I am 10 yrs younger than my husband. His libido is low and mine is PEAKING! I just wonder if there are any EFers out there that have this problem, and how do you manage it? I'm desperately horney, and masterbating is getting old!
Featured by EdenFantasys
Do you find that your SO has a lower libido that yours?
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My husband is only 6 months older than I and he has a higher libido, he's the one who complains that we don't have enough sex.
My boyfriend is 12 years older and therefore well past his sexual peak. His isn't as high as mine, but it's still rather high. The difference isn't enough to cause too many problems, though I do get frustrated sometimes.
Heh, mine is lower than my partners. I'm still enjoying going along
It was one of the contributing factors of my divorce - my ex-husband's was so low, it was buried at midnight with a stake in the heart. The marriage was never consummated, and he never tried to work on it ... except blame me for getting worked up about a "genital sneeze" and calling my healthy libido "freakish". I'm afraid I wouldn't know what advice I can offer for others, except make sure the drives match up or can be worked with before it gets to be long-term frustration.
I'm so sorry about that! I couldn't handle that!
Originally posted by
It was one of the contributing factors of my divorce - my ex-husband's was so low, it was buried at midnight with a stake in the heart. The marriage was never consummated, and he never tried to work on it ... except blame me for getting worked up
It was one of the contributing factors of my divorce - my ex-husband's was so low, it was buried at midnight with a stake in the heart. The marriage was never consummated, and he never tried to work on it ... except blame me for getting worked up about a "genital sneeze" and calling my healthy libido "freakish". I'm afraid I wouldn't know what advice I can offer for others, except make sure the drives match up or can be worked with before it gets to be long-term frustration.
Originally posted by
I am 10 yrs younger than my husband. His libido is low and mine is PEAKING! I just wonder if there are any EFers out there that have this problem, and how do you manage it? I'm desperately horney, and masterbating is getting old!
Unfortunately, at the moment, yes.
We match so nicely. I'm fortunate.
He has always had a higher libido than me. As we have aged his drive has lessened a bit and might has gone up a bit, but he's still the hornier one.
I'm in the same boat as you. Unfortunately, since my SO works at his leisure the only time I can masturbate without feeling like a sex crazed freak is when I can take a long shower. I'm hoping his up coming "trip" for work will boost his libido a bit and maybe take mine down. Good luck Noelle.
Probably helps that we're both women and women peak much later than men but my wife is 26 years older and the first couple of years we were together we both had very high sex drives. Might have helped that I was her first serious relationship with a woman (don't know how she lived so much of her life dating men because it was pretty clear to both of us early on how much women were clearly her thing and I was helping her fulfill desires that had never been fulfilled). And I wasnt all that experienced in general so we had a lot to learn and explore together. Being two women our hormones made things interesting at times and that was often when our sex drives would be unbalanced. But it worked well generally and we had so much sex.
Three and a half years ago I started getting sick and turned out I have a complex mess of progressive illness so that has really killed my sex drive off considerably. Somewhere after I got sick she started menopause so her libido dropped too. But nothing like the way illness effected me and the difference between us was that once she got going and hers would raise again whereas sex would leave me in a lot of pain and exhausted. So things can get really rough because she wants it much more than me much of the time. We've really had to (and still are, heck that's part of how I ended up back on this website today!) work on things. Find ways to make sex work for me and less painful and tiring. Make compromises. I'm really good at talking dirty and writing or creating erotica so we have a thing sometimes where I lay next to her and tell her these dirty stories while she masturbates. Might be something your guy could do? Sometimes it ends up turning me on and I end up joining her if I can. And I'm always up for some kissing and snuggling when she's finished, so I'm sort of there for her and she's not completely masturbating alone. And being sick makes my situation different than yours but sometimes she gets herself off while getting me off so I don't get as tired/ have as much pain (though the actual act of orgasming always leaves me in pain from tightening up so many weak muscles in my body). I find if I do give in and we have sex even if I'm not really feeling it that tends to boost my sex drive and I know there's research out there saying if you have more sex, you'll want more sex but your husband would have to be willing to try it of course. Sometimes just talking about sex or sort of forcing myself to think about it and umagine it or browsing ses toys or watching porn help me out too. That and I've learned to run with it if I am feeling horny. We've had sex in the hospital before! Because I've learned the horniness may not last so if I can I get my wife and we do it.
