Pubic hair removal (Male) : Shaving vs. Waxing , Pros/Cons, Myths/Fears, Amount of hair taken off, and anything else related to male pubic hair removal!

The idea/concept of male pubic waxing, while I know it existed, has started to peak my interest... I have shaved for about 2 years now, and have started to ponder if I should start waxing instead....

With this, I want to start a discussions of your methods and preferences. Pro's and Cons of each, Positive and negative experiences and any other general information or opinion on both or either method.

(Specifically I think that a lot of the fear of waxing for us guys is the unknown.. the process, the possible pain and the like.... I think this discussion can dispell, or confirm some of these "myths".... so do, please share!)

Invited: All users.

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Contributor: JustYourAverageGuy JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
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23  (11%)
160  (74%)
15  (7%)
17  (8%)
Total votes: 215
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Contributor: Sir Sir
Definitely shave and trim.
Contributor: iceman681 iceman681
want to try lazer
Contributor: thormxt10 thormxt10
I shave and trim.
Contributor: Moein Moein
I shave always, but for 2 months ago I have alergic symptomps. I thing I will change to chemical shaving materials.
Contributor: Tidwtrguy Tidwtrguy
Originally posted by iceman681
want to try lazer
Lazer works but it is a religious experience. Each burst from the lazer feels like a small electric shock. Until you have it done on your 'junk' it is hard to explain. It really doesn't hurt much on the shaft but when they get to the scrotum….that will definitely wake you up!
Contributor: nyc cpl nyc cpl
I got brazilian waxing few days back and loving it. This was my first time and it didn't hurt as much as I was expecting
Contributor: moonch1ld moonch1ld
I do a very close trim/shave down to a fine stubble with a beard trimmer
Contributor: philz philz
I shave. I am not interested in having my own persona forest in my crotch. Plus I`d feel bad for the ladies too.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Brazilian hurt like a bastard. My skin gets irritated no matter what I do, but at least with waxing it lasts longer.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by Tidwtrguy
Lazer works but it is a religious experience. Each burst from the lazer feels like a small electric shock. Until you have it done on your 'junk' it is hard to explain. It really doesn't hurt much on the shaft but when they get to the ... more
I wonder what it would cost to just do the shaft.
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
We've been experimenting for a while with what works best and is lowest maintenance. She says stubble scratches too much, so trimming the "upper" pubes and shaving everything else works best for us.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
Originally posted by purplekidney
We've been experimenting for a while with what works best and is lowest maintenance. She says stubble scratches too much, so trimming the "upper" pubes and shaving everything else works best for us.
That is what I do. I try to shave every day, but can go two before the stubble gets bad. I use a mach 3 and King of Shaves shave gel and it works great. I am scared to death of a wax. I had my eyebrows done once and that hurt bed enough I never want that done to my personal regions!
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
He: Whatever you do, don't wax. You'll rip your nuts off!

