Im looking to get one of the above products. I am willing to spend the money to get the quality- but i would like to know out of these products what would be your favorite and what would you recommend!?!
Which should i get and why?!
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Out of these choices- what would you pick!?
(42 posts)
Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
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Some of these are CUTE, but not "anatomical" I bought the Vr7 to get a safe silicone replacement for my old favorite JELLY rabbit vibes (threw most away...just for HEALTHY reasons), and the Vr7 is simply amazing. Worth every penny.
I like the Mona the most. The Uma's buttons frustrate me, the G-Ki isn't the most powerful, the Leaf vibes have pretty buzzy vibrations, and the Ina didnt have the best shape for me. It was a tie between the Mona and the Vr7 for me, and since I've used the Mona and loved it, I went with Mona.
G-ki is customisable or the vr7 but if you are getting the vr7 you might as well get the 10, 11, or 12. Pretty sure the G-spot curve is bendable so you can customise it a bit as well.
To recommend any rabbit I'd need to know more about your anatomy. For example - I'm spaced closer together and the Vr7 wouldn't line up on me. Out of the other rabbits, Ina has been known to cause too much pressure and not line up for many users. The Vitality is supposed to be buzzy.
Bloom I have. It's crazy buzzy and the shape is eh. Uma is strong but the curve isn't pronounced. I don't have Mona so I have no comment other than that people do seem to love it. My guess is that it would weaker than Uma but maybe stronger than G-Ki based on my other Lelo experiences.
Out of those, G-Ki is my vote. It's not the strongest choice by any means, but it's customizable which the others are not. It's likely to hit more G spots than the other options if that's what you're aiming for. If you just want strength then go with Uma.
Bloom I have. It's crazy buzzy and the shape is eh. Uma is strong but the curve isn't pronounced. I don't have Mona so I have no comment other than that people do seem to love it. My guess is that it would weaker than Uma but maybe stronger than G-Ki based on my other Lelo experiences.
Out of those, G-Ki is my vote. It's not the strongest choice by any means, but it's customizable which the others are not. It's likely to hit more G spots than the other options if that's what you're aiming for. If you just want strength then go with Uma.
Love the VR7
I think the G-Ki has a little more versatility due to the more distinct sizes on either end.
I like the G ki so id pickthat if iw ere to pick one
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
G-ki is the only one I've tried out of these but i LOVE mine. My husband can make me come easily with it every time. The flexibility is incredible. While it doesn't always get my clit going well, the g-spot function is perfect.
Too many great options! I hope whatever you choose works for you!
I just bought the Uma and I'm glad I did.
Out of all of them, my favorite is the Uma
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
I would go for the Uma. Lots of power is good.
I'd get the uma or the Gi-Ki
G-ki for sure because well its nice
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
I've got the G-Ki, Ina, Uma, Vitality and Bloom. It's a touch choice, though I'd have to say G-Ki. It's got the customizable factor that the rest don't which makes a world of difference!
These are all nice, i'd probably order the G-Ki.
Personally, I'd pick Uma. I love the shape and size and Je Joue's products are some of my favorites. Mona or the G-Ki would be close runners up for me. I shy away from rabbits because I'm just not sure they'd line up on me. I've never seen one that looks like it would work anatomically. I'm really not interested in Leaf or Jopen's products though they are, by all accounts, high quality and many people rave about them.
G-Ki would be a good choice, you can adjust it, it's made of a safe material, it's rechargeable, and hopefully long-lasting and reliable, a real luxury toy supposedly...
I would go with the Uma. My wife and I recently received it, and she loves it. It has been the go-to toy since her first time using it, she absolutely loves it.
AHA!!! Another in the same boat!!!
I am torn between Uma, G-Ki and Mona. I want all of them. But which do I start with!!!
I am leaning heavily towards G-Ki as it is adjustable, so there is a better chance of it working with my body. But Uma has the power. But wretched buttons from what everyone is saying. And Mona? Well... that things has a long and reputable history.
The main reason I am not jumping on Mona right at this moment and ordering it, is it is not waterproof.
I am torn between Uma, G-Ki and Mona. I want all of them. But which do I start with!!!
I am leaning heavily towards G-Ki as it is adjustable, so there is a better chance of it working with my body. But Uma has the power. But wretched buttons from what everyone is saying. And Mona? Well... that things has a long and reputable history.
The main reason I am not jumping on Mona right at this moment and ordering it, is it is not waterproof.
Of those options, I have Uma, G-ki, and Mona
Uma is more powerful than G-ki and Mona if you're looking for power.
G-ki is adjustable and should be able to fit the anatomy of more ladies for g-spot stimulation if you're wondering about that.
Uma is more powerful than G-ki and Mona if you're looking for power.
G-ki is adjustable and should be able to fit the anatomy of more ladies for g-spot stimulation if you're wondering about that.
Jopen because of the strength and because it's an extremely well made toy!!
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
I must be the only one, but I hate the g-ki. I would go with Uma. The lelos aren't waterproof. That will make cleaning a pain! The vr7 would be my second choice.
bloom g spot
i have a gigi and love it! its quiet and strong enough though definiteoy not a powerhouse
Mona. I would get a different color though
g-ki because of the flexibility
I think the shape and design of the Gki look really nice
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
G-ki is a great all around toy !
I'd get the G-Ki.
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
The g-ki seems to be one of the strongest with the best reviews.
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
idk I am just in love with jopen
G-Ki is highly adjustable and the least of an investment.
jopen vanity
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Out of these choices im looking for the best product- what you yourself would choose and why!?
g-ki or vanity 7
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