The Hitachi Poll!

Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I finally broke down and got a Hitachi. It came in the mail yesteday. I never really wanted one on account I how big, ugly, and loud they are but I sure am glad I finally gave in! To celebrate, I thought I'd put this little poll up on the Hitachi. Do you like it? How do you use it? If you don't have one, do you want it? Feel free to comment on any part of that.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
- Kira - , Starkiller87 , padmeamidala , Lucidity , aliceinthehole , csweatc , WhoopieDoo , Kkay , Lucky21 , Taylor , Sammi , SexyTabby , Mr. E , Love Perpetua , mpfm , Liz2 , NarcissisticLust , Kayla , Pixel , Red Vinyl Kitty , namelesschaos , Willow Wand , badk1tty , Tuesday , Kitt Katt , Ash1141 , DeliciousSurprise , Cherry21 , A Woman And Her Wand , Diabolical Kitty , Kate , Elaira , Sinfully , Nothere , P'Gell , Rin (aka Nire) , Gracie , Eucaly , buzzvibe , Why , shinypinkstars , RoseDream , rom323 , Nissa Nissa , null , BlackxxxRose , Envy , LoveDrunk , acessorie , Breas , dudemeister , idunshire , hiroshiro , JewelsAndB , Katsmeow , potstickers , IntimateCouple , Sir , Ms. Spice , Jon S , dhig , jc123 , Anjulie , OroNomi , Greenleaf , Ibegoodone , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Curiouscat , laceypanties , Ms. N , TexasFire , BiJess , fredacarl , Nora , elli , TicklingPink , Bullfroggy and Rose , pasdechat , Gimme More , garychutchcouple , oopsy , MissManners , chowchau , TakeHimAway , VelvetDragon , SamsDelight , leanright69 , Girl696 , SkinFlute , redstars , mm84 , 2BudZ , solitudinarian , SneakersAndPearls , Bowen , animepanda89 , HannahPanda , Upyourreviews , ghalik , luisss , brevado , KRD , SweetieLuv , Girly Juice , aluminummm , BigR68 , Bignuf , tortilla , Lovesickalien , xGOLDx , <3BF , Neurogasm , Leslie Krinckle , chernayavdova , jdag , Danielle80 , Alyona , Dr. Curious , Anne , CandiHeart , indiebutt , fizzygato , CD007 , pcv , AmethystQueen , ChaiMocha , Violette Lacuna , Piña Colada , spiced , ChubbyNerd , DreezzyyBabyy , joolie , OH&W, Lovebears , wicked48 , cute , Lena Eden
toxie m , stacy'seuphoria , aliceinthehole , freshbananas , leatherlover , married with children , DeliciousSurprise , Eucaly , lost686girl , Nicky , l'amour , Harpina is gone , Double Analysis , Hibangel , Mochakaboom , ghalik , steelaster , sunflower , oneeyedoctopus
Beck , Kitka , Ghost , eeep , zracer , Stinkytofu10 , zeebot , the.wanlorn , Liz123 , Missmarc , Spring , T&A1987 , LavenderSkies , Tessa Taboo , JGrey , SugarLips , planetrees , Maxx , ichwillwaffels , duff , ily , hyperballad , damnbul12 , Pi , shinypinkstars , aimtoplease , mandaj , musepro77 , Cougar in Training , Buttercup Green , Hadespark , Apirka , boobookittyfuk , Nazaress , Do-Re-Mi , dezzydezire , Tagmstr , (k)InkyIvy , I like to try harder , ninja250 , tufails , VSgirl , AndromedaJane , sweetpea12 , Brandonn , tpfks , Retro.old , Angewin , SexyRayne , SparklyGlitter , SMichelle , Gemstone , LaSchwartz , Dreaus , MaryExy , Form 7 , destinationtwilight , countryfan1290 , LinToxic , freda , roskat , vanilla&chocolate , richsam , unfulfilled , Geogeo , Azule , BEXi13 , iabicpl09 , bh253 , myco , palindromic , Incendiaire , Deeder , ohhhlala! , Vegan Silk , Sauceboss , pirata , xMila , queenofsiam , PDXlady , Nacht Stern , sexxxkitten , Owl , sexyfun , AshMegYo , travelnurse , annieruk , Bethy Cassatt , BoobCopter , kitty1949 , Miss Anonymous , Joe and Dani , mmmmm , Moniqua , LilLostLenore , curiousnwilling , Chefbriapink , shannyshann , Katelyn , lia