What's your favourite dildo type?

Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I love dildos, but I'm really picky. What kind do you like? Pick only one answer in each sub-category. (Looks, Size, etc)
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Looks: It should look as realistic as possible. Let me imagine I'm with a man!
Silverdrop , Nissa Nissa , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , oldman , dhig , pinkcupcakes , Shellz31 , Rin (aka Nire) , Sex'и'Violence , That Man from Mars , MR Chickhabit , MorbidRainbow , CreamySweet , M. Roth , Lock , sterculius , ashboo32 , amenti
Looks: If I wanted a real penis, I'd get one. Make them in funky shapes and colours!
Ace <3 , Naughty Student , AngelvMaynard , Nora , ToyTimeTim , ZenaidaMacroura , Love Perpetua , EndlessFrost , Ghost , Rossie , MaryExy , Illusional , Ryuson , Rin (aka Nire) , I'll Miss You EF :( , wetone123 , dv8 , - , aliceinthehole , hiroshiro , Ms. Spice , married with children , ily , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , CharmCity , mmike , Tess , EJ , RonLee , Angewin , PaleBeauty6 , stars , potstickers , jessi2 , Zombirella , Selective Sensualist , Apirka , PDXlady , MissCandyland , GirlOnGirl , bunny love , eleya12345 , roskat , Curiouscat , markwashere , ghalik , Positwist , Bzz , Beck , Girly Juice , LavenderSkies , butts , spiceboy , amenti
Size: I love the filled up feeling that girthy dildos give me.
Ace <3 , Lucky21 , Nora , ToyTimeTim , ZenaidaMacroura , Love Perpetua , dhig , pinkcupcakes , Ghost , Rossie , MaryExy , Shellz31 , Illusional , I'll Miss You EF :( , wetone123 , Sex'и'Violence , padmeamidala , dv8 , - , aliceinthehole , MorbidRainbow , CreamySweet , mmike , Tess , PaleBeauty6 , potstickers , jessi2 , Apirka , PDXlady , 3d3n1 , GirlOnGirl , bunny love , Ly-Ra , eleya12345 , roskat , Curiouscat , markwashere , Positwist , P'Gell , Bzz , Beck , Girly Juice , sterculius , butts , ellejay , spiceboy
Size: Skinny dildos are easier to use.
Silverdrop , Naughty Student , EndlessFrost , MaryExy , Rin (aka Nire) , hiroshiro , married with children , ily , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , CharmCity , EJ , M. Roth , Zombirella , Curiouscat , ghalik , sweetpea12 , SalmiakkiVodka , amenti
Features: I like double ended dildos
MR Chickhabit , PDXlady , Beck , butts
Features: I want to wear mine in a harness
Silverdrop , Ace <3 , ZenaidaMacroura , dv8 , aliceinthehole , hiroshiro , RonLee , jessi2 , Lock , GirlOnGirl , Ly-Ra , ghalik , Positwist , Beck , sterculius , amenti
Features: I want a harness-free "strap on" like the Feeldoe
wetone123 , butts , amenti
Features: Suction cup or other hands-free feature
Nora , pinkcupcakes , Rossie , I'll Miss You EF :( , hiroshiro , MR Chickhabit , MorbidRainbow , ily , CreamySweet , mmike , Angewin , M. Roth , PaleBeauty6 , Apirka , eleya12345 , Curiouscat , markwashere , ghalik , Bzz , SalmiakkiVodka , butts , ashboo32 , amenti
Features: Some other feature
Sex'и'Violence , married with children , mmike , RonLee , Angewin , spiceboy , amenti
Material: Silicone
Naughty Student , Nissa Nissa , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , Nora , ToyTimeTim , Kitt Katt , ZenaidaMacroura , Miss Anonymous , Love Perpetua , dhig , EndlessFrost , pinkcupcakes , Ghost , Rossie , MaryExy , Linga , Illusional , Rin (aka Nire) , wetone123 , Sex'и'Violence , padmeamidala , dv8 , That Man from Mars , - , aliceinthehole , hiroshiro , Ms. Spice , MR Chickhabit , married with children , ily , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , CharmCity , mmike , Tess , EJ , RonLee , Angewin , PaleBeauty6 , potstickers , Zombirella , Selective Sensualist , Apirka , PDXlady , 3d3n1 , MissCandyland , GirlOnGirl , bunny love , Ly-Ra , MissManners , eleya12345 , roskat , Curiouscat , markwashere , ghalik , Positwist , P'Gell , Bzz , Beck , LavenderSkies , sweetpea12 , SalmiakkiVodka , butts , ellejay , spiceboy , ashboo32 , amenti
Material: Glass
Naughty Student , ToyBoy , Nora , ToyTimeTim , Miss Anonymous , Ghost , Linga , Illusional , Ryuson , Rin (aka Nire) , I'll Miss You EF :( , wetone123 , hiroshiro , mmike , Angewin , M. Roth , potstickers , Zombirella , Selective Sensualist , Brandonn , MissCandyland , Curiouscat , ghalik , Positwist , P'Gell , Beck , Girly Juice , sweetpea12 , spiceboy , amenti
Material: Metal
Naughty Student , ToyBoy , ToyTimeTim , dhig , Ghost , MaryExy , Linga , hiroshiro , EJ , potstickers , Selective Sensualist , Positwist , P'Gell , Beck
Material: Realskin
Silverdrop , Ace <3 , Shellz31 , wetone123 , MorbidRainbow , CreamySweet , jessi2 , Zombirella , sterculius , butts
Material: Rubber
Material: Plastic
Material: Other
EndlessFrost , Selective Sensualist , ghalik , amenti
Otherness! - Anything I've left out so far!
Silverdrop , Sex'и'Violence , That Man from Mars , Ms. Spice , Lock , Beck , SalmiakkiVodka , amenti
Total votes: 323 (83 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I just realized that Realistic should have read: "Let me imagine that I'm with a man or am a man". Which is a silly thing to leave off since I love genderplay.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
The most important feature for me is G-Spot curve!!!!
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I try to go for things that are glass or silicone. I don't mind realistic or funky shapes.
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
I don't like realistic ones and I think you put it succinctly: if I wanted a real one, I'd get one.

