I had placed an order and my free gift that I chose was the Eden wipes. If you have ever used this product, you'll know there is a date stamped on the back of the package...
Is this an expiry date? Or is it the date it was produced..? Because we just received these recently, and the date says: 2011/03/25... So that would be March. of this year..
Also, if it IS indeed an expiry date, that means it expired 6 months ago.. Are they still "safe" to use? My boyfriend used one this morning..
Is this an expiry date? Or is it the date it was produced..? Because we just received these recently, and the date says: 2011/03/25... So that would be March. of this year..
Also, if it IS indeed an expiry date, that means it expired 6 months ago.. Are they still "safe" to use? My boyfriend used one this morning..