
Contributor: Dragon Dragon
Do you have children? Specifically do you currently have children that are adolescents and have you started talking with them about sex?

My goal here is generally to find out who has adolescents and at what level are you communicating with them. It's a little tricky to figure out all the possible poll combinations so feel free to add comments.

(Names hidden, but you can check multiple answers)
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
No children at this point in time
One child
More than one child
All children under five, I only answer questions
Most children under ten, basic knowledge
Most children under ten, we talk a lot about sexuality
Most children between 10 - 15, we talk openly and honestly about sex as it comes up.
Most children between 10-15, we don't talk much about sex
Most children between 15-21, we talk openly and honestly about sex as it comes up
Most children between 15-21, we don't talk much about sex
Most children are over 21
Total votes: 280 (229 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
I don't have children, but I will say that talking openly about sex when I was young--even if it was in the most basic, child-friendly manner possible--would've saved me a lot of grief throughout my youth. I definitely intend to keep my children aware at an age-appropriate level.
Contributor: Mamastoys Mamastoys
Our daughter is 29 and we talk pretty openly about sex and have for years. She is single and has no desire to settle down with a guy but would love to have kids. We have talked about this extensively. She has always come to me with questions and we have have had many discussions about various topics. She is always saying she is glad that my hubby and I have a good relationship and are happy, whatever that takes. She also is always telling me about massage oils and massagers to try out.

Our son is 23 and he doesn't talk to me as much as our daughter. He talks to his dad some but we have still always been open with him about sex, especially when he was living at home and had a girlfriend in high school. He teaches high school now (just finished his first year) and has talked to us several times about situations with his students involving sexual content.

We have alway tried to have an open relationship with our kids about sex. It started when they were pretty young and has remained an "open" topic for us. We kid and joke at times with them but I think they know that they can come to us with anything and we will be honest with them. At least I hope so. However, they don't know about our toy collection!

My parents didn't talk to me about sex- it was way off limits when I was a teenager. I learned what little I knew through a class at school and later when I got married for the first time. It wasn't a good situation and I honestly think if I had more knowledge about sex before I got into that situation, it would never have occurred. Even being in nursing school at the time didn't prepare me for the whole situation.

Sorry this post is so long but I am passionate that kids should be able to talk to parents about sex because if they can't talk to their parents they will find someone to talk to. That other someone is not always the best person to provide factual information.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
I'm not sure if I want children yet and even if I do, I plan on waiting a while before starting a family. However, if I ever do become a mom or even an aunt, I hope to be someone who the kids feel comfortable talking to about sex. Even now, there is really no one I feel comfortable talking to on such matters. It's rather upsetting and I know that, had communication been less difficult, many problems could have been avoided.
Contributor: Dragon Dragon
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
I'm not sure if I want children yet and even if I do, I plan on waiting a while before starting a family. However, if I ever do become a mom or even an aunt, I hope to be someone who the kids feel comfortable talking to about sex. Even now, there ... more
I'll volunteer to be your personal sex talk buddy!

After sensitivity with children, and my own issues I think I can handle it and firmly believe it's important.

Email me, and I'll give you my chat ID...
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by Dragon
I'll volunteer to be your personal sex talk buddy!

After sensitivity with children, and my own issues I think I can handle it and firmly believe it's important.

