Insightful topic debates on Thick Dildo:
thick bulbs or thin
do you use thick bulbs, or thin when decorating for christmas?
How thick do you like your lube?
Personally, I like my lube thicker than the normal. Call me strange, but I just enjoy it a lot more than runny lubes.
Looking For Thick Lubes!
I like thick lubes. I'm talking gels, or just really thick overall lubes that if they run, they run at a snail's pace. But I hardly see any of these...
Thickest water based lube and why does it matter?
I've heard raves about various brands of water based lube being thick. Maximus is often included in the list. What is the thickest in your opinion,.
Thick lubes: what are your favs?
I am in the market for a new thick lube to use for anal. I don't know much about lubes...I usually use astroglide water based in the gel formula. I...