What would you suggest???

Contributor: mnc5051 mnc5051 11/05/2010

Help me chose what lube to add to my collection? what have you used and what has worked best for you in what situations?

Invited: All users.

Discussion Topics

Contributor: mnc5051 mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
jdloelo , Trashley , ZenaidaMacroura , ~LaUr3n~ , xfairyxtalex , I'll Miss You EF :( , PuplePleasures , The Nakanas , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , Kimbertrees , dv8 , Harlequin , pinkcupcakes , sweet seduction , Solar Ray , Miss T , Kaltir , ichwillwaffels , KunisCarrot , chantal coopette , sexyk515 , Lumberman , np702 , CAKES , BabyL0ve , MJ1337 , jagp34 , Jenimi , ghostory , Double Analysis , chantalgiardina , jmex83 , BG529 , r00ster , ska , Sharay88
cobiffle , amazon , Mikemanz
ToyGeek , Shellz31 , Sebmissive , meganthomas , Naughty Student , Sera , Lif3sambiguity , J's Alley , lamira , Lummox , potstickers , dv8 , toxie m , C4ss , Technine , Colorado Hotwife , bunnyrydr , kittychilla , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Solar Ray , HoneyHoney , Lio , Lady Marmelade , sixfootsex , Emoushan , Adriana Ravenlust , REDRUM , UnknownGirl , Totogrl , Keegski , Purpleladybug , ellejay , Mr. E , liilii080 , Willis2011 , tigerkate , w-o-name , Joie de Cherresse , callsignhusker , barrettbn2 , The Curious Couple , zracer , Mseg20 , Carmb47 , Reny , Fernand0 , Enchantedkitty , Howells , bobowaxer , Mommy2 , Lolla Munz , Judas Iscars , ac0313 , Virgulino , Daniel & Brittany , mb , wetone123 , jay28 , Persephone Nightmare , k3 , chidoll , uu , Dyma , krisvida , sarki , tickle me pink , Rachel Nunez , 0 , ToyBoy , Anjulie , Donord , Nando , CuteDee , Ajax , Akira , Scott Ghost , kelaaa33wish , BabyL0ve , Elaira , She's Got The Jack , AlaskanBeauty , Ghost , carenautilus , Jon S , mistressg , Missmarc , jacki , SiNn , voenne , Sohotdinosaur , Hallmar82 , Willow Wand , DreamWolf , Churga57 , ghostory , dudemeister , dezzydezire , unfulfilled , coconut1 , Stagger13 , Love Perpetua , ksparkles16 , Entropy , Gimme More , GONE! , Terri69 , Falsepast , Lady Bear , VelvetDragon , LavenderSkies , Master DarkWolf , Feisty , KrissyNovacaine , sexxxkitten , mmmmm , Stinkytofu10 , Sauceboss , Caleb90 , amazon , Lavendar , PDXlady , r00ster , Anne , justme23 , Incendiaire , Virgingasms , PropertyOfPotter , Geogeo , ska , novanilla , Arlinnae , Neurogasm
Alan & Michele , Twist , ZenaidaMacroura , J's Alley , PuplePleasures , SingingStarr , sbon , dbtracy , Solar Ray , WHITEMIKE , HoneyHoney , namelesschaos , DCorrelle , eggiweg , MeliPixie , tigerkate , Taboada , Gunsmoke , Redboxbaby , Eva Schwaltz , slynch , Rhazya , MJ1337 , deletedacct , Breas , Love Perpetua , northstar , sweetpea12 , Chami , BlooJay , roskat , bh253 , curiousnwilling , PropertyOfPotter , SexyWalrus
Total votes: 207 (190 voters)
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Contributor: jdloelo jdloelo
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
k-y yours and mine. I had a bad reaction to it. can u say shower time? lol. This stuff burned me. never using again.
Contributor: jdloelo jdloelo
My absolute favorite lube is ID pleasure. No mess and it's not sticky and washes off easy. Alittle goes a long way so you get your money out of it. Hope this helps.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Of what you listed, I had a reaction to the KY (burning/stinging), Alan has reactions to Sliquid (also burning), and we haven't tried the other two. We use Swede Aqua Comfort because it agrees with both of us.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Two of those are warming, one looks regular, and one is silicone. They all have plusses and minuses - what are you looking for? A good lube, an experience, something that stays slick forever? What will you be using it with?
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
That sucks about everyone seeming to have a bad experience with the KY... I've never had that.
Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
I've used the KY yours and mine, and I didn't have a reaction to it, but it wasn't very good lube either. There are MUCH better ones out there. It really depends on what you're looking for.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I've used KY yours and mine and didn't have a reaction to it. It warms like it's supposed to but it doesn't really do much for me and hubby was even less turned on by it. Not great as a lube either unless you reapply a ton of it. Never used the others on your list.
Contributor: meganthomas meganthomas
I personally really like Sliquid in general, but I've also never had a reaction to any lubes before
Contributor: xfairyxtalex xfairyxtalex
I have never had a problem with ky yours and mine. I would have to say that to me, it is one of the best kind of lubes out there, though everyone does have different opinions.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
organic, can't go wrong with that!
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I haven't found anything I like better than Toyfluid, so far, but I'm planning on trying a wider range.
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
Ooh I like Toyfluid too, and Sliquid Sassy.

