Men - does it ever upset you that your penis is too thick? I never really minded, but there's those nights when Mrs. SecretToyLover is very tender and can't even take it when my penis is erect. It really hurts her! And the way she is so sore the day after... it's almost like I'm doing more harm than good.
I don't measure, but I am the size/girth of my wife's O2 Cush by Tantus. That's really all I can compare myself to.
She did have a relapse of vaginismus, but it has pretty much gone away for the most part. I don't think that could be contributing to the pain... could it?
Is there any way to make it easier on my lady?
I don't measure, but I am the size/girth of my wife's O2 Cush by Tantus. That's really all I can compare myself to.
She did have a relapse of vaginismus, but it has pretty much gone away for the most part. I don't think that could be contributing to the pain... could it?
Is there any way to make it easier on my lady?