Put Anything Weird in Your Butt?

Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Originally posted by Kinkme
I tried putting a ice cube up there. I'm into temperature play and anal so it worked for me. It just needs to be the rounded kind (from a auto-ice maker) because I can imagine the squares being sharp, you don't want to tear anything.
You can melt down the edges in a warm pan, and that's probably a good idea with most ice-maker cubes as well (the top edges are pretty sharp)
Contributor: AussieSarah AussieSarah
I'm curious about what liquids people have put up their butt?
It says that quite a few people have put liquids other than water up their butt but i had a quick look through the posts and can't really see a mention of what these liquids are?
Anybody want to share?
Contributor: Kinkme Kinkme
Originally posted by ScottA
You can melt down the edges in a warm pan, and that's probably a good idea with most ice-maker cubes as well (the top edges are pretty sharp)
That's a good Idea. I just let the water in the cup melt it down. I can imagine using your hands would work as well, due to body heat.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
You don't want to know..A food item and only for visual effects cos I'm not doing the real thing. It was fun though!
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by PassionQT
You don't want to know..A food item and only for visual effects cos I'm not doing the real thing. It was fun though!
Ohh, but we do.
Contributor: AussieSarah AussieSarah
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Ohh, but we do.
Definately! After all thats why we all check this topic in the forum!

I dont think theres much that could surprise people on this forum, infact no matter how "weird" the item may be i bet theres others that have done the same.... never know i might even be intrigued and try it after you tell us all!!
Contributor: rdytogo rdytogo
For once I'm in the no category!
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Baha I love that comic
Contributor: Mr. & Mrs. Peg Mr. & Mrs. Peg
I have been pegged by a beer bottle (empty, cap off, long neck end first). It was dirty, spontaneous, fun....and maybe not all that safe.
Contributor: hornypoet69 hornypoet69
My razor vibrated, which apparently gives you a closer shave or something. But the end that the blade went on was bigger, so no worries there. And oh my god, those vibrations... Haven't done in in a while, since I bought real sex toys, though. I was thinking about it, and it occurred to me, that if I had twisted it in my ass, the battery cover would have come off. That would have been no fun. Especially at 16.

If I somehow got something stuck up there, now, I would probably feel comfortable enough to tell the truth. I'd still be embarrassed, but better than telling them I "fell"
Contributor: AussieSarah AussieSarah
Originally posted by Mr. & Mrs. Peg
I have been pegged by a beer bottle (empty, cap off, long neck end first). It was dirty, spontaneous, fun....and maybe not all that safe.
I havent tried this myself but i have been the person using the bottle on someone
We were having a bit of a girly night in with a few bottles of champagne and after finishing quite a few of them (maybe too many now that i think back) the conversation turned to all things anal.
Well anyway to cut a long story short i ended up using a finished champagne bottle on my of my girlfriends. Was one of the most spontaneous and sexy things i have ever done. My man still doesnt know exactly what happened but i think he suspected something after seeing how horny i was when i got back!

I think by the end of the night most of us had a go and the only one of us that hadn't tried anal before (and the reason why we started which was just to show her) certainly learnt a lot and surprised her man the next night with a butt plug up her ass!! For some reason he's always encouraging us to have more girly nights in now!
Contributor: clp clp
Haha, awesome thread. I am on the list for strange things.
I was young! And easily influenced! And horny.

....what am I saying. I'd probably do it again.
Contributor: kittychilla kittychilla
that comic made me laugh my sore butt off.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
For me, that is an exit only.
Contributor: Colorado Hotwife Colorado Hotwife
LOVE THIS POST! the comments are sooo funny!
Me Nothing but my man, perhaps this is to change in time, it just depends
Contributor: 0letitgrow 0letitgrow
How can you live your life and never put food up your butt!! That's an insane idea!
Contributor: D&&JForever D&&JForever
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am making this a poll because I am not sure people will want to discuss exactly what foreign objects they have used.

