I am wanting to get my first anal plug. I would like to use this plug for both a partner and I (will use condoms and wash before each reuse). With that said, which plug would be better for also prostate stimulation? I would like to know which one feels more fuller inside and can stay in well while I am being vaginally penetrated or while he is wearing it when he is penetrating me?
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Which anal plug do you prefer more?
(6 posts)
Which plug do you prefer more as far as better performance and better feeling? I don't care about expertise level. Just care about which feels better/ can hold it in better.
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it looks like it's just a matter of feeling the 3 bulges or only a smooth surface.
Mood naughty 3 large
There are reviews on both to assist you. Some are fairly recent. Maybe those can help you. Having said that, I'll throw you a curve ball. The N Joy products are better for want you want to accomplish in my opinion and experience. I have both the NM and N Joy. N Joy are more costly but well worth the money. Go for the N Joy and you will save money in the long run.
Again read the reviews on the N Joys. Look for someone reporting their experience in what you are hoping to achieve/experience.
Again read the reviews on the N Joys. Look for someone reporting their experience in what you are hoping to achieve/experience.
I agree with Oriental h&w. Go for the njoy Pure plug, especially if you want good prostate stimulation, the njoy plug's shape and material are designed for that. It is also your best choice if you want to wear one during PIV sex.
The first looks pretty great
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