She: Oh. My. God. I married him, folks.
Contributor: MontereyJak MontereyJak
Long time shaved but really interested in waxing though. A close friend wants to wax me.
Contributor: Steve of Eden Steve of Eden
I say shave(and trim)... but I like some hair... sooo yeah... I am sure you could trim with waxing... though it would be harder I would think...
Contributor: Beck Beck
I finally got my old man to shave! I am so glad he did just makes things better for me. A lot less hair in my throat now.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
I waxed once. Didn't mind the discomfort, but didn't really care for the feeling. So now I do a combination of shaving/trimming and if I need to get "wax like" close, I'll use something like Nair/Veet.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
I shave regularly but have never waxed before so I can't really make that call.. I want to give waxing a shot one of these days.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I do both though waxing doesn't leave the stupid razor bumps.
Contributor: Blooddragon Blooddragon
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
Shave and trim
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I shave mostly, or trim when I'm just not feeling up to it.
Contributor: Sublime Sublime
I shave and trim. Had a girlfriend years ago wax my legs with that home microwave stuff and it was an interesting experience.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
I want to start waxing but i shave
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
Contributor: ECU Pirate ECU Pirate
you could use chemicals like veet. its nice for about a day before its spikey. I usually prefer to just trim.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Tidwtrguy
Lazer works but it is a religious experience. Each burst from the lazer feels like a small electric shock. Until you have it done on your 'junk' it is hard to explain. It really doesn't hurt much on the shaft but when they get to the ... more
thanks for the heads up.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
I trim and shave.
Contributor: woofcub woofcub
shave and trim, the idea of waxing down there just seems painful to me.
Contributor: Trepier Trepier
Waxing just seems like a more painful alternative.
Contributor: cepl5869 cepl5869
shave and trim
Contributor: Clubbinseals Clubbinseals
usually just trim to avoid stubble
Contributor: SkinFlute SkinFlute
I like trimmed, but the occasional wax for special occasions.
Contributor: mmmmm mmmmm
Shave and trim
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
I prefer to shave.
Contributor: wicked weasel wicked weasel
Hurts like hell especially if its long, but after awhile
you get use to it after every 2 months.
Contributor: iabicpl09 iabicpl09
Shave and trim
Contributor: srval69 srval69
my husband shaves every now and then but i wish he would more often it just seems nicer and less hair in the mouth possibly
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
I use electric clippers. Don't want shave bumps and too cheap to go get waxed. I've tried nair in places too. I trim though and clip bikini line, not full wax/shave.
Contributor: The Majikat The Majikat
just trim
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
i shave, but one time i did go get a wax. it was amazing, but i hate you have to let it grow out between waxes.
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
Contributor: tunacan75 tunacan75
Waxing just sounds so...feminine!
Contributor: karenm karenm
He and I both shave every day or two. I've thought about waxing though.
Contributor: Boyfriend Boyfriend
Contributor: Scythe Scythe
Originally posted by Sir
Definitely shave and trim.
I use some beard clippers and remove the majority of hair down there.
Contributor: UsArmyGuy UsArmyGuy
just switched from nair to waxing, wife likes it
Contributor: Gr8pumpkin Gr8pumpkin
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
Started with trimming the thatch nicely, have moved on to shaving just the shaft most of the way down, nearly every day, nice and smooth ! I wonder who you would get to lazer the hair ? Not sure I would want a woman to handle my junk, and zap it , on the other hand, I am not that keen on having a fella doing it either...conundrum.
Contributor: SexScienceAndFood SexScienceAndFood
I don't shave, just trim short. I have shaved before. In truth, I hate body hair and would wax it all off if it wasn't a constant hassle and expense.
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
I have found if I go totally bare and if she is also, that while in the missionary position our skin since wet with body fluids sticks to each other. That causes painful suction between our bodies. Also leaves me with a rash. So trim is my vote.

WW, how's that for one long terribly written sentence. Sorry .
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by OH&W, Lovebears
I have found if I go totally bare and if she is also, that while in the missionary position our skin since wet with body fluids sticks to each other. That causes painful suction between our bodies. Also leaves me with a rash. So trim is my ... more
@OH&W: Hey, cut it out, man! You're giving people the impression that I am a grammar Nazi! I understood what you said just fine and you don't owe me any apologies. Please, let people know I don't hound you about what you write!

Anyway, I thought you made an interesting point that I hadn't heard or thought of before.
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
@OH&W: Hey, cut it out, man! You're giving people the impression that I am a grammar Nazi! I understood what you said just fine and you don't owe me any apologies. Please, let people know I don't hound you about what you write! ... more
Sorry WW, You do know I was just funning around right ? Everybody knows your are one of the most helpful if not "d" most helpful member on EF.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by OH&W, Lovebears
Sorry WW, You do know I was just funning around right ? Everybody knows your are one of the most helpful if not "d" most helpful member on EF.
Thanks, OH&W! Of course I knew you were kidding, but what I meant is that other people might not know it and to them it may look like I am a grammar Nazi. (In fact, it's already happened.)
Contributor: toysforall toysforall
I cut it short using a beard trimmer.
Contributor: Inquisitor Inquisitor
Has anyone used a depilatory cream? If so, what should you stay away from and what works? As a guy, I've considered hair removal, but, the thought of a razor blade anywhere remotely close to the guys is off putting to say the least . Most probably the only way anyone is getting a razor in that area is if I'm heavily sedated and tied down.