ayala , sexytileena / absolutely love sex , Mhay64 , mrs.mckrakn , anonkitty , lovebites , xxjoel , gwenevieve , Ouroborean , Cardiologineer , Virgingasms , Kat and Aaron(aaron) , FallFire , ginnyluvspotter , hybridinsurge , darkr , adavies , heather-mooney , lov69 , MzGreenEyedLady , AnotherPrettyFace , Sexy Desire , amenti , Toy Fiend , hem , FunFantasys , rosie.riveter , Tango8976 , PurplePainter23 , LuckyLady , KissTheSkyBaby , sillylilkitten , Alea4241 , ashboo32 , AmberLeigh , SassySam , lillmiss5054 , thornrose , Falsepast , Mrs.Tee , improbableomnicide , shelovesblackmen , bog , Noelle , RedFreak , dancingduo , Shera Adora , Beautiful-Disaster , Kodie , NAV , The Curious Couple , glassdoll , NickyNic , ReverieReviews
TameTemptress , True Pleasures , Ansley , Eva Schwaltz , Howells , cheetahpita , ellejay , Coralbell , Alan & Michele , tlaskowski , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Carrie Ann , Rawhide , ConnerJay , Darklyvan , Mew , 12345678 , joja , MR Chickhabit , lalapetitee , Jacobbbsmommy , McTavishes , charcat , Churga57 , Ice1 , charletnarouh , KyotoAngel , Sohotdinosaur , Shellz31 , November , Do emu , Lizzy , Trepier , tiggle biddies , tigertiger , BlooJay , curious kitten , Jane Incognita , LoveBug721 , hall5885 , Mwar , BurntToast , Femme Mystique , Schmizer , nynekats , Clubbinseals , hummingbird8 , pootpootpoot , Bex1331 , Love Obsessed , dancer120 , Apate , Cora Jane , greenbee227 , digit88 , ToyGeek , Slytherella , wdanas , Kaltir , booyahshaka91 , Lily Bee , MamaDivine , firefly , SubmissiveFeminist , Lildrummrgurl7 , Tangles , Living Doll , thesquaredeific , jr2012 , Velocity , xilliannax , ARPKasso , Arlinnae , noway , karenm , gustavadolphus , Pumpk1nPatch , yargle , snowminx , happymonday , B. Loved
- Kira - , Starkiller87 , Lucidity , stacy'seuphoria , csweatc , WhoopieDoo , Kkay , Sammi , SexyTabby , Mr. E , Kayla , Pixel , Willow Wand , Kitt Katt , A Woman And Her Wand , Diabolical Kitty , Elaira , Sinfully , Nothere , P'Gell , Rin (aka Nire) , Gracie , Eucaly , buzzvibe , Why , shinypinkstars , rom323 , null , LoveDrunk , RemusHalifax , idunshire , hiroshiro , JewelsAndB , potstickers , dhig , Anjulie , OroNomi , Ibegoodone , Curiouscat , TexasFire , Nora , TicklingPink , TakeHimAway , 2BudZ , solitudinarian , SneakersAndPearls , Mochakaboom , lovebites , xGOLDx , <3BF , indiebutt , Piña Colada , DreezzyyBabyy
- Kira - , Starkiller87 , Lucidity , stacy'seuphoria , csweatc , WhoopieDoo , Kkay , Taylor , Sammi , SexyTabby , Mr. E , Love Perpetua , mpfm , Liz2 , NarcissisticLust , Kayla , Pixel , Willow Wand , badk1tty , married with children , Tuesday , Kitt Katt , Ash1141 , DeliciousSurprise , A Woman And Her Wand , Diabolical Kitty , Kate , Elaira , Sinfully , Nothere , Rin (aka Nire) , Gracie , buzzvibe , Why , Nissa Nissa , null , BlackxxxRose , LoveDrunk , RemusHalifax , idunshire , JewelsAndB , Katsmeow , potstickers , IntimateCouple , Sir , Ms. Spice , dhig , jc123 , OroNomi , Greenleaf , Ibegoodone , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Curiouscat , Harpina is gone , TexasFire , Nora , elli , TicklingPink , Bullfroggy and Rose , pasdechat , oopsy , VelvetDragon , SamsDelight , leanright69 , redstars , 2BudZ , solitudinarian , SneakersAndPearls , Bowen , animepanda89 , Upyourreviews , ghalik , brevado , KRD , Girly Juice , aluminummm , BigR68 , Bignuf , xGOLDx , <3BF , chernayavdova , jdag , Anne , CandiHeart , indiebutt , @cammingcouple , rainie , CD007 , AmethystQueen , ChaiMocha , Piña Colada , ChubbyNerd , DreezzyyBabyy , sunflower , oneeyedoctopus , wicked48