I was watching a porn the other day and the girls in it were using all sorts of weird things to put in each others ... more
Safety is an issue when playing anally.
Contributor: AussieSarah AussieSarah
Originally posted by D&&JForever
Safety is an issue when playing anally.
That may be true but oh is it fun to find out what people have put up there when they were either young and didn't know better, drunk and horny or just out of curiosity.
This thread has made me look around at random items around the house in a completely different like, wondering what they would be like in my ass!
Never before have things like remote controls, food jars, my small computer mouse or my mans vibrating video game controllers looked so enticing
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Originally posted by 0letitgrow
How can you live your life and never put food up your butt!! That's an insane idea!
Yeah, most people do - but keep in mind it's going the other way.
Contributor: IndependentlyHappy IndependentlyHappy
I was actually watching (or rather listening to) the "Not in your Butt" video when I read this topic. Interesting coincidence.
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
OMG That Not In Your Butt video is HYSTERICAL.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
I totally wanted to check the gerbil option just to make people wonder.
Contributor: Istanbull Istanbull
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am making this a poll because I am not sure people will want to discuss exactly what foreign objects they have used.

I was watching a porn the other day and the girls in it were using all sorts of weird things to put in each others ... more
All through my teen years I had to make my own anal toys because I was not ony too young to buy them, I had to be able to destroy them afterwards to keep anyone from finding them.

I used to make my own dildos using water pipe insulation(it's like a pool play noodle for kids with a slit up the side) with a condom over it. I would cut the end to a taper, wrap tape around it to not only hold the slit closed, but also ad varian shaped to it. Then cover it with a condom and tape the base on. I could have any thikness and length I wanted.

I many plunder handles, brush handles, one time a shampoo bottle(yes, I thought Adam Sandler wtore that song about me). I also used taper candles.

One thing I loooooved doing but rarely could. Made a dildo from a piece of rubber hose, plug the end with a ball of rags and cover the whole thing with electical tape(condoms were unavailable to me). I would tape it to the center rotor of a washing machine and place a piece of plywood over it with a hole in the middle. I had a nail driven though it in the corner to push the button that indicated the lid is closed. I would lube up the dildo, mount it and start the machine. I would try to last through all the cycles but always came way before. Nothing in the world has ever matched the gyrations I got from that < I never could last long enough for the spin cycle but jump to it a couple time. WOW!

But now I'm an adult and I look back to all the things I used thinking I'm lucky nothing went wrong. I was using things that were never meant for what I was doing and I could have been seriously hurt. As a parent I plan to be completely open with my kids. I have thought about and considered that when I discover or suspect they are experimenting I will sit down 1-on-1 with them and try to have an open conversation about masturbation with them. And if they admit they have been making theit own toys, I will buy them real ones with a "no questions, no strings" attitude. Because children coming of age will experiment and I want mine to be safe by using things that were designed for that job. I don't want to come home to find out my daughter cut her vaginal wall on a cucumber that had a sharp spike, or my son's penis is mangled because he stuck it in a vacume cleaner rotor.
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am making this a poll because I am not sure people will want to discuss exactly what foreign objects they have used.

I was watching a porn the other day and the girls in it were using all sorts of weird things to put in each others ... more
I haven't put anything weird up there.

The comic made me LOL
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
I've almost lost sex toys, I'd hate to see what damage I could do with things not meant for that.
Contributor: Wild Orchid Wild Orchid
When I first started masturbating I needed ass-play to come. So various stationery. It's a wonder nothing got lost. After a couple of months I switched to using just clit stim. Now I have butt toys but one is too big and the other one is badly designed (the shape is totally wrong) so I just have to imagine that something happens to my butt
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
Originally posted by P'Gell
My partner's head.

No, not really. It REALLY wouldn't fit.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Funny comic.
But no I really don't have the urge to put anything in my butt.
Well...maybe some anal beads...but that's about it.
Contributor: Britny Britny
Never ever! I dont want to be that person who has to go to the ER to have something weird removed. How embarrassing.

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