Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've never had pop up before. Which, if any, have you encountered with your partner? I suspect that in ten more years I'll be posting another poll with about ten more options to pick from.
Aging issues that effect your sex life
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i voted erectile issues. i don't have any big issues, but i can only go once, maybe twice a day these days.
hot flashes when I'm already having hot sex...whew!
nothing yet. waiting for my age to catch up with me.
nothing lube and viagra can't fix.
I am so not looking forward to me getting older *Sigh*
Originally posted by
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've never had pop up before. Which, if any, have you encountered with your partner? I suspect that in ten more years I'll be posting another poll with about ten more options to pick from.
I'm only 33, but as I've gotten older, I haven't noticed any issues popping up. If anything, sex is better than it was before.
I'm in my 20's but I date men in their mid to late 30's and they usually can go once, max twice a day... and don't want it as often.
I don't think 30 is old though, and I think they just don't have a lot of stamina.
I don't think 30 is old though, and I think they just don't have a lot of stamina.
None of these. I just hope in a couple years I have a partner lol.
I'm only 30 and already I've had issues with these, but they were mine, and not his - and I think from stress, and not age.
Originally posted by
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've never had pop up before. Which, if any, have you encountered with your partner? I suspect that in ten more years I'll be posting another poll with about ten more options to pick from.
Actually I only notice that I am more willing to accept a partner is too tired or not interested. My libido is pretty much the same or higher and I don't have dryness issues...yet. I'm going on 42 so I'm doing well so far!
Originally posted by
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've never had pop up before. Which, if any, have you encountered with your partner? I suspect that in ten more years I'll be posting another poll with about ten more options to pick from.
Don't have any issues yet but I am still in my 20's
None for me but my husband has a very low libido and this is starting to pose a problem.
Originally posted by
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've never had pop up before. Which, if any, have you encountered with your partner? I suspect that in ten more years I'll be posting another poll with about ten more options to pick from.
I've had a guy with ed problems but I think that was more to do with taking anti-depressants. Also had another older guy that didn't have that much stamina anymore, but it wasn't that big of a deal.
Heh, I'm only 31 and have already dealt with 3 of the 4 issues you listed! Luckily I haven't needed any surgeries so far. Two of my ex boyfriends had ED to the point where it drastically affected our sex life. And I'm finding my libido has gone WAY down since 5 years ago, or especially 10 years ago when I was a horny little thing. I know I don't take care of myself as well as I should. I hate to think what will happen in the next 10-20 years at this rate!
I'm only 27, and my partner 32, but we have had some issues. Since having a baby, I definitely have experienced dryness that doesn't seem to be fully correcting its self, and it's been over a year now...so I sort of expect this is the new norm for me. So I guess not necessarily age related, but due to things you do when you get older, like have a family.
Decreased libido for both of us, more so him as he gets older, though.
Decreased libido for both of us, more so him as he gets older, though.

I have had some problems achieving orgasm, I have been weaning off anti-depressant and it has improved markedly. Also, my ejaculations are not as strong anymore, I mostly ooze instead of shooting, would love to get that back, though the orgasms feel the same when I have them.
I'm 61 years young.
I'm 61 years young.
I'm in my mid 40s, married to a much younger guy. His libido is through the roof. When I'm in the mood, it's ON, but that isn't nearly as often as he is. Sometimes it causes a rift between us. To me, there are other things on my mind that are more important - kids, bills, sleep, etc. Most of the time, I just "do my wifely duty" & play like I'm a really good actress. LOL!
I'm nearly 59 and have ED issues that Cialis address well. I also have some trouble achieving intercourse, especially through PIV sex - anal sex solves that problem and my wife is OK with that.
I'm only 19 (will be 20 in 2 weeks), so no issues yet. But my boyfriend is 42 and he has nerve damage from an accident he got in a long time ago. So he has erectile issues. It gets tedious, especially since pills for it are *so* expensive... but we deal with it.

Im 46, my SO is 21. She has no issues. My only issue is recovery time. Not what you are thinking. Its more of aches and pains later. Luckily my junk still works just fine.
I'm only 20, but I do have physical issues (i.e I've had several back surgeries already). It affects our sex life because it can be hard to keep the pain away. The older I get, I think the worse the pain will become due to left over issues (nerve damage, arthritis, etc). My partner works with it though.
Originally posted by
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've
Holy shit I'm almost 40. Not a huge deal sexually...yet. But I'm dating people in their 40's now, as at this point in my life I tend to favor mature and mentally secure partners. This means I have issues to work through that I've never had pop up before. Which, if any, have you encountered with your partner? I suspect that in ten more years I'll be posting another poll with about ten more options to pick from.
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