- Kira - , Starkiller87 , stacy'seuphoria , Kkay , Sammi , SexyTabby , Mr. E , Liz2 , Kayla , Pixel , Red Vinyl Kitty , Willow Wand , Tuesday , Kitt Katt , Ash1141 , DeliciousSurprise , A Woman And Her Wand , Diabolical Kitty , Kate , Elaira , Sinfully , guro , P'Gell , Rin (aka Nire) , Eucaly , buzzvibe , Why , RoseDream , rom323 , Nissa Nissa , null , LoveDrunk , RemusHalifax , idunshire , hiroshiro , potstickers , Sir , Ms. Spice , jc123 , Anjulie , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Curiouscat , Ms. N , Nora , TicklingPink , Bullfroggy and Rose , epiphanyjayne , TakeHimAway , VelvetDragon , mm84 , 2BudZ , solitudinarian , animepanda89 , Mochakaboom , Upyourreviews , ghalik , KRD , Girly Juice , aluminummm , lovebites , xGOLDx , <3BF , jdag , indiebutt , CD007 , AmethystQueen , ChaiMocha , ChubbyNerd , OH&W, Lovebears
Lucidity , stacy'seuphoria , aliceinthehole , WhoopieDoo , Kkay , Taylor , SexyTabby , Mr. E , Love Perpetua , mpfm , Liz2 , NarcissisticLust , Pixel , Willow Wand , badk1tty , married with children , Kitt Katt , Ash1141 , A Woman And Her Wand , Diabolical Kitty , Sinfully , Nothere , Rin (aka Nire) , Gracie , Eucaly , buzzvibe , Why , rom323 , Nissa Nissa , null , BlackxxxRose , LoveDrunk , RemusHalifax , JewelsAndB , potstickers , dhig , OroNomi , Greenleaf , Curiouscat , Ms. N , Harpina is gone , Nora , elli , Bullfroggy and Rose , pasdechat , oopsy , chowchau , VelvetDragon , SamsDelight , leanright69 , redstars , 2BudZ , solitudinarian , SneakersAndPearls , Bowen , animepanda89 , ghalik , brevado , lovebites , Bignuf , xGOLDx , <3BF , Leslie Krinckle , chernayavdova , CandiHeart , indiebutt , Piña Colada , oneeyedoctopus
csweatc , Modern^Spank^Anthem
csweatc , SexyTabby , Willow Wand , Kitt Katt , A Woman And Her Wand , Kate , Nothere , Eucaly , Why , Envy , IntimateCouple , dhig , Ibegoodone , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Ms. N , TexasFire , Nora , Bullfroggy and Rose , TakeHimAway , 2BudZ , ghalik , Archery , <3BF , Anne , AmethystQueen , spiced , joolie
- Kira - , stacy'seuphoria , csweatc , Sammi , Mr. E , mpfm , Kitt Katt , Elaira , Nothere , Eucaly , buzzvibe , Why , shinypinkstars , rom323 , null , BlackxxxRose , potstickers , IntimateCouple , Anjulie , OroNomi , Nora , Bullfroggy and Rose , TakeHimAway , Mochakaboom , brevado , Bignuf , xGOLDx , jdag , Apple3192 , CandiHeart , rainie , spiced , wicked48
toxie m , Starkiller87 , Lucidity , aliceinthehole , WhoopieDoo , Kkay , Taylor , SexyTabby , Love Perpetua , Stagger13 , Liz2 , NarcissisticLust , Willow Wand , badk1tty , married with children , Ash1141 , razmataz , A Woman And Her Wand , Diabolical Kitty , Kate , Sinfully , Rin (aka Nire) , LoveDrunk , RemusHalifax , hiroshiro , Sir , Ms. Spice , dhig , Greenleaf , Nicky , Ibegoodone , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Curiouscat , TexasFire , TicklingPink , oopsy , VelvetDragon , leanright69 , redstars , 2BudZ , solitudinarian , Hibangel , Joe and Dani , animepanda89 , Upyourreviews , ghalik , Girly Juice , aluminummm , Innocent Mathias , chernayavdova , Anne , CD007 , AmethystQueen , ChaiMocha , Piña Colada , ChubbyNerd , steelaster , DreezzyyBabyy , joolie , oneeyedoctopus
Kayla , Red Vinyl Kitty , Tuesday , DeliciousSurprise , RoseDream , Nissa Nissa , BlackxxxRose , Flash777 , idunshire , JewelsAndB , jc123 , elli , SneakersAndPearls , Mochakaboom , sunflower
Total votes: 812 (396 voters)
Poll is open
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Engaging topic analysis of Hitachi magic Wand:

