Hello all! Not sure if this discussion has been done before, but I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter. Who knows, maybe even representatives of the companies could benefit from what users would like to see in their products.
Anyway, title says it all. We've seen vibrators, along with other sex toys, advance considerably over the years. However, I think we can all agree that even our "perfect" toy (or maybe you haven't found it yet!) may not be as perfect as we'd like it to be. Whether it's a change in the way they are powered, to the type of material ethics involved to the actual mechanics and features to the textures, length, girth and anatomical issues, there is always room for improvement. Heck, maybe you just don't like how they look! Everything is fair game here!
So, your thoughts?
Anyway, title says it all. We've seen vibrators, along with other sex toys, advance considerably over the years. However, I think we can all agree that even our "perfect" toy (or maybe you haven't found it yet!) may not be as perfect as we'd like it to be. Whether it's a change in the way they are powered, to the type of material ethics involved to the actual mechanics and features to the textures, length, girth and anatomical issues, there is always room for improvement. Heck, maybe you just don't like how they look! Everything is fair game here!
So, your thoughts?