Luckily, my partner seems to like the hairy look and hasn't requested a hair cut .
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Originally posted by Inquisitor
Has anyone used a depilatory cream? If so, what should you stay away from and what works? As a guy, I've considered hair removal, but, the thought of a razor blade anywhere remotely close to the guys is off putting to say the least . Most ... more
I read the dc can cause rashes in some cases. Yep, nicks and cut do hurt, but the little bleeding doesn't last long. Just stings like heck for few seconds.
Contributor: Vnessa Vnessa
Originally posted by Inquisitor
Has anyone used a depilatory cream? If so, what should you stay away from and what works? As a guy, I've considered hair removal, but, the thought of a razor blade anywhere remotely close to the guys is off putting to say the least . Most ... more
I don't use them, but you can try one for bikini areas. Do a patch test on a small area of skin before going all "balls out" though. Most creams are a bit harsh So be careful.

I would consider a Brazilian. If you find a good person, they will be very quick and efficient. You want someone that is good with "hard" wax. It takes less time.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by Vnessa
I don't use them, but you can try one for bikini areas. Do a patch test on a small area of skin before going all "balls out" though. Most creams are a bit harsh So be careful.

I would consider a Brazilian. If you find a good ... more
I've used Nair, which seems to be ok. I hate having to wait the like 10 - 15 minutes though before I can wash it off, I don't usually have enough time when I head in for a shower. Also most of them smell weird. The clay type does seem to work a little better though.
Contributor: Amber1319 Amber1319
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
Always Shave
Contributor: TheToyGuy TheToyGuy
If you want each individual hair ripped out with at least six weeks before regrowth try using an epilator.

Less painful than waxing your groin but the experience takes longer, however once you've done it a quick once over every other week ensures silky smoothness.
Contributor: Wickedly Yours Wickedly Yours
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Naturally, statistics speak for themselves, so lets hear what method you prefer!
I love when my man is shaved.
Contributor: JustYourAverageGuy JustYourAverageGuy
Male waxing seems to be somewhat new.... and thus I think many of us may be afraid to try it for many reasons... which is yours?
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Contributor: Sir Sir
I'm not afraid to get waxed, I just do not like the cost factor or having to get out of my shower in order to get myself nice and clean.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Sir
I'm not afraid to get waxed, I just do not like the cost factor or having to get out of my shower in order to get myself nice and clean.
I think most men don't like that it is a 'woman' thing.
Contributor: Tidwtrguy Tidwtrguy
I have done laser treatments for a while and am thinking about waxing to get rid of the remnants.
Contributor: moonch1ld moonch1ld
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I think most men don't like that it is a 'woman' thing.
I agree with this a bit. I've never actually even considered it though. Also cost is an issue and I would not like to go to a business to do it and especially not multiple times. Not sure how good of a job I could do on my own however.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Most salons charge a premium for it, if they even do it. It wasn't really awkward for me, but I'm not really a modest person. I actually would love to do it regularly, but I can't afford to.
Contributor: Steve of Eden Steve of Eden
Combo of pain, cost, and modesty...
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
It's mostly just the cost/getting out and doing it. I'm not really bothered by the idea of it.
Contributor: markwashere markwashere
I would never wax my testicle area...
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Male waxing seems to be somewhat new.... and thus I think many of us may be afraid to try it for many reasons... which is yours?
Tearing skin off, pain, modesty. I'm just not comfortable with the thought of it.
Contributor: woofcub woofcub
definitely the pain and possible tearing of the skin, that and I don't know how long waxing would remove the hair vs just regular shaving.
Contributor: Trepier Trepier
The pain is the biggest issue and just possible after effects.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Male waxing seems to be somewhat new.... and thus I think many of us may be afraid to try it for many reasons... which is yours?
Sounds painful... never tried it.
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
Pain caused during waxing
Contributor: Inquisitor Inquisitor
For me, Pain is #1 and Modesty is a close #2. I don't just show anyone my junk. They have to buy me a few drinks and dinner first.