Japanese hentai video games now shipping with masturbator sleeve?
I read this linked to a video game site. The link is in japanese. The pictures speak for themselves though. I understand the purpose,...

Liberator Axis Hitachi or the Pulse?
My fiancee is looking at both, and I was wondering what people thought. She is leaning towards the Axis Hitachi.

What's the best hentai you've ever watched?

This is by far the best purchase I've made. My wife has a tough time reaching orgasm and needs the intense vibrations for her to climax. The Hitachi..

Best HItachi attachment?
Can be off the site products too, I would like to know which transfer the vibrations the best, without making them (much) weaker...
Contributor: Beck Beck
I am like the only one who does not have one. I do have Hitachi like vibes.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by - Kira -
I finally broke down and got a Hitachi. It came in the mail yesteday. I never really wanted one on account I how big, ugly, and loud they are but I sure am glad I finally gave in! To celebrate, I thought I'd put this little poll up on the ... more
I love my Hitachi
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Originally posted by Beck
I am like the only one who does not have one. I do have Hitachi like vibes.
I'm with you there, Beck. We just haven't been able to afford one, but maybe one of these days we'll get some luck and grab one.
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
Nice to see that I'm not the only one who really isn't interested in a Hitachi. I've been keeping that a secret because I thought people would call me crazy.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by Beck
I am like the only one who does not have one. I do have Hitachi like vibes.
Don't feel bad. I just got mine and I've been buying sex toys for 10+ years. X.x I always thought I was the only person in the world without one.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
It's way too heavy for me to use.
Contributor: stacy'seuphoria stacy'seuphoria
I bought the hitachi years ago but this year i bought couture collection inspire and I love it way better.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I wanted to buy one when there was that super awesome sale, but I was low on points. I would of got one though.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by - Kira -
I finally broke down and got a Hitachi. It came in the mail yesteday. I never really wanted one on account I how big, ugly, and loud they are but I sure am glad I finally gave in! To celebrate, I thought I'd put this little poll up on the ... more
i posted that i like it and do not like it. meh. i'm indifferent.

it's just so enormous, beastly, ancient looking, heavy, loud as shit, and looks like a freaking baseball on the end of a baseball bat. you could kill someone with it. and the cord... sigh. so freaking 1960's. i dream of jeanie with her giant vibrator...

it has yet to get me off too. just need to give it another chance...
Contributor: Rarity Rarity
I recently purchased the Fairy wand massager for family. Out of curiosity, I took it out of the packaging to see what it was like. The first thought that entered my mind was, "Holy shit, that is something I would never let near my clit."

