Maybe, but I'm sure most of them are cheap imitations of existing products you can find elsewhere
Would you buy a toy on eBay?
Agreed. I'd prefer to just get it from Eden though.
Originally posted by
I considered it before I found Eden! Now only if it was something that I couldn't find on here!
I'd never use ebay for sex toys. Amazon, yes.
No I would not.
No I don't think I would.
i wouldnt
No, I wouldn't.
Most likely no, only if I was desperate, and only if it was being sold by an established store. The idea kinda grosses me out.
ummm no not just no hell no I don't trust eBay at all have only gotten 2 things from that site and they were clothing and when they arrived they were shredded like someone had put a cat or something in the box
eBay, no. Amazon, probably not.
I personally wouldnt buy anything like that off of ebay ... but I have sold several on there! So I know people do buy them! I only sell glass, silicone, and BDSM stuff though and either unused or barely used condition (like stuff I got for review and didnt like it) Always sterilized before packaging back into original box. Never had any complaints, customers have always been satisfied!
I wouldn't because I prefer EF. I think it is OK if the type of toy you are buying can be throughly cleaned like glass toys or silicone.
I would, and I have! I asked the seller if it was new and in the original packaging. I also made sure to get something silicone and waterproof so I could thoroughly clean it. I got an amazing deal and haven't had any problems with it. The seller currently has 100% positive feedback and has been active for years.
If it was a seller just listing one or two, and the pics looked sketchy, I would pass. But if the seller has hundreds of items up for sale and offers multiples of their stuff, I wouldn't think anything was suspect. I know a lot of people who operate legitimate businesses on eBay, so I wouldn't think it was a shady operation if someone was selling toys.
If it was a store selling on ebay, yes. I've purchased a number of sex toys from vendors on Amazon that I couldn't get here. I don't see anything wrong with it.

I really don't feel comfortable buying anything through EBAY, and particularly a toy.
Originally posted by
- Kira -
My husband is an eBay freak. They have a huge adult section that sells new toys (or so they say). This has always kinda squeaked me out. He says if you buy from someone with high feedback there's nothing to be worried about. So, would you buy
My husband is an eBay freak. They have a huge adult section that sells new toys (or so they say). This has always kinda squeaked me out. He says if you buy from someone with high feedback there's nothing to be worried about. So, would you buy a toy from eBay or does that make you uneasy? (Assume that it's new, not used.)
I wouldn't ever buy a sex toy from Ebay. I prefer a dedicated retailer, like Eden!
Don't people sell the stuff they don't need or want anymore on Ebay? how weird I mean weird
yes, only if it is new.
Originally posted by
- Kira -
My husband is an eBay freak. They have a huge adult section that sells new toys (or so they say). This has always kinda squeaked me out. He says if you buy from someone with high feedback there's nothing to be worried about. So, would you buy
My husband is an eBay freak. They have a huge adult section that sells new toys (or so they say). This has always kinda squeaked me out. He says if you buy from someone with high feedback there's nothing to be worried about. So, would you buy a toy from eBay or does that make you uneasy? (Assume that it's new, not used.)
Not unless it's a damn good deal. I find that slightly sketchy.
I would never use eBay for anything. It's a horrible place filled with scams, bootlegs, and grossness.
I doubt it would. Even if I cleaned them, I'd be nervous.
I voted maybe. I honestly have never thought about it..
depends but i don't see a reason to
Never know what you're getting from EBay.
Nope, but I don't use ebay anyways. A lot of toys can also be found on amazon, I'd rather just buy from there and know it actually is new and not just play the guessing game.
Maybe. It's hard to be sure of whether things on ebay are new or just say they are. But I guess you can always sanitize toys yourself.
I have no problem with buying toys on Ebay as long as they are boilable.
probably not
I've bought many toys on eBay and I've been almost entirely happy with the experiences. My favorite thing about eBay is being able to see a user's feedback before deciding whether to do business with them. I only do business with users who have plenty of feedback, and a perfect, or near-perfect, score. That would be my advice for anyone.
My only disappointments were cheap BDSM toys when we were still figuring out what we liked. The only think I don't like about buying adult items on eBay is that it's a bit clunky navigating to the adult section, and then having to go through a second log-in process. But for items Eden doesn't carry, it's worth it, in my experience.
My biggest score so far was getting the ASLAN Vegan Jaguar harness, new, for $30, including shipping. This was right after Eden stopped carrying it. It's one of our favorite harnesses.
My only disappointments were cheap BDSM toys when we were still figuring out what we liked. The only think I don't like about buying adult items on eBay is that it's a bit clunky navigating to the adult section, and then having to go through a second log-in process. But for items Eden doesn't carry, it's worth it, in my experience.
My biggest score so far was getting the ASLAN Vegan Jaguar harness, new, for $30, including shipping. This was right after Eden stopped carrying it. It's one of our favorite harnesses.