An MP3-controlled vibrating bullet is very versatile for LDing.
You may use it as a simple RC reminder, for example by sewing it into a wristband which you apply at your ankle. That's the reason why it has to be very small.
You take the MP3-player, add a folder of 10 tracks of one minute silence each and one track of any short sound file. You start the folder with shuffle and repeat and you will feel a buzz at your ankle every ten minutes average. (or any time, just add enough empty sound files)
Every time you feel the buzz of the sound file you do a state testing, the reality check:
Is this a dream? How can I know if this is a dream? Am I able to breathe if i close my nostrils with my fingers? How many fingers do I have? More or less than 5? Do my hands look odd? Do I know how I came here? Any gaps in memory?
After some days or a few weeks this state testing will become a habit which you will keep doing in your dreams. Then you are lucid.
If you wear your ankle band during night there is a bigger chance that you will dream about the buzz.
Of course you don't have to wear it at your ankle...
If you know what I mean... ^^
And there is another LDreaming technique called rhythm napping.
You use a sound file which will wake you up after falling asleep so you have the chance to enter a dream consciously.
Here I want to apply vibrations instead or an addition to the sound files. Maybe the body part where you apply the vibrating bullet may influence the dream content.
I plan to use one of this cheap vibrating cockrings to keep the bullet where I want it to be...