Just the size of it makes it look like it would be too powerful and overwhelming for my lady garden.
Contributor: csweatc csweatc
There is no question that the Hitachi is a big and noisy device, but it really is much more powerful than almost anything else out there. Honestly the only thing that I've found that is more powerful is a really nice orbital sander that I have (wrapped in a towel is can produce an absolutely reality bending orgasm, but that's a different story all together...)

I should point out that I'm a guy (so the poll above doesn't really address the fact that anyone can benefit from using a Hitachi), and while my girlfriend has basically stolen my Hitachi because she is in love with the thing, I use this tool to get off with regularly. Although a few have mentioned above that the vibrator is just too big, heavy and clinical looking, I have actually found that this can be a really precise tool for eliciting some pretty amazing orgasms. Obviously you can just jam this thing on your clit or dick, and you'll have a nice orgasm, but I've found that the most pleasurable orgasms I've had with the hitachi have been when I've used the balance of the toy to lever it over my dick, just barely touching it. Combine this with a butt plug, dildo or prostate massager and I am guaranteed a solidly good time. Sometimes I like to use it on my perineum while I'm masturbating too. I guess my point is that it's a pretty versatile toy that will maintain a constant level of power, unlike basically every battery powered vibe on the market.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I Dream of Jeannie. LOL!! It does look old. It's even yellowed as if it was handed down from my mom or something. Creeps me out a little...

I have the Fairy Mini and I seriously hate it. It's so buzzy and it made my clit bleed.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by csweatc
There is no question that the Hitachi is a big and noisy device, but it really is much more powerful than almost anything else out there. Honestly the only thing that I've found that is more powerful is a really nice orbital sander that I have ... more
The "other ways" was my attempt to include guys because I was honestly clueless as to what options to put for guys. I didn't think jamming it on your dick would actually do anything. O.o Color me shocked, I guess. I did see you can buy a sleeve attachment for it. My husband wants to get one of those. He won't let me jam it on him for testing purposes.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I impulse bought mine when I saw it on sale for $16.50......

.....and I love it. Not as good as the one I made when I was a teen though :/
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
I have no interest in one. It's too bulky, noisy, and I have no room for it in my little apartment, lol.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
We have one! It's a fantastic toy!
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
I was meh about mine at first, but I've warmed up to it with time.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I got one not too long ago. I like it, but I wouldn't say I love it.
Contributor: eeep eeep
I want one, but have always held back due to the noise factor. I think once I no longer have roommates I will have to get one.
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
too bulky! too noisy! It's not on my list of toys to buy.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I had one and loved it, but it has gone missing. I imagine it will show up at some point after I decide to replace it.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Contributor: Mr. E Mr. E
Answered for my wife...she loves the Hitachi!
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I do love my Hitachi, I've had it for almost 2 years now
Contributor: tlaskowski tlaskowski
Originally posted by Beck
I am like the only one who does not have one. I do have Hitachi like vibes.
nope me too!
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
I do want one, but not urgently, I'm pretty happy with the 2-speed wahl I have, for an intense, clunky vibe.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
I don't have the Hitachi but I was really hoping to get one. Missed the deal a week ago so i will just wait for a little bit.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I never wanted the Hitachi, I thought it was ugly and so not sexy. I finally bought one and I am now totally in love with it. It is always plugged in, on a long cord and resides in my nightstand drawer with the cord hanging out. Yea, I really use it; alot.