It is a cruddy feeling to be the low libido partner. I wish I wanted it more (and then there's the illness guilt somewhere mixed in too). I still find my wife incredible attractive so its frustrating because I wonder sometimes, like no matter how much we talk or how many times I tell her that I am so attracted to her and she is so sexy, I wonder does she really believe me? It sucks to know she's so horny and I'm just not feeling it too. She's been amazing in the sense that she's never blamed me opana tries to be understanding even when she's going out if her mind horny. We're a very affectionate couple so we touch, kiss, cuddle a lot but there've been times when she's so horny she has to ask me not to hold her because it just makes her even crazier. It sucks. But like I said, we've been working at things, talking, trying to boost my libido or find outlets for hers. I do feel pretty fortunate though that we have really good communication and have always been able to talk to each other about our needs and desires. And I do think things have improved. So good luck. No idea if anything I've said helps but I do hope your husband and can find a way to work on things.
Three and a half years ago I started getting sick and turned out I have a complex mess of progressive illness so that has really killed my sex drive off considerably. Somewhere after I got sick she started menopause so her libido dropped too. But nothing like the way illness effected me and the difference between us was that once she got going and hers would raise again whereas sex would leave me in a lot of pain and exhausted. So things can get really rough because she wants it much more than me much of the time. We've really had to (and still are, heck that's part of how I ended up back on this website today!) work on things. Find ways to make sex work for me and less painful and tiring. Make compromises. I'm really good at talking dirty and writing or creating erotica so we have a thing sometimes where I lay next to her and tell her these dirty stories while she masturbates. Might be something your guy could do? Sometimes it ends up turning me on and I end up joining her if I can. And I'm always up for some kissing and snuggling when she's finished, so I'm sort of there for her and she's not completely masturbating alone. And being sick makes my situation different than yours but sometimes she gets herself off while getting me off so I don't get as tired/ have as much pain (though the actual act of orgasming always leaves me in pain from tightening up so many weak muscles in my body). I find if I do give in and we have sex even if I'm not really feeling it that tends to boost my sex drive and I know there's research out there saying if you have more sex, you'll want more sex but your husband would have to be willing to try it of course. Sometimes just talking about sex or sort of forcing myself to think about it and umagine it or browsing ses toys or watching porn help me out too. That and I've learned to run with it if I am feeling horny. We've had sex in the hospital before! Because I've learned the horniness may not last so if I can I get my wife and we do it.
It is a cruddy feeling to be the low libido partner. I wish I wanted it more (and then there's the illness guilt somewhere mixed in too). I still find my wife incredible attractive so its frustrating because I wonder sometimes, like no matter how much we talk or how many times I tell her that I am so attracted to her and she is so sexy, I wonder does she really believe me? It sucks to know she's so horny and I'm just not feeling it too. She's been amazing in the sense that she's never blamed me opana tries to be understanding even when she's going out if her mind horny. We're a very affectionate couple so we touch, kiss, cuddle a lot but there've been times when she's so horny she has to ask me not to hold her because it just makes her even crazier. It sucks. But like I said, we've been working at things, talking, trying to boost my libido or find outlets for hers. I do feel pretty fortunate though that we have really good communication and have always been able to talk to each other about our needs and desires. And I do think things have improved. So good luck. No idea if anything I've said helps but I do hope your husband and can find a way to work on things.
My wife has always had a lower libido than me. It has always been a struggle for me to understand.

It stinks when your sex drives don't match, I can tell you that for sure. My first wife never wanted sex, and had many hang ups about sexual activity. We tried marriage consuling and did some reading, but she was not willing to follow the therapists instructions. We didn't consummate the marriage until we were married 8 years. By that time the wheels pretty much were falling off the relationship, I tried to be understanding but I could not keep trying forever, we eventually divorced 23 years out. My current wife and I had a great sex life when we first married. Now it is a lot tamer, and we only get frisky a couple times a month. We both have had health issues, and they are now turning the corner so maybe now that we are feeling better things will ramp up again. I think we just need to get some different inspiration, try some new things maybe. My heart goes out to anyone who has drastically different libido than their partner, it is tough for sure, especially if you are young.
Originally posted by
My wife has always had a lower libido than me. It has always been a struggle for me to understand.
My boyfriend is 6 years younger than me. He doesn't think his desires are less than mine. When we first got together we only had sex before he went to bed. Our lives went down hill and we both moved in with our parents and now we have sex once a week.
Originally posted by
I am 10 yrs younger than my husband. His libido is low and mine is PEAKING! I just wonder if there are any EFers out there that have this problem, and how do you manage it? I'm desperately horney, and masterbating is getting old!
I could probably have sex 3 times a day every day. I have only ever had one bf keep up with me and I think that was because he was a loser with no job and very few friends; what else did he have to do.
Now on the other hand, it may not be that my boyfriend lacks desire, he just has strict ideas in his head about what one is suppossed to do. Pooey on that
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