WOMEN: Favorite panties?

Contributor: Valyn Valyn
I don't know if this has been asked before, but...

Ladies! What are favorite panties?

Comments very welcome!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Commando, whooo! Freedom!
Raven , imp , Miss KissThis , VelvetBound , LilyLust , Danzig ate your mother , Rayne Millaray , Dark Muse , Nashville , widget87 , ~miss.heather~ , doc , Mesmerizing , joaniedark , Airen Wolf , Yesenia , Snappy , Annemarie , Blinker , Lady Venus , MyWifeExposed , *Ashley* , beautifulpierced , Midway through , joja , NightNight , Blow Baby , Alegria , sugarOne , Shellz31 , lovehurts , mllebeauty , StrawberryEve , Trashley , Tart , pinkzombie , Libra , Lif3sambiguity , Akikaze , Lavendar Menace , CanMan , Jessica Elizabeth , MasterBlaster , Nightcrawler , mrs.mckrakn , pfoof , Raggedy Andie , ninaspinkturtle , 16one94@gmail.com , tigerkate , SexFeind22 , zeebot , Fuzzycow , racoons , MaryExy , BlueDog , K101 , sexygoddess , UunicornN , DeejSteele , The Mother of a SiNner , Ghost , caligaliber , Rin (aka Nire) , Beck , Ava5 , AndroAngel , Nora , 7Miles , RuMaRo34 , calliope , Zombirella , jbknows , Peggi , VelvetDragon , RomanticGoth , hybridinsurge , Ilovelingerie , *Camoprincess* , CadmiumKitty , satinlady550 , MidnightStorm , mjtheprincess , kitty1949 , Geogeo , Leather & Lace , lesglitter , MonaSmile , nosrslylol , Apple3192 , sillylilkitten , Real or memorex , FunFantasys , Gimme More , lillmiss5054 , Allison.Wilder , ChubbyNerd , Virgingasms , TJtheMadHatter , twelve13 , Alyona
Regular granny panties, thank you very much.
Oggins , Envy , Nashville , Domineight , GeekWife , Lavendar Menace , cherryredhead88 , mrs.mckrakn , chidoll , Angewin , carenautilus , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , RomanticGoth , *Camoprincess* , icyqueen , kitty1949 , XxFallenAngelxX , annarchism , tunacan75
Bikini bottoms!
Valyn , removedacnt , Rockin' , Liz , User Unknown , Backseat Boohoo , Adriana Ravenlust , LikeSunshineDust , Raven , Luscious Lily , Laccaria , Kaijah , Sammi , Carrie Ann , Liz2 , Alt , Rocky LaFemme , Juliettia , Anica , Undressed Reviews , Oggins , Miss Cinnamon , Dark Muse , Fun Lover , Sanjay , MonaFry , sarahbear , Rose , Sundae , ArmyWife Kira , Holly Hox , seaofneptune , Jul!a , Lithaewyn , Tuesday , Sassybunny85 , GNGenie , Elodie , Gardenvy , Hannah Savage , null , Rossie , Newlyinclined , Annemarie , P'Gell , buzzvibe , fatesrelease , Blinker , bzzingbee , Love Buzz , DustBunny , Fanny , DeliciousSurprise , NightNight , sexysweetieshan , Hot'n'Bothered , Darling Jen , Selective Sensualist , chaos4fun , Lonewolf , Persephone Nightmare , Dusk , Miss Morphine , leela , wondertoes , aussiejs , sbon , Libra , moonlitlilly , Jessica Elizabeth , SparklingReviews , Mistress Kitty , mrs.mckrakn , Raggedy Andie , bb63 , Alys , Lily Night , darthkitt3n , 16one94@gmail.com , tigerkate , x cherri , Lime , Valentinka , lick123 , Ms. Paprika , indiglo , FreeAsMyHair , DeejSteele , Bignuf , Jazz , Smitty , Nothere , bayosgirl , yrnw , LuciFaery , EJ , ToyingCouple , Rin (aka Nire) , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Pink Jewel , Ava5 , Silverdrop , Love Perpetua , Menarae , 7Miles , RuMaRo34 , Howells , ily , voenne , SexyStuff , VSgirl , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Zombirella , pootpootpoot , StarFire , RomanticGoth , LovesAPoet , PassionCpl , Experiment , hybridinsurge , *Camoprincess* , satinlady550 , MidnightStorm , tami , MrsRobinson73 , sexxxkitten , Kitka , Harpina is gone , TameTemptress , puglove , Melani , Anne , XxFallenAngelxX , novanilla , Arlinnae , Kiwi Green , Septimus , chicmichiw , Tata13 , evie.amor , freeport , twelve13 , Deeder , jr2012