Email me, and I'll give you my chat ID...
Aww... thanks I'll take you up on that offer the next time I fall head-first into another intimacy crisis.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I don't have children at present, hopefully, someday. Anyway, I will want them to have a healthy attitude about their bodies and their sexuality. I believe they will learn from my positive attitude about all things sexual.
Even now, I find myself to be a trusted confidant to to younger students and clients.
Contributor: Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady
My children are young, 4 & 2, and they are somewhat sheltered from exposure to sexual situations; i.e., both their father and I limit their TV, movie, internet, etc. exposure.
My 4 year old knows her sister "grew in (my) belly", but that's about it. Neither her father nor I (we've been separated/divorced since she was 2.5 or so) have dated or acted sexually around either of our children since we parted. So the questions haven't really come up ...
My 2 year old plays with herself constantly. I don't discourage it, but if I see her doing it in public I usually say "That's something we should only do at home".
Contributor: LilyLust LilyLust
My kid is 3 so for now I am only answering questions he asks. Like why doesn't mom have a penis too? And where do baby's come from. But nothing too heavy after all he is a little young to know all the details after all. I don't want to scar him! We (lol I) are pretty open about our bodies, and want our kids to be comfortable in their own skin, and honest. I hope when the time comes Our kids are comfortable to ask and have a good talk with us about sex.
Contributor: Dragon Dragon
I just set up two blogs. One with each of my daughters. The goal is just one more way to have more lines of communication to talk about anything with them. Yet, I know that I will use it for sex conversations. At least to open dialogues sometimes. No all conversations start easily verbally- and we talk a lot.
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
Originally posted by LilyLust
My kid is 3 so for now I am only answering questions he asks. Like why doesn't mom have a penis too? And where do baby's come from. But nothing too heavy after all he is a little young to know all the details after all. I don't want to ... more
I am there with you, mine are small, 6 and under. I plan to be totally honest with them. My mom was with me, and I feel it paid off better than my friends parents' plan to just say no sex. I had an idea of who I was and what I wanted, I was always safe and never rebelled the way my other friends did. I knew if I needed to I could turn to my mom with all my questions as ask her whatever I needed to ask her.
Contributor: Saraid Saraid
I don't have any kids or plan on having kids, but I have a niece and nephew that I plan to talk to because I know their mom won't tell them a thing.
Contributor: Dragon Dragon
It's homecoming today... My eldest made plans to take her "friend who is a boy" to the game. She got asked to the dance by another boy who is her "puppy." We recently had several, nice long conversations about when a relationship is a boyfriend vs. a friend. What physical contact was sexual. What activities make a boyfriend jealous when they are a friend.

We're talking...
Contributor: spicywife spicywife
Originally posted by Dragon
It's homecoming today... My eldest made plans to take her "friend who is a boy" to the game. She got asked to the dance by another boy who is her "puppy." We recently had several, nice long conversations about when a ... more
That's good
Contributor: RosesThorns RosesThorns
We don't have kids yet, but we plan on being as open as it is comfortable for all involved. My mother was very open with me about sexuality and sex issues. I have always felt that I could talk to my mother about whatever and not really worry about getting judgmental feed back, Boyfriend has not been as lucky I suppose coming from a more 'repressed' household, but we have talked extensively about when we have kids, and we want to have a safe open home where our kids feel safe coming to us about anything, granted I am not silly enough to think that they always will. I know what its like to be a teen and confused, you talk to your friends almost as much if not more than to your parents hehe, but I want them to know that they can come to me if they want/need to.
Contributor: deceased deceased
I don't have kids, but I have had a lot of patients who are between 12 to 16 years of age, not going to school and having their first or second child. I think adolescents need a schdule. A job after school and activities like sports or clubs after school.Children are not mature enough to realie the repercussions of screwing around. I have have had teenagers with AIDs give birth, where are the parents>?
Contributor: KBToys24 KBToys24
I don't have children yet but I have every intention of being completely and utterly open with my children on all topics. I was never sheltered as a child and I think it's made me more open and definitely better educated than my peers growing up. I believe children should be given the information they need to make smart, educated decisions about their sex life.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
My kids are 13, 11 ans 2 months. The girls I talk to about anything they wish to talk about. My oldest has just had her first monthly this year so we've talked about what that means in terms of her hormone/endocrine levels, brain chemistry, and body. We've talked about what it means in relation to boys, fertility and diseases. She is of the opinion that she is too young to think of "such things" but she's curious and open to discussion.

In our household it's imperative we have very open lines of communication about everything because we are so very open in our marriage. The girls know what Arch is to me and that their Dad is not their brother's father, would have been rather hard to conceal and wrong as far as we are concerned. That being said they cuss like sailors (we're a gamer family) but they don't use the over sexualized talk of their peers, and when they try they tend to use it incorrectly. True story: The other day my son and I were sitting at the computer talking to his Dad and my oldest walks in drenched. She had gone out to play and it started to downpour. She looks at me and Arch and announces that she came into the room to get the hairdryer so she could give herself a blowjob. Arch and I laughed thinking she had just made a rather off color joke...then it hit us, she had no idea what she had just said! It's strange sometimes dealing with that level of innocence but I treasure it.

Misha I have no idea where the parents of these children are or what they are doing but my guess is the apple ain't fallin too far from the tree...either way it's a horrific situation and I admire you for being in the trenches. That's a place I found I couldn't cope with, it hurt too bad to see the pain.
Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
My daughter is almost 2, so the questions have not started yet. I do know that when I was young my mom always always told me the truth about everything. She might not have gone into detail but she was always open and honest.

When i was about 8 I had an aunt that was having her 3rd baby and she wasn't married. My parents have been married for 26 years....At that time i thought that you had to be married to have a baby and I didn't understand why she was having all these babies with her boyfriend but they were not married. My mom told me that some people don't get married before they have babies and that's ok but it's not really Ideal. When I was about 6 years old new about AIDS was all over the place.. my mom told me basic info about what is is, how you get it and what it does to you.