Also, when it comes to the testicles, what happens with the wax there?
Contributor: Vnessa Vnessa
You would be very surprised how professional the service is and how comfortable they make you feel. I was worried about modesty as well. It's a lot like going to your Dr. Once they've seen 1 vagina, penis, or set of testicles, they've seen them all. There is nothing that they haven't seen before and they act like they are just looking at any other boring part of the body (like the ear lol). As for pain, the first is the worst but it gets better. It happens so fast that no sooner than you think, "crap, that hurt", it's done and over. It's well worth the price of admission to be hair free for a couple weeks. The more you wax, the less hair you have that grows back eventually

Shop around. There are decent rates to be found. Check local Beauty Schools. You can get cheap bikini waxes there. Not sure how "Brazilian" they are able to go though.
Contributor: JustYourAverageGuy JustYourAverageGuy
I think there is a bit of a perception that only homosexual men remove their pubic hair and that it is "taboo" for a straight man to do... Lets find out how true this perception is...

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11  (9%)
2  (2%)
79  (66%)
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14  (12%)
3  (2%)
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Contributor: Sir Sir
I am straight and I now trim my hair. I used to shave, but now I just trim occasionally.
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
Straight - shave most of it, trim the pubes above the penis.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
straight, and shave it.
Contributor: Jammin14580 Jammin14580
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
I think there is a bit of a perception that only homosexual men remove their pubic hair and that it is "taboo" for a straight man to do... Lets find out how true this perception is...

(the poll is private so your username will not be ... more
Bisexual, so this was kind of hard to answer lol Voted anyway.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
I think there is a bit of a perception that only homosexual men remove their pubic hair and that it is "taboo" for a straight man to do... Lets find out how true this perception is...

(the poll is private so your username will not be ... more
I am straight and I shave (or trim when I get lazy).
Contributor: woofcub woofcub
Bisexual, I will usually trim to reduce irritation from shaving but I love the smoothness of a nice shave.
Contributor: Trepier Trepier
Straight and a combination of shaving and trimming.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Straight - Shave it all.
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
Straight - Shave it
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
I think there is a bit of a perception that only homosexual men remove their pubic hair and that it is "taboo" for a straight man to do... Lets find out how true this perception is...

(the poll is private so your username will not be ... more
Straight - Shave it
Contributor: UsArmyGuy UsArmyGuy
Usually I just nair, but I got waxed this past week and while it hurt like hell, the results are undeniable, waxing is the way to go.
Contributor: JustYourAverageGuy JustYourAverageGuy
There are many levels of hair removal... which one suits your style? (regardless of the method you use i.e. shave or wax)

Trimmed - hair is short, but no removal (shaving or waxing) is involved
Bikini - Clean it up with a razor or wax, but the majority of your pubes are still there
Junk only - Trimmed above to keep it orderly, but no hair on the balls and shaft
Patch - Shave the junk, and shaved above, with a patch above the penis (think male equivalent of a landing strip)
All in front - Smooth (waxed or shaved) balls, shaft and pubes above the penis... your front side is bald....
Brazillian - Take it all off, Penis, Balls, Pubes above, taint, ass crack
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
39  (33%)
4  (3%)
18  (15%)
3  (3%)
18  (15%)
29  (25%)
6  (5%)
Total votes: 117
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Contributor: That Guy That Guy
I've done all of the above, but my girl doesn't like the brazilian.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
lol "man-zillian"
Contributor: skunked skunked
Great topic! I'm gay and only shave. I've never tried waxing, I would try it, but never really have had the chance or have done it.
Contributor: markwashere markwashere
Everything must go
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
depends on what mood i'm in. usually trim the pubic area and razor the balls.
Contributor: wicked weasel wicked weasel
Heck, since it's being worked on, you might as well take
all of it off!
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
There are many levels of hair removal... which one suits your style? (regardless of the method you use i.e. shave or wax)