Angel deSanguine , Valyn , removedacnt , Liz , Backseat Boohoo , Adriana Ravenlust , Raven , Luscious Lily , Alan & Michele , Sammi , Carrie Ann , Rocky LaFemme , Juliettia , Oggins , Rayne Millaray , Dark Muse , Fun Lover , Spicy Sunday , MuffysPinguLove , SilverVixen , Rose , ~miss.heather~ , frisky069 , Mesmerizing , Gunsmoke , ArmyWife Kira , Sugar , Me4real , xsapphirexangelx , Lithaewyn , BlessedRaven , Domineight , Tori Rebel , Gardenvy , Hannah Savage , null , Army.Wife , Nerdy Nymphette , Alicia , Rossie , Annemarie , fatesrelease , Kim! , Jenna.J.Ross , bzzingbee , MyWifeExposed , *Ashley* , sweet sally , AU , ~LaUr3n~ , Ladyblu , Love Buzz , Miss Naughty Kitty , SummerTymez , NightNight , Alegria , Gary , Not here , smartbabi92 , LittleBoPeep , SomewhatSomewhere , onehotmomma , meganthomas , TheSexista , mllebeauty , Persephone Nightmare , Trashley , Tart , newbern2004 , Twist , sbon , Libra , cherryredhead88 , fghjkl , OroNomi , VanillaFreeSex , Mistress Kitty , mrs.mckrakn , Raggedy Andie , Madeira , married with children , HollisJ , *HisMrs* , bb63 , Alys , ninaspinkturtle , 16one94@gmail.com , tigerkate , SexFeind22 , x cherri , MaryExy , BlueDog , Danielle Kearney , The Curious Couple , xKrystalx , Ms. Spice , lick123 , mariedoll , jay28 , ss143 , indiglo , Devz , Dr Anal , Nothere , BabyL0ve , IslandGoddess , AndroAngel , Sex'и'Violence , CreamySweet , geliebt , MamaDivine , Highmaintenancegirl916 , calliope , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , I'mNotYourToy , Zombirella , StarFire , vanilla&chocolate , chantal coopette , RomanticGoth , Bex1331 , LovesAPoet , Ilovelingerie , *Camoprincess* , satinlady550 , Pandwhora , mjtheprincess , kitty1949 , BrittaniMaree , Kitka , ashamo , tortilla , Xarien , puglove , lovebites , Sexy Desire , HisLittleFiend , CarrieCatt , XxFallenAngelxX , sillylilkitten , Tata13 , karenm , LaSchwartz , ashboo32 , Britt&Rich , marriedlady123 , Deeder , This Is For The Birds , misskat
Valyn , Raven , Juliettia , Oggins , Rayne Millaray , Mesmerizing , Gunsmoke , Lithaewyn , beautifulpierced , NightNight , Persephone Nightmare , GeekWife , Madeira , Ms. Spice , Nothere , 7Miles , Highmaintenancegirl916 , calliope , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , RomanticGoth , Ilovelingerie , satinlady550 , mjtheprincess , llellsee , XxFallenAngelxX , Pete's Princess
Boy-shorts/Cheekies (They're so comfy!)
Valyn , spicywife , Rockin' , User Unknown , Femme Mystique , anonymouscity , Laccaria , Kaijah , ZenaidaMacroura , imp , Rocky LaFemme , Saraid , VelvetBound , LilyLust , Undressed Reviews , Danzig ate your mother , Oggins , Dark Muse , Sanjay , Spicy Sunday , Owl Identified , MonaFry , CaptainBunnyKilla , sarahbear , EffinSara , Rose , Nashville , Laura Ricklin , frisky069 , giggled , Mesmerizing , Gunsmoke , cottoncandy , Kayla , PoshNicole , Lithaewyn , Domineight , her.royal.redness , KBToys24 , Andromeda , Gardenvy , Red Vinyl Kitty , clp , Hannah Savage , null , Jessica* , sqweak , luvinluv , Jill Ingoff , Alicia , Rossie , Illusional , Annemarie , Coralbell , usmcwife99 , Kim! , kck , Jenna.J.Ross , bzzingbee , LucyLemonade , *Ashley* , omgmegg , SweetestAngelGoneBad , joja , ~LaUr3n~ , Ladyblu , MyDolceVita , Miss Naughty Kitty , AVDisco , Sera , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , Fanny , Gatita , DeliciousSurprise , Pleasure Piratess , kcordie , NightNight , Alegria , JPito , Not here , smartbabi92 , new southern girl , Spring , Jobthingy , Melissa221 , lamira , onehotmomma , chaos4fun , lovehurts , meganthomas , butterflygirlxo , Trashley , supernaturalgirl , tits only , Waterfall , Tart , ToyGeek , sbon , Libra , loveshocks , cherryredhead88 , fghjkl , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , Stujen , C4ss , Mistress Kitty , mrs.mckrakn , toxie m , Raggedy Andie , Lucidity , TheZombre , Madeira , IrishLassie , Alys , Lily Night , VenusianThunder , ninaspinkturtle , darthkitt3n , 16one94@gmail.com , Miss T , SexFeind22 , x cherri , potstickers , BlueDog , Danielle Kearney , chidoll , leatherjacket , wetone123 , sexygoddess , Bunnycups , BadassFatass , Cream in the Cupcake , Valentinka , w-o-name , mariedoll , CAKES , Anjulie , Ms. Paprika , indiglo , cujo467 , DeejSteele , EnMH , krisvida , Devz , angel142stx , ichwillwaffels , GravyCakes , Nothere , Ghost , yrnw , EJ , eggiweg , caligaliber , Rin (aka Nire) , Princess-Kayla ♥ , IslandGoddess , aliceinthehole , Sunshineamine , JustAWeeKitteh , mistressg , AndroAngel , Sex'и'Violence , jeangel246 , Nora , 7Miles , RuMaRo34 , Miss Anonymous , ily , lilly555 , unfulfilled , Badass , voenne , Highmaintenancegirl916 , SexyStuff , calliope , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , I'mNotYourToy , MissCandyland , gorgeous , pootpootpoot , roskat , richsam , StarFire , pitona , Peggi , Sugarfina , RomanticGoth , LovesAPoet , MissManners , jessi2 , hybridinsurge , Ilovelingerie , HB042 , pokefan15 , *Camoprincess* , satinlady550 , tami , Shayla , Wonderstruck , mjtheprincess , Intrepid Niddering , MrsRobinson73 , cj89 , skeeterlynn , Kitka , LoooveMonkey , cicispizzaisyummy , Creepellah , ashamo , Harpina is gone , Leather & Lace , Xarien , Melani , invisiblehat , HisLittleFiend , XxFallenAngelxX , sillylilkitten , novanilla , Kiwi Green , featherhead , CaseyDeuce , boxunderbed , Beautiful-Disaster , Tata13 , 783883877299373783 , srexom , Firemenlafd2 , surreptitious , LaSchwartz , Missy27 , Cindi025 , evie.amor , ChubbyNerd , Virgingasms , TJtheMadHatter , Britt&Rich , MilitaryLove , TigerLily9 , WestTexasBarbie , Smitten-Kitten , This Is For The Birds , eri86 , Moon20
Briefs (womens, of course!)
deceased , Oggins , Kiir , gone77 , Sanjay , Envy , Nashville , lexical , Domineight , Airen Wolf , Annemarie , PassionQT , SydVicious , NightNight , Alegria , sexysweetieshan , GeekWife , Libra , mrs.mckrakn , Alys , chidoll , padmeamidala , Valentinka , cburger , Ms. Paprika , Nothere , yrnw , Silverdrop , Nora , RuMaRo34 , carenautilus , VSgirl , Puss in Boots , pootpootpoot , RomanticGoth , satinlady550 , Intrepid Niddering , kitty1949 , Harpina is gone , Xarien , Kiwi Green , 783883877299373783 , karenm , srexom , twelve13
Anything with lace!
Valyn , Femme Mystique , Backseat Boohoo , Adriana Ravenlust , LikeSunshineDust , Raven , Kaijah , Sammi , VelvetBound , Oggins , Kiir , Rayne Millaray , Dark Muse , sarahbear , EffinSara , MuffysPinguLove , Rose , frisky069 , Mesmerizing , ArmyWife Kira , BlessedRaven , Domineight , SexyTigerX , Andromeda , Gardenvy , clp , null , Jessica* , Nerdy Nymphette , Yesenia , fatesrelease , Dame Saphir , kck , Jenna.J.Ross , ~LaUr3n~ , Ladyblu , Miss Naughty Kitty , NightNight , Alegria , JPito , Not here , smartbabi92 , sugarOne , Persephone Nightmare , Trashley , sbon , LavenderSkies , cherryredhead88 , fghjkl , OroNomi , Taylor , Anne Ardeur , Mistress Kitty , mrs.mckrakn , Raggedy Andie , dv8 , Madeira , k&a , Alys , Lily Night , VenusianThunder , ninaspinkturtle , darthkitt3n , tigerkate , SexFeind22 , x cherri , MaryExy , Crystal1 , mariedoll , indiglo , ichigostrawberry , Devz , Nothere , Princess-Kayla ♥ , IslandGoddess , JustAWeeKitteh , mistressg , Sex'и'Violence , 7Miles , Miss Anonymous , lilly555 , SexyStuff , VSgirl , calliope , BuckeyeGal04 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , pootpootpoot , Peggi , RomanticGoth , hybridinsurge , Ilovelingerie , *Camoprincess* , satinlady550 , Pudyqat , Shayla , edeneve , kmarsico , HisLittleFiend , Anne , XxFallenAngelxX , novanilla , Tata13 , LaSchwartz , evie.amor , ChubbyNerd , Britt&Rich , eri86
Panties with beads/gems/words
Oggins , Andromeda , Gardenvy , sexysweetieshan , Tart , mrs.mckrakn , Raggedy Andie , Madeira , ninaspinkturtle , zracer , Nothere , CreamySweet , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , gorgeous , pootpootpoot , Peggi , RomanticGoth , *Camoprincess* , satinlady550 , XxFallenAngelxX , Tata13
Total votes: 856 (449 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Engaging topic analysis of Vibrating panties:

