hairs.

Since my hair is substantially stronger than my skin, I also get a lot of ingrown hairs, which are not sexy. I just go for the close trim now, and my partners seem to really like it. I'm considering lasering my armpits though, since those are a hassle.
Contributor: hearts and hardons hearts and hardons
I love waxing. If you do any kind of strenuous exercise or other things involving a little challenge, waxing would probably be fine for you.
I would recommend getting professionally waxed the first couple of times. Doing it yourself can result in bruising and damaged skin. It's not something I would mess around with if you're not sure what you're doing. Also, the professional waxes are better quality. If you opt for do-it-yourself, I would order wax online.
Contributor: KinkBiLove KinkBiLove
i want to but i think it would hurt badly
Contributor: catgirl9 catgirl9
Originally posted by hearts and hardons
I love waxing. If you do any kind of strenuous exercise or other things involving a little challenge, waxing would probably be fine for you.
I would recommend getting professionally waxed the first couple of times. Doing it yourself can result in ... more
^ I do agree that getting it professionally done the first couple times would be beneficial.

I haven't found a pro around here, so I did a lot of research first and then attempted it on my own. I mean a LOT! If you are doing it on your own for the first time, just read up on it and watch some how-to videos. I ordered online as well; cost me about $10 and I still have 2 jars left over.
Contributor: sarki sarki
One word - OUCH
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
Try green wax where strips are not used. Hurts less and less irritation
Contributor: TheHardOne TheHardOne
I am willing to shave, but not wax. Och.....
Contributor: buttmunch buttmunch
I trim and shave never ever would I think of waxing. I'd rather get laser hair removal than that. Pus a smooth genital area on a guy is creepy it kinda looks like a turtle poking out of his shell.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Shaving works fine. I can do it when and where I like. Why would I want the hassle of waiting for hair to grow, exposing myself to a complete stranger - then enduring the excruciating pain - then wait and repeat?

It makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever.
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
Cant believe everyones against it lol
Contributor: Moein Moein
The question at Mens' health section. Yes I tried it once and I sweared I will not do it again. I spent long time to remove the wax that glued into hear.
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
I tried it and decided it was ridiculous and a waste of money. I shave all the time and do not tolerate prickles. At all. People who claim you're so much smoother with waxing are entirely misleading. I haven't had hair as long as was required to wax IN YEARS. It was ridiculous. If you do not like to be hairy, don't wax. As they say, you wax, and it's all nice for a week or two or however long it is for you, and then you have to GROW IT OUT to do it again. It's unbelievable. I truly could not believe that after hearing all about how awesome it was no one mentioned that. I mean come on.
Contributor: Art & Sensation Art & Sensation
I shave whenever it gets too hairy; or whenever a clean crotch is appreciated. :p

Really though, waxing seems unneccesarily painful. Not for me.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I Cant do that. I'm just too freaking scared. I'd rather shave.
Contributor: 0letitgrow 0letitgrow
Confused, scared and aroused by the thought of the unknown. and the smoothness. but not the regrowth
Contributor: allinonekid allinonekid
I've done it before but shaving turned out better for me.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by fabidefabi
What are your reactions to the idea of waxing your sensitives??
Scared and not mentally ready for it
Contributor: marriedlady123 marriedlady123
I've waxed for about a year and a half now...used to pay for it but now I do it myself. After a few months, it barely hurts at all. I would highly recommend investing in a good waxing kit.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Never waxed...but I have always been curious to try.
Contributor: ARPKasso ARPKasso
Never done it before, seems too painful.