I always felt like I could ask her anything... I could also tell her anything, and I think that is very important for the teenage years.
Contributor: Phoenix77 Phoenix77
What about those of us who don't have any and don't plan on having any?
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
Originally posted by Phoenix77
What about those of us who don't have any and don't plan on having any?
My best friend's mom never taught her about sex or anything like it. She said only "whores" get yeast infections and crap like that. One of her mom's friends taught her what she needed to know, and she had no kids, and doesn't plan to.

Maybe you might end up being there for someone who's parents will never teach them anything, and you can help some.
Contributor: Miss Naughty Kitty Miss Naughty Kitty
I don't have children, however when I do I would like to be able to talk to them about sex. It is very important to talk to the about sex to make sure they are being safe and making the right decisions.

Ever since my sister and I have turned 18 our mother has been more comfortable talking about sex to a certain extent. She doesn't want to know the details, she just wants us to be safe. NO Babies, lol shes not ready to be a grandma, and I completely agree with that.

lol One funny thing she said to me the other day was not to have sex on my new futon because I will break it
Contributor: Sexual Freedom Sexual Freedom
Originally posted by Dragon
Do you have children? Specifically do you currently have children that are adolescents and have you started talking with them about sex?

My goal here is generally to find out who has adolescents and at what level are you communicating with ... more
I have two daughters ages 14 and 20. We speak very openly and positively about sex. I use age appropriate communication when talking about sex. Obviously with the 20 year old, it's all pretty much appropriate. In fact, she may be able to teach me a thing or two. Most things are appropriate for my 14 year old also, but some people are not as comfortable talking to their younger teens about sex. Talking about sex is something I do for a living so my children were broken in at an early age.
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
I was around 6 when, at the video store, I asked my mom to let me get the tape about "where babies come from." She decided it was fine.

It was animated, obviously for children, but was very....informative, shall we say. I knew that sex was some involvement between male and female genitalia and that babies sometimes resulted from this mysterious activity. I, of course, took it upon myself to inform all of my friends where babies come from.
I also told them there was no Santa.
Yeah, I was that kid.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
I have custody of my 3 teen sisters. They know they can ask or tell me anything. Ide rather them be open. Ive never told them "dont do it" but they know the facts an to be carefull. Ive tought them to respect themselves and there boddies to and because of that the 2 who did stuff before arent sexually active anymore.(When I first got custody of them they were well somewhat slutty and didnt care but now there better and we can joke about that past). Sometimes it helps to be open with them. I know what they have done, they know what ive done. They know I have toys, ive bought them toys of there own. So what I think its better them at home alone privatly doing stuff then having sex. Same as sexuality I dont see a point in saying from a young age even if I had kids of my own to tell them that being gay is bad or not cause its there choice.

So I would say were pretty open about it.

I do plan on having and my husband plan on having kids. Hes in the military so we had a few months but no luck....hele probably be leaving the military after this current deployment so then we will deffinitly get to trying anyway

As far as having kids from birth and being a mother from birth it wont be the same, but still open, trusting and honest with my kids about sex
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Our kids are between 10 and 24, and several inbetween (so the "most" thingy didn't fit us.) We have always been open about sexuality, while still maintaining our OWN privacy and our children's privacy.

There is no "Talk" in our house, it is a running dialogue, based on questions that may come up, things they may see on television, books lying around Our Bodies Ourselves and What Is Happening To My Body are usually on our coffee table for questions or just curiosity. (But, we keep the erotica and the porn in private, IMO, neither of these is appropriate for young adolescents, and I really don't share MY OWN sexual activities with my children, as they don't share the details of their own.) I think a family can be open with sexuality, while still maintaining privacy.

We reinforced how important birth control and disease control with our kids, and even have provided it, when the older ones are low on cash. I think an open ongoing dialogue is a little harder than "The Talk" but it matures as the child does, and eventually everything they WANT to ask you about comes up. Sometimes, we may bring something up that our kids DON'T want to talk about, the other day, I casually asked one of my older dd's if she shaved her pubes, as her older sister and I were just talking about it earlier and she said, "I decline to answer Mom. Sorry, it's personal." No problem. Their privacy is all important.