Trimmed - hair is short, but no removal (shaving or waxing) is involved
Bikini - Clean it up with a razor or wax, but ... more
Contributor: Vnessa Vnessa
I'm a woman and I like my husband totally smooth and hair free. that stuff ALL OFF the junk It allows easier access to what we're after and we're more likely to play with you longer!!!
Contributor: JustYourAverageGuy JustYourAverageGuy
Please use this space for a general discussion of the topic.
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Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Please use this space for a general discussion of the topic.
There are a ton of threads on shaving/waxing on this site - is it's obviously a topic that gets everyone going. I'm straight and happily married for 20+. I started trimming 10+ years ago - then gave in to the complete shave about 8 years ago. Leading by example my wife has also progressed from trimming to shaving a little - to now shaving it all.

The reasons are simple we enjoy oral sex - hate picking hair out of our teeth and have found that the increased sensitivity is a really worth the effort. Like shaving your face (for guys) or pits/legs (for the ladies) it becomes second nature.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Please use this space for a general discussion of the topic.
My husband wanted me to shave it all. And he didn't shave anything at all. I was tired of giving oral and getting hair in my mouth - I told him, if You want me to shave, you gonna have to also. He didn't believe me. SO i stopped shaving. He gave in and asked me to help him. So I did. And now, years later - he shaves all on his own, every few days LOL
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
Sometimes he'd get razor burn when he shaved above the penis, and it scratched me, so now he just keeps that bit really short. I hate giving oral if he has hair anywhere else (nothing worse than hair in your teeth!), so he shaves everything but that top area.
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
Originally posted by Miss Jenn
My husband wanted me to shave it all. And he didn't shave anything at all. I was tired of giving oral and getting hair in my mouth - I told him, if You want me to shave, you gonna have to also. He didn't believe me. SO i stopped shaving. He ... more
haha, I tried to do the same thing, but then it was a contest and I just couldn't stand not shaving so I caved after a week and started shaving again. I ended up mostly refusing oral until he at least trimmed. He got rid of the hair pretty quick then
Contributor: GatorDood GatorDood
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Please use this space for a general discussion of the topic.
I periodically shave completely, let it grow back for a while, and shave again. Trimming is too much of a hassle for me so I am either shaved bald or am wild (outside of the grow back period that is).

I usually shave just before a special occasion as a surprise for my wife.

I like the fact that it is cooler (at least with talc/gold bond) and that I actually get fewer in-grown hairs, pimples, etc when I am shaved.
Contributor: markwashere markwashere
Originally posted by JustYourAverageGuy
Please use this space for a general discussion of the topic.
Ive cut under my balls while shaving really bad on time... It was very painful...
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
We enjoy the feeling of being clean and smooth.
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
I usually start by heating and then soaping. Then i use an elctric shaver to do the pubic area. Then i razor the shaft and balls. Worst experiences: cutting accidentally with a razor and my first time using aftershave on my balls. I was young and dumb.
Contributor: wicked weasel wicked weasel
The better half wanted me to shave, so I did. At first, I thought it
wasnt worth it. Now I practically can't live without it. Sometimes we
just go in together to get it done. So clean and smooth...
Contributor: SaraW0512 SaraW0512
It is so much nicer and cleaner shaved or waxed.
Contributor: Vnessa Vnessa
I love it---but my husband loves a fresh Brazilian Wax as well It's so clean and smooth for weeks!!!