do you mind when your string is soo thin its practically lost? i cant stand that but too thick is no good.

The best and sexiest crotchless panties
Can you guys post some crotchless panties that you really like? They need to work for a somewhat chubby lady with a phobia of muffin tops! The waist..

Do you have a Panty/stockings fetish?
I love wearing panties and/or stockings during sex. Just the feel of them (stockings) makes me feel so sensual, and the air of urgency that staying...

Bartered panties should be crotchless!
I can't stand it when super sexy bartered lingerie - especially chemises but also products like the bartered thigh highs come with a full crotch....

Panty Vibrator
Has anyone had any luck with a vibrator to wear in your panties? Something quiet enough to not be noticed by others, with a mechanism or shape that...
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
Oops.. I guess I should have put an "Other" option..

I don't know if I should have made this private voting or not either, but I don't think there's any way to go back and edit it.
Contributor: Angel deSanguine Angel deSanguine
Originally posted by Valyn
Oops.. I guess I should have put an "Other" option..

I don't know if I should have made this private voting or not either, but I don't think there's any way to go back and edit it.
Eh, no big deal! We've talked about more compromising things on here than favorite panty type!

Me, I'm a thong girl... I like no panty lines, but commando isn't comfy to me...
Contributor: spicywife spicywife
I like boy shorts. They are comfortable and I like the way they look. My husband likes them the best on me too, even over thongs. I have a mix collection though: thongs, bikini and boy shorts. But the latter is my favorite.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I'm a huge Victoria's Secrets fan when it comes to panties. I know they're pricey but they suck me in every time.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
Yup, I'm another Victoria's Secret fan. I think string bikinis are my favorite, but I also really like the low rise regular bikini undies. And hipsters/boyshorts. Mmmmm!
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
I like how every month I usually get a Free Panty offer from VS.

It depends on my mood, but overall, I like hipsters/boyshorts/che ekies the best - they're the most comfortable, and they show off the lovely curves of a womans' ass. I have a couple that have are lacy, and I love how that looks.

If I'm feeling more naughty, though, I like thongs. They make me sort of.. dressed up, somehow.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Originally posted by Valyn
I like how every month I usually get a Free Panty offer from VS.

It depends on my mood, but overall, I like hipsters/boyshorts/che ekies the best - they're the most comfortable, and they show off the lovely curves of a womans' ass. I ... more
The funny thing about thongs for me is if I'm horny I love how they feel, if I'm not they annoy me.
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
Originally posted by removedacnt
The funny thing about thongs for me is if I'm horny I love how they feel, if I'm not they annoy me.
Exactly! I've worn them out to feel sexy, then as soon as I get home, it's back to some good ol' comfy boyshorts! And sleeping in thongs is annoying too!
Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
I wear plain, cotton bikini panties on a day to day basis, and I like a nice, comfy thong for under tighter clothes/dresses or with lingerie. I also absolutely LOVE black lace; don't own anything black lace at the moment, but I plan on stocking up when I can finally afford it!
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Like Backseat, I wear bikinis normally. Comfort is important but I try to get cute prints or lace, etc. I also really like hipsters - just don't have any now. Sad that they're not on the list. I like thongs but most of them are not comfortable and/or don't look good on me so I don't have as many as I used to.
Contributor: Raven Raven
It depends on my mood or where I'm going. Bikinis normally, but thongs if I'm feeling extra sexy, and if I'm wearing a skirt and my husband and I will be going some place where we might be able to get a little action (public places are a definite turn-on), then commando all the way!!
Contributor: spicywife spicywife
If you wear thongs now, did you always like them? I have some and I wear them with lingerie for play, but I don't wear them out. Is it something you get used to and start to like? It feels a bit annoying to me.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by spicywife
If you wear thongs now, did you always like them? I have some and I wear them with lingerie for play, but I don't wear them out. Is it something you get used to and start to like? It feels a bit annoying to me.
I definitely had to get used to them but I think they're more comfortable on thinner bodies than mine
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
You do get used to them. At first, it took me quite a while to stop messing with them- they're supposed to feel that way! I don't mind wearing them now, but sometimes when I get home, I just gotta get out of them and put something more comfortable on.
Contributor: Luscious Lily Luscious Lily
As long as they're of a soft fabric, I've enjoyed thongs since the first time I wore them. (it should be mentioned that I am severely lacking in the ass department) Most of the time I just wear bikinis, because I just don't have many comfy thongs.

