Love the older "Daddy Dom" types. Sometimes I need a bit of micromanaging Daddy lovin'. LOL
How do you like your men?
Gonna have to go with this one - best answer
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
Flat on their backs and naked!
Poll doesn't make much sense...I think you meant maybe up to 9 years older but you simply have too many possible gaps in the poll. Regardless hubby is only 2 years older.
Originally posted by
I'm not sure if you're aware but your polls aren't very inclusive. There is a HUGE jump between someone at least 5 years younger than someone or someone at least 9 years older. Then your other option is at least 10 years older which is
I'm not sure if you're aware but your polls aren't very inclusive. There is a HUGE jump between someone at least 5 years younger than someone or someone at least 9 years older. Then your other option is at least 10 years older which is only adding an extra year to the second option.
You might find you get more participation in your polls if you include more options.... less
You might find you get more participation in your polls if you include more options.... less
I like my guys 2-7 years older than me. Might make an exception for another year or two older, depending on the situation. Never younger- even the ones my age are too immature for me.
I also enjoy a bit of muscle and some girth in certain areas
My husband is 5 years older than me. I've never dated anyone younger than me or my own age. It's always been at least 5 years or so older than me... and it's not a requirement, just what I'm attracted to... My ex-husband was 10 years older than me, lol...
I didn't vote because I there's no option for close to your age.
I've always loved older men. ALWAYS. Still do.
I very much agree with you on this. Maturity level is very important. I have mostly dated men that are my age or a a few years older. But in the last year or so I have found younger men much more appealing. The last 2 men I have been with were 9 yrs younger than me. The man I am with now is also 9 yrs younger & he is better in bed than ANY of the older guys I have been with. And he's not set in his ways yet...very trainable
Originally posted by
It's more about how old they act than how old they actually are, but preferably within a few years of me. Either direction is fine.
I like them older than me, but definitely not 9 years older. I wouldn't really go for a 27 year old at age 18.
Generally I prefer guys my own age or younger. Not really sure why. I do tend to sexualize innocence, and love the idea of introducing a less experienced boy to the possibilities of great sex (and other great things in life).
I chose "at least five years younger" because it's the closest to my preference, but at this age it's certainly not true. I'm only 19 -- and definitely not looking to sleep with a 14-year-old!
I chose "at least five years younger" because it's the closest to my preference, but at this age it's certainly not true. I'm only 19 -- and definitely not looking to sleep with a 14-year-old!
Agreed fully.. I couldn't vote for any of those
Originally posted by
I'm not sure if you're aware but your polls aren't very inclusive. There is a HUGE jump between someone at least 5 years younger than someone or someone at least 9 years older. Then your other option is at least 10 years older which is
I'm not sure if you're aware but your polls aren't very inclusive. There is a HUGE jump between someone at least 5 years younger than someone or someone at least 9 years older. Then your other option is at least 10 years older which is only adding an extra year to the second option.
You might find you get more participation in your polls if you include more options.... less
You might find you get more participation in your polls if you include more options.... less
Didn't vote since there isn't an option for around my age. My boyfriend is one year younger than me. But to answer the question my "range" is 2 years younger to about 2-4 years older.
i actually like men a couple years younger than me..funny cause i'm dating someone older than me right now..
I haven't really had that much experience and my boyfriend is the same age as me. He is the only person I have been with. I think it would be interesting to see the answers based on age. Like if you are at a certain age would you prefer someone older or younger
and oh opps i accidently pressed younger!!! at my age they would be way too immature for me!
Originally posted by
The Giveaway Diva
I haven't really had that much experience and my boyfriend is the same age as me. He is the only person I have been with. I think it would be interesting to see the answers based on age. Like if you are at a certain age would you prefer someone
I haven't really had that much experience and my boyfriend is the same age as me. He is the only person I have been with. I think it would be interesting to see the answers based on age. Like if you are at a certain age would you prefer someone older or younger
love older men!
Originally posted by
Title says all (:
You left out quite a few options, but I would say that I like my men within 10 years of my age. Up to 5 years younger or 5 years older.
There wasn't a voting option for my category, but I prefer men around 5-9 years older than me, give or take. It's really rare that I find myself attracted to someone younger!
I don't fit into any of the options either. Generally I prefer a man who is as old or older than me - but I agree it's all about maturity. I'm currently with a man who is 14 years older, and it's perfect - but their age isn't one of the first things I ask about, nor is it a requirement for me.
I can't vote because my option for just a few years older isn't up there.
Originally posted by
Title says all (:
older but not more than 4-5 years other wise it gets kinda gross
my husband is younger than me
I think if I were single, I'd go for younger men. My significant other is a little younger, and many of our friends are. I don't think a big age difference is really gross. But there is a point where it can be weird depending on the couple. I have found even under 5 years makes a little difference. I can't imagine dating someone ten years younger or older than me. Well, I can, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with it.
definitely not younger. look like little boys to me. im 25 and wouldtn wanna be with some one out of high school
Same here.
Originally posted by
Umm... there's no other choice, so other for me. I want someone my SAME age, or at least within a year or two up or down. My husband is only a couple months older.
my hubby is 35 i am 24
Originally posted by
Title says all (:
I have no preference of men. It really ends up depending on their maturity and overall attractiveness. Whether they are 18 or 45.
I don't really have an age preference. It's about the person. My current boyfriend is two months older than I am and we're very happy together. I do try to stick to men younger than my father though. I think a boyfriend being older than him would just freak me out, for some reason.

I'm with a 63 y.o. lover and that's fine because I'm 70 and our sex is great! Older than me might be problematical. We both have enough life experience to be very compatible. Our biggest difference is in our music preferences. That's no biggie, so long as the sex is good.
I like older men but your poll answer choices aren't very good. They're all very very different.
I agree with ALicia -- theres a BIG difference! My husband is 6 years older than me. SO that def is not any of the options...
Originally posted by
Title says all (:
More options would be better.