Hey everyone, I need some help deciding on which kegel exercisers to try out. I had gotten the Smartball Uno a while back and it was too big for me diameter-wise to be of any use. Do you think I should try the Ami or Mini Luna beads next? Also, please explain why you chose your answer, I really need the advice on these.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Je Joue Ami vs. Lelo Mini Luna Beads
Discussion Topics
Which should I try next and why?
(9 posts)
Out of these two options which should I try next? I didn't have luck with the Smartball Teneo Uno because the diameter was too big for the ball to be effective. Please help me choose and explain your choice.
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I would go with AMI, the finish on the set is so nice. You have a set of three and some versatility with them. I don't have the pleasure beads mini but I have the noir. They are basic plastic. the cord system is nice but your best bang for your buck is the ami.
While I have not tried the Luna beads, I would suggest the Ami as it has three diffent weights and sizes. I love that the Ami is also silicone and easy to clean and the quality is excellent. I don't know much about the Luna beads so I can't say anything for or against them. I know I like my Ami set. Hope you get some good information to help you choose.
Def the Ami. They feel so lovely and the variety is awesome. The silicone is velvety and comfortable, there are no pinch points. I don't really need the internal rumble, so I can't speak for that. I can take or leave the rumble. I love the variety of sizes and shapes, and the cords are comfy for long term wear.
I haven't tried the Ami, so I can't really say much about it. But the Luna mini beads should be small enough, if size is the issue, and there's also a good deal of variety (one or two balls at a time, and you can interchange the weights). I enjoy the movement of the marbles within the balls. If you want simpler exercises, you stay still; for more challenge, you move. I found them extremely fun and comfortable to use, and even though there are multiple pieces, they're easy to clean.
i cant say much for ami, but i love my luna mini beads. i think they would give you a more dynamic workout, especially since the diameter of the beads are smaller.
Originally posted by
Out of these two options which should I try next? I didn't have luck with the Smartball Teneo Uno because the diameter was too big for the ball to be effective. Please help me choose and explain your choice.
I've never tried the Luna beads, but the Ami ones are really nice. The first of the three balls is really wide, but the other two are thinner. The diversity and being able to choose which is really nice with Ami.
Also, with Ami, each one is weighted differently, so you can work up to the heaviest, or even start with that one, which is really nice. They can really give you a work out.
Also, with Ami, each one is weighted differently, so you can work up to the heaviest, or even start with that one, which is really nice. They can really give you a work out.
Oh! I got to this late, I don't check my email enough I'm sorry DK. If you still want my opinion I would go with the Ami, no question. The silicone is soft and supple without much drag. The Ami 1 is a bit larger in diameter while at the same time lighter and I really am not a fan of it. But since you have some experience with Kegel balls I'm sure the Ami 2 or 3 will not be too heavy for you and they're more compact. I'm not a huge fan of the Luna mini's. Besides the fact that you can't boil them like the Ami and they make more noise, I felt like I was being pinched when I put them on. That's not something I look for in products. Go with the Ami, you won't regret it.
I'm in the same boat with tripod, didn't see this email in time! I'd definitely go with the Ami, but beware of the dreadful first stage because that ball is humongous. Stage two is better and stage three is a dream if you already have a well trained pelvis. Enjoy!
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