The ones I've never been able to deal with are the boyshorts/cheekies styles. I know a lot of girls find them very comfortable, but I can't stand the way they feel. I'm built differently, I guess, because they just don't fit me right.
Contributor: Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady
So I didn't vote because my favorite panties are...
oh boy am I going to get it for this one...
They are bikini, low cut, and cotton. They look really cute on - especially the white ones, so I just keep wearing them.
I also like the occasional Victoria Secret panty for when I'm feeling extra sexy.
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
Originally posted by Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady
So I didn't vote because my favorite panties are...
oh boy am I going to get it for this one...
They are bikini, low cut, and cotton. They look really cute on - especially the white ones, so I just keep wearing them.
I ... more
Maternity! I didn't think of that.. Where do you get them from? I went to VS to try to get a complete list of types, .. guess they're not the panty gurus I thought they were, lol
Contributor: Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady
Originally posted by Valyn
Maternity! I didn't think of that.. Where do you get them from? I went to VS to try to get a complete list of types, .. guess they're not the panty gurus I thought they were, lol
Ok - For full disclosure here:
I haven't actually bought maternity panties since I was last pregnant - almost 3 years ago. It's just that I bought SO many and they've held up REALLY well. Since then I've only bought sexier panties because, well, I've got to balance my maternity panty habit somehow.

These are the ones I have link. And actually, I LOATHE that store - but the panties are great!
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I am a bikini girl but love thongs. Thongs become uncomfortable for me over a long day but I will ware them in the PM when I go out.
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
A mans point of view. I perfer thongs when admiring women. When they are wearing pants or something similar you never know what may be underneath (maybe commando)until they bend over. When I see the top of the thong it brings vivid images to mind about how it may be fitting underneath their cloths and how it feels.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Fun Lover
A mans point of view. I perfer thongs when admiring women. When they are wearing pants or something similar you never know what may be underneath (maybe commando)until they bend over. When I see the top of the thong it brings vivid images to mind ... more
Do a lot of staring? Just the "top" of a thong looks the same as the top of any panties
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
Do a lot of staring? Just the "top" of a thong looks the same as the top of any panties
No, I get what he means. By the top of a thong, I think he is referring to the string on a V/T-string thong.

I agree.. I'll admit, I have hiked up the thong a little for hotness factor before
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Originally posted by Valyn
No, I get what he means. By the top of a thong, I think he is referring to the string on a V/T-string thong.

I agree.. I'll admit, I have hiked up the thong a little for hotness factor before
My b/f loves to see the top of my thong from the rear, notices them on other girls as well, lol.
Contributor: Rocky LaFemme Rocky LaFemme
Victoria's Secret low rise bikini and their pink line, plus they always send me coupons for free stuff so I can't stay away.
Contributor: spicywife spicywife
Originally posted by Rocky LaFemme
Victoria's Secret low rise bikini and their pink line, plus they always send me coupons for free stuff so I can't stay away.
that's where they get ya... them coupons......
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
Originally posted by spicywife
that's where they get ya... them coupons......
Lol, yeah. I get a free panty every once in a while, and I've done pretty good in making it a habit to just go, pick up my free stuff, and get out! They're like sharks in there!
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
Originally posted by Valyn
No, I get what he means. By the top of a thong, I think he is referring to the string on a V/T-string thong.

I agree.. I'll admit, I have hiked up the thong a little for hotness factor before
You got it rite, and thanks for hiking them us for us men who enjoy the view.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Valyn
No, I get what he means. By the top of a thong, I think he is referring to the string on a V/T-string thong.

I agree.. I'll admit, I have hiked up the thong a little for hotness factor before
The picky bitch in me cannot help but point out that it is not a thon if it's a V-string