I have used silicone, glass, ceramic, stone, aluminum and stainless steel. Each have advantages and disadvantages.
Contributor: Linga Linga
I don't have a favourite really. I have moods and I have some to suit every mood.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I like my girthy dildos to resemble a real cock and I like them in Cyberskin or UR3!
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I don't like anything too realistic! And I know that I like glass, but I'd love to try metal!
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Size and material are the first two things I look at. A dildo being silicone is a huge selling point for me, though I have a few glass ones that are pretty awesome, too. As for size, I like most of my toys to be on the smaller end of the spectrum (roughly 1" to 1.25" in diameter).

I don't much mind whether a dildo looks real or not - both options have their appeal.
Contributor: I'll Miss You EF :( I'll Miss You EF :(
I want big, and bright colors.
everything else doesn't matter. But I've kinda become a fan of glass.
Contributor: That Man from Mars That Man from Mars
I prefer to be the wearer, so I can't mark anything in the poll really.
But I/we really prefer them to be realistic, and have a good amount of 'normal' girth.
By normal I mean it's the size/shape of a real (slightly above average) cock.
Contributor: hiroshiro hiroshiro
My most important feature is a g-spot curve! I do love my bright colours, though...
Contributor: mmike mmike
Sorry, I skimmed over the directions and picked some multiple answers.

My single choices would have been: Funky colors/shapes, girth, other feature/flared base, glass.
Contributor: EJ EJ
Originally posted by Ryuson
I don't like anything too realistic! And I know that I like glass, but I'd love to try metal!
Metal with a rounded ball on the end is by far my favorite. I love the weight, the fact that it will stay in by itself so that I can do my kegels hands-free, and the coldness when it's first inserted.
Contributor: Angewin Angewin
silicone or glass are probably the most important material.
Contributor: M. Roth M. Roth
Honestly, as long as it's glass, I'm pretty content. Although the G-Spot feature is nice.
Contributor: jessi2 jessi2
I love the funky colors, but love the real feel!
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I love dildos, but I'm really picky. What kind do you like? Pick only one answer in each sub-category. (Looks, Size, etc)
I like realistic feeling with texture but I'm really wanting to try glass.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
I like girthy dildos either in fun colors or flesh, doesn't matter. I also prefer silicone (in case I get too rough) and suction or hands free.
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
Glass. The mikey would also be nice
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
I prefer silicone for strap-on play. It has some give compared to glass or metal but can be cleaned and sanitized better than rubber or plastic.
Contributor: Curiouscat Curiouscat
Silicone/glass non-realistic or semi realistic.
Contributor: Nissa Nissa Nissa Nissa
I love realistic and fantasy
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I love dildos, but I'm really picky. What kind do you like? Pick only one answer in each sub-category. (Looks, Size, etc)
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I love dildos, but I'm really picky. What kind do you like? Pick only one answer in each sub-category. (Looks, Size, etc)
I like smaller toys made of silicone of glass
Contributor: butts butts
I think super realistic ones that aren't for packing/strap ons are kinda creepy actually hhahaha! I REALLY don't dig the ones that come with pubic hair XD