Dear God...NOT KY or that Hot + Sexy shit...

Hot + Sexy was HORRID...seriously, read my review. If that doesn't convince you read this one too.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I would try the Sliquid Organics Silk, because it should be very safe since it's organic.
Contributor: sbon sbon
I voted other because I haven't used any of these, but if I were to pick, I would pick Sliquid because it's organic.
Contributor: dbtracy dbtracy
Millenium is the best lube I have used.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
I love yours and mine
GUN OIL works well externally, but I am not sure how it is internally, or if it is to be used internally.
Contributor: HoneyHoney HoneyHoney
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I'm with ScottA those lubes are very different and it really depends on what you want. With out knowing more I voted other and recommend ride h20. As it the best all-purpose lube I've tried so far, body safe ingredient list, water based for use on silicone toys, thick enough for anal. However if you can give us more info there are better lubes for specific purposes.
Contributor: Kaltir Kaltir
The KY here gets a bad rep from a lot of people, but we LOVE it more than any other. I guess it just doesn't work well for some.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
Ky is not that great, i know to many people that had bad reaction to it
Contributor: jdloelo jdloelo
The KY was bad. I had a bad reaction. This stuff actually burned me, and I had swelling. I would advise caution with the KY product.
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
Like others have noted, KY has given a lot of people bad reactions. I wrote a review on how awful it was for me

I said Sliquid Organics, along with other.
I don't know what you have already in your collection... But I love Better Sex Essentials Silicone lube. And then Maximus. And I also just bought the Sliquid Swirl, which is really nice and quickly rising above Maximus- and not only because of the tasty factor!
Contributor: w-o-name w-o-name
I like the sliquid
Contributor: callsignhusker callsignhusker
Originally posted by jdloelo
The KY was bad. I had a bad reaction. This stuff actually burned me, and I had swelling. I would advise caution with the KY product.
ky irritates my skin AND my partners
Contributor: sexyk515 sexyk515
K-Y yours and mine
Contributor: Mommy2 Mommy2
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
Originally posted by Mommy2
^^ definitely. We use this almost exclusively and love the slickness and fact that it does not foam nor irritate either of us.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Our favorite is very rare - it's called Yes and comes from England. There are both oil and water-based formulas. The 'oil' is really a combination of Shea and Cocoa butters plus almond and vitamin E oils. Have not tried the water-based. Here's the link link
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
I've really got to try some of the Yes products. I had to toss the Maximus, had been using it a really long time and all the sudden it was making me itchy and would burn me. I have found my current favorite in Hathor's Aphrodisia Pure Lubricant. I am really impressed by it. There isn't a lot of crap in it either. It works great as an anal lube too.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I haven't tried the Yes either. I agree with namelesschaos on the Sliquid H2O Ride. It's our favorite go-to lube for toys, PIV, anal play and anal sex.

