Yes, I think it would be a shame to miss out on sharing those experiences. Having a variety of sexual experiences with ones partner always helps with the closeness. It's just one of those things I guess.
Do you think your partner should help you with anal training?
Both should be involved. It's best to start out with solo play, because you are providing both ends, so to speak, and can more easily become comfortable with yourself and learn how certain stimulation practices feel and learn to like the feelings. Later you definitely need to get your partner involved if you're planning on any sort of partner anal play. This is for multiple reasons: first your partner needs to learn how to play with your anus (it's best if they have also played with theirs so they can get the "both sides" experience), and secondly you need to learn to play with someone else, ideally before they try to shove something big in you.
For sure! My fiancee and I started a little while ago, and we're learning together.
Yes, it is better to be open than not.
for sure.
Originally posted by
Diabolical Kitty
I am wondering if you should ask your partner to help with anal training?
in most cases yes
If both of you are into it, then yes. If is something they are not into, just do it yourself
ya its best if you do it together
Fantastic advice. If your partner is open to it, I highly recommend mutual training. If they are not interested in it then they should at the very least they should participate in your training. Like Gunsmoke said, it will help them understand how difficult anal can be at first. And yes - the pounding in porn takes a LOT of practice for 99% of us!
Originally posted by
Absolutely. In fact I recommend mutual anal play. Having experienced what anal penetration is like - the art of going slow, of pausing to allow for 'acceptance' - all of these things help your partner understand how to do it so that it feels
Absolutely. In fact I recommend mutual anal play. Having experienced what anal penetration is like - the art of going slow, of pausing to allow for 'acceptance' - all of these things help your partner understand how to do it so that it feels great instead of hurting.
Too many guys have seen pounding anal sex in porn - that's for the pros only.
Learn about it together - you'll both be better off in the end less
Too many guys have seen pounding anal sex in porn - that's for the pros only.
Learn about it together - you'll both be better off in the end less
Originally posted by
Of course!

Definitely, anal definitely takes practice. I think this is a fact that needs to be remembered, especially by gay men, who often jump into anal sex because they think its just what gay sex is.
Originally posted by
Owl Identified
Fantastic advice. If your partner is open to it, I highly recommend mutual training. If they are not interested in it then they should at the very least they should participate in your training. Like Gunsmoke said, it will help them understand how
Fantastic advice. If your partner is open to it, I highly recommend mutual training. If they are not interested in it then they should at the very least they should participate in your training. Like Gunsmoke said, it will help them understand how difficult anal can be at first. And yes - the pounding in porn takes a LOT of practice for 99% of us!
Yes work through it together. thats the best way
If your both into it then sure they should!
Originally posted by
Diabolical Kitty
I am wondering if you should ask your partner to help with anal training?
Why not? It will help to build up the trust that you need for anal, and it would be fun along the way.
Of course, your partner should be involved in everything
Originally posted by
Diabolical Kitty
I am wondering if you should ask your partner to help with anal training?
Definitely! It'll just make the experience that much more fun!
Sure! Though playing around by yourself is still worth doing.
Yes of course they should!
Of course. Just let them know it's a process and you won't go from tight to gape in a week.
Hell yes not only is anal play enjoyable if done right and I think an intimate process I figure if he planned on having anal sex he better plan on helping me get there to enjoy it why should he have all the fun and no work lol. Thankfully bf had no problem with the process helping
I would say definately... unless the relationship is very new lol
Why wouldn't you?
As soon as you are comfortable exploring anal training on your own, then it would be good to include your partner with the training.
Absolutely! Provided you're both interested, I think any sexual experience is more fun when shared, personally. I always want to feel like I can tell my partner anything, and share anything with them.
I think it should be done together. they can cheer you on and help you get into the mood.
Anal Noob^
Originally posted by
Anal play, for sure. But what the heck is training? Is it like training for a marathon or something?
While solo play should definitely be part of anal training, partnered sex is much more fun, and means more toys and few awkward angles can be involved.
Absolutely! Partners can help ease us into new things, and anal training is about as new as it gets for some of us. You'll be more relaxed and have someone there just in case something does go wrong. Plus it's a bonus because then your partner will know your body just as well as you do!