*hugs* Hey, I don't know much about kegels or exercising, but I just wanted you to know that you're not alone in fighting depression and its effects on a sex drive! I've been on the usual medication for years, and I don't have anyone to get horny over, so a lot of times indulging myself seems like too much work or I just don't think I'll EVER be 'in the mood'. Just keep plugging away . . . err, no innuendo intended . . . with things you know turn you on, and while you may not be as lusty as before, you can still keep your drive higher than you might think :3 It just takes more dedication and a conscious decision to keep setting aside time for yourself, even when it feels like too much effort for the payoff. You'll be doing yourself a favor by 'exercising' your horniness
You probably know all that already, and sorry for the mini-lecture, but I just wanted to let you know/remind you that while dealing with depression and sex can be really . . . well . . depressing, it DOES get better with practice - I promise! *huggles*