It seems to last a long time when used internally. The only problem with it is that it dries up during hand jobs. But, with my "yoni-problems" and his history of a serious yeast infection on his penis which went bacterial (I think the man thought I was exaggerating all these years about vag infections, until this happened to him) we have had no problems with irritation with the Sliquid Ride H2O.
Contributor: sarki sarki
Sliquid organics silk
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
I love Sliquid products!
Contributor: Rachel Nunez Rachel Nunez
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
I would go with sliquid, they make really good products
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
I would recommend sliquid organics, i use their stuff all the time and they work great!
Contributor: Nando Nando
Sliquid organics silk
Contributor: CuteDee CuteDee
Sliquid organics silk for sure! Have fun!!!
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
I've used Wet Gelle Strawberry Flavored: link

At the end it's a bit of a sticky cleanup, but during it feels very good and it tastes sweet without being overpowering.

Another one I like JO Premium: link

Doesn't taste like anything and it doesn't get sticky, seems to last forever and it's nice that it's latex friendly.
Contributor: AlaskanBeauty AlaskanBeauty
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
Sliquid all the way. It's way better for your skin, the planet, and your sex life!
Contributor: deletedacct deletedacct
Maximus (water based), or Eros original bodyglide (silicone based). I like Sliquid but it's not very long lived.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
I've tried all of the Sliquid Organics (natural, warming, gel (which I never posted a review for, but it was good), and silk. GO WITH SILK! But it is a hybrid lube, as in water & silicone based. So I would not used it with silicone toys.

DO NOT BUY THE K-Y! Worst lube I've ever tried.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
NO matter what you choose, do not choose K-Y yours and mine. I had terrible reactions to it.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
i only use Sliquid
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Ky IRRITATED ME! YUCK and I'm not usually sensitive to products.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I am a Sliquid convert, so I will always pick a Sliquid lube over anything else. I love Sliquid Organics Natural Lubricant, but I haven't tried the Silk (yet) because most of my toys are silicone, and I'm not having partner sex at the moment. When i want a silicone lube, that will my by pick.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
Sliquid is excellent.
Contributor: Gimme More Gimme More
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
I haven't tried anything of these. I usually get JO products, and I am getting Shunga Dragon Cream this week. And I can't wait to see how it works
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
ky yours n mine
Contributor: Lady Bear Lady Bear
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
Sliquid organics silk
Contributor: Master DarkWolf Master DarkWolf
Sliquid organics silk.
Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
Originally posted by Master DarkWolf
Sliquid organics silk.
Contributor: Chami Chami
other-better sex essentials is amazinggggg
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
i also used ky urs&mine and it was horrible. felt like it was burning!
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I want to try Sliquid
Contributor: roskat roskat
Originally posted by P'Gell
I haven't tried the Yes either. I agree with namelesschaos on the Sliquid H2O Ride. It's our favorite go-to lube for toys, PIV, anal play and anal sex.

It seems to last a long time when used internally. The only problem with ... more
I suggest this lube too!
Contributor: bh253 bh253
Can't go wrong with Jo! Voted other.
Contributor: mmmmm mmmmm
Sliquid organics silk
Contributor: Sauceboss Sauceboss
I LOVE Sliquid
Contributor: Caleb90 Caleb90
Contributor: amazon amazon
Definitely the organics. Ride's not too bad.
Contributor: Lavendar Lavendar
sliquid silk is amazing
Contributor: curiousnwilling curiousnwilling
KY Y&M I'm not a fan of, although I do like just standard KY
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
I vote sliquid because it's more body friendly, and it's vegan
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
the ride silicone is AWESOME!!!
Contributor: justme23 justme23
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
Love sliquid
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by mnc5051
what have you used and what havent you and why not?
you have a winner
Contributor: ska ska
K-Y yours and mine
Contributor: Sharay88 Sharay88
K-Y yours and mine, i really love this.
Contributor: Neurogasm Neurogasm
I would absolutely go with sliquid. KY made me burn. XP