It can be amusing, though. Our oldest dd is moved out and living with her fiancee. We finally, after more than a year, told her she HAD to clean out her room so we could use it for something else, and she did....kind of. When My Man and I went in there to finish the job, we found several condom wrappers and used up BC pill blister packages. I told her while laughing and at first she was a bit appalled, "OMG, did Daddy see them?" I told her yes, and he was proud, that even when she was younger and still living with us she had the common sense to use TWO forms of birth control and protect herself against STIs. She was then glad when I told her we were proud of her responsible attitude, although we did get a chuckle out of the condom wrappers, "Here's an other one. Oh, it's glow in the dark. I don't think we've ever used one of those."

Being open, while respecting boundaries for both you and your kids is the best thing, as far as we understand raising children.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I just wanted to make a point that there was no "start date" of when we started talking about sexuality with our kids. Babies and toddlers love to name the parts of their body, and with our kids, even before they were 2 or 3, we used the proper words, vagina, penis, clitoris, testes, anus (although we do tend to say "Butt" more often. Kids LOVE the word butt!) We included the sexual organs, with NO fanfare along with "Where are your eyes? Where are your wrists? Where are your piggy toes?" This sets the stage for open communication.

NO, NEVER would I used words like "Va Jay Jay" "Down There" or "Unmentionables" with my kids. When I was about 10 or so, I had heard the word "Vulva" and I wanted to know if the entire pubic region was really called this (As I thought it was pronounced "Velva" like my Dad's Aqua Velva, and that was weird.) I asked my mom what "The whole Binky thing is called." (As that is what she called "Down There" A Binky. My God.) And she said, "There is NOT a name for that." I said, "Doctors must call it something. My friend said it was called a Velva." She replied, "NO, that dirty part has NO NAME! And, your friend needs to get her mind out of the gutter. Disgusting! Why were you two even discussing such a dirty thing?" My God, I really thought a part of MY OWN BODY was so filthy that even doctors didn't have a name for it. I vowed my own children would NEVER feel that type of shame. EVER. And as far as I know, they haven't.
Contributor: AU AU
I will never be a parent. But if I was a parent, I would try to know my child well, know their friends, tailor their education to the situation. I might have a family member they are comfortable with talk to them. I would keep appropriate literature around for them to absorb. If my child wanted to talk, I wouldn't avoid it, though. Or maybe I would just open up naturally.

I've been bringing it up a lot and I got a little hell for it elsewhere--I didn't have sex education from my parents, not even much of a puberty talk--and I'm happy with that. This approach is definitely not for all families, but it worked for me. I doubt my parents had much to teach. They assumed that I would learn everything I needed in sex-ed at school. They were wrong--I didn't learn much there, I even forged a signature to get out once. But they may have also known what kinds of things I was reading. I read my mom and sisters' magazines, whatever dry books I could on sexual topics, I was able to use the internet by the time I was 14. I read Clan of the Cave Bear when I was 11! My mom knew and said, "I think that is a little mature for you." But then left it alone. I got the book from a friend. All my friends were some various kinds of nerds, most didn't have sex until they were in their late teens, early 20s, they mostly had their facts right and little came from locker room talk.

Some might think my parents were bad for not talking to me. You can think whatever. Otherwise, they were pretty wonderful.

My significant other lived in a family where sex was an open topic (It still makes me a little uneasy at times when we visit now!). His mom was a nurse and gave him an OK talk. She was also terrified of more teenage pregnancies in the house after a sibling went through that and I think her approach made him kind of scared of sex. He went looking for answers himself on the internet when he had questions.

Thank you, internet. You taught me about birth control, appliance repair and history.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
There was no internet when I was an adolescent. Well, maybe some nerds at University of Chicago, with a phone modem connected to a Commodore 64, talking to one person in Japan or something like that. But, no internet as we know it now.

I actually would take Encyclopedias out of the library to learn about sex and birth control. Our family didn't have the money for Encyclopaedia (despite the fact that my father worked in academia) so I would use them at the library to get the info I needed.

That, and my dad's secret stash of Porn in the attic, he thought I didn't know about. How stupid did he think I was?
Contributor: AU AU
Originally posted by P'Gell
There was no internet when I was an adolescent. Well, maybe some nerds at University of Chicago, with a phone modem connected to a Commodore 64, talking to one person in Japan or something like that. But, no internet as we know it now.

I ... more
Haha, yeah, certain encyclopedia went missing for a while before we got the internet in my house. We collected our volumes slowly, I think it took 6 years to complete our set. We got to the r volumes by the time I was approaching my teens. R is of course, where information on reproduction/reproduct ive organs would be.

Commodore 64! We had one of those and I sometimes wish I still had it. We got ours used and I recall being fascinated by the idea of the modem. We never used it, though. :/