That's kind of bizarre. I can't imagine anyone wanting to actually use that. It looks more like a gag gift.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Baby jesus butt plug
They have the Cross, Baby Jesus, and the Virgin Mary all in the XXXorcist. I believe that at some point all three are used simultaneously as well.
Originally posted by
I saw that quite a few years ago. I think their designs are very interesting. The Cross dildo is my favorite.
As for voting. I vote all three.
I do think it is offensive... if you are doing it in church in front of people who believe in God, The Virgin Mary, and Jesus. On the other hand, you churchgoers, REALLY need to understand that a LOT of what you people do is incredibly offensive to other people as well, which I think is PART of what inspires people to make shit like that.
I am agnostic, I believe in nothing except for something bigger than myself. I don't try to name it, for all I know, it's my imagination. I am happy for people who find religion helps them be better people. But I honestly believe in nothing more than trying to be true to yourself and being the best damn person you can be without harming others to get there. I don't need GOD to tell me not to murder, steal and cheat. I do it because I don't agree with the carnage that it can cause. Mentally and emotionally in bot the victim and the offender.
I mean, no offense, but for people who follow a religion that was behind .... burning people at the stake for example, I think that you should probably not be pointing fingers about what exactly is disrespectful. Unless somebody is actually being hurt, I think we all need to stay the hell out of each others likes and dislikes.
What the hell?!
I am a Christian (though not practicing), and was not offended, just really confused. After the initial shock wore off, though, I decided that I don't care either way. People are going to do much, MUCH worse than this (and often do), so to each his/her own.
I am a Christian (though not practicing), and was not offended, just really confused. After the initial shock wore off, though, I decided that I don't care either way. People are going to do much, MUCH worse than this (and often do), so to each his/her own.
I wouldn't want it just because NOTHING baby is going in my ass, but I'd love to have the cross dildo. I don't find it offensive. To each their own.
This sums up my opinion on it
Originally posted by
I don't find it offensive, but I wouldn't buy it. Definitely not a fan of jesus anything, all across the board.
Just because a few extreme followers of a certain religion chose to use their beliefs to justify doing very wrong things does not mean that the rest of the people who follow that religion should just have to suck it up when someone does something blatantly offensive.
Originally posted by
Emma (Girl With Fire)
They have the Cross, Baby Jesus, and the Virgin Mary all in the XXXorcist. I believe that at some point all three are used simultaneously as well.
As for voting. I vote all three.
I do think it is offensive... if you are doing it in ... more
As for voting. I vote all three.
I do think it is offensive... if you are doing it in ... more
They have the Cross, Baby Jesus, and the Virgin Mary all in the XXXorcist. I believe that at some point all three are used simultaneously as well.
As for voting. I vote all three.
I do think it is offensive... if you are doing it in church in front of people who believe in God, The Virgin Mary, and Jesus. On the other hand, you churchgoers, REALLY need to understand that a LOT of what you people do is incredibly offensive to other people as well, which I think is PART of what inspires people to make shit like that.
I am agnostic, I believe in nothing except for something bigger than myself. I don't try to name it, for all I know, it's my imagination. I am happy for people who find religion helps them be better people. But I honestly believe in nothing more than trying to be true to yourself and being the best damn person you can be without harming others to get there. I don't need GOD to tell me not to murder, steal and cheat. I do it because I don't agree with the carnage that it can cause. Mentally and emotionally in bot the victim and the offender.
I mean, no offense, but for people who follow a religion that was behind .... burning people at the stake for example, I think that you should probably not be pointing fingers about what exactly is disrespectful. Unless somebody is actually being hurt, I think we all need to stay the hell out of each others likes and dislikes. less
As for voting. I vote all three.
I do think it is offensive... if you are doing it in church in front of people who believe in God, The Virgin Mary, and Jesus. On the other hand, you churchgoers, REALLY need to understand that a LOT of what you people do is incredibly offensive to other people as well, which I think is PART of what inspires people to make shit like that.
I am agnostic, I believe in nothing except for something bigger than myself. I don't try to name it, for all I know, it's my imagination. I am happy for people who find religion helps them be better people. But I honestly believe in nothing more than trying to be true to yourself and being the best damn person you can be without harming others to get there. I don't need GOD to tell me not to murder, steal and cheat. I do it because I don't agree with the carnage that it can cause. Mentally and emotionally in bot the victim and the offender.
I mean, no offense, but for people who follow a religion that was behind .... burning people at the stake for example, I think that you should probably not be pointing fingers about what exactly is disrespectful. Unless somebody is actually being hurt, I think we all need to stay the hell out of each others likes and dislikes. less
I notice you only mention Christian/Judaism/Cath olicism in your religious rant, specifically when referencing the Salem Witch Trials. What of the extreme Muslims who blow people up in suicide bombings or who fly planes into buildings that have thousands of people inside of them? There are a lot of people who misuse religion to wage wars and oppress people. That doesn't mean everyone who practices that religion believes what those people do is right.
Okay, this is getting a bit heated here. So forgive me for kicking it up a notch, but comparing Muslims and Christians and the "current vs history" argument really burns my butt.
Originally posted by
Just because a few extreme followers of a certain religion chose to use their beliefs to justify doing very wrong things does not mean that the rest of the people who follow that religion should just have to suck it up when someone does something
Just because a few extreme followers of a certain religion chose to use their beliefs to justify doing very wrong things does not mean that the rest of the people who follow that religion should just have to suck it up when someone does something blatantly offensive.
I notice you only mention Christian/Judaism/Cath olicism in your religious rant, specifically when referencing the Salem Witch Trials. What of the extreme Muslims who blow people up in suicide bombings or who fly planes into buildings that have thousands of people inside of them? There are a lot of people who misuse religion to wage wars and oppress people. That doesn't mean everyone who practices that religion believes what those people do is right. less
I notice you only mention Christian/Judaism/Cath olicism in your religious rant, specifically when referencing the Salem Witch Trials. What of the extreme Muslims who blow people up in suicide bombings or who fly planes into buildings that have thousands of people inside of them? There are a lot of people who misuse religion to wage wars and oppress people. That doesn't mean everyone who practices that religion believes what those people do is right. less
I had an acquaintance say on FB one time that "Christians burn books, Muslims burn people so who's worse?" But honestly, Christians have been committing hate crimes since the church turned political and they still do. Take a look at the American terrorists of the past 30 years, religious fanatics. What about bombing PP clinics? What about standing outside a PP clinic screaming about how someone is going to Hell and Jesus hates them for what they're "doing?" Is that not terrorism? Or telling people that they're going to burn in Hell just for who they sleep with. Or what about beating someone to death, or nearly to death because of who they sleep with. Is that not terrorism?
It's the same thing that's happening in the Muslim world. The religion has been political for quite some time, but it's gotten increasingly political and fanatic groups are taking their turn at "exacting justice for their god," much like Christians have for centuries. But truth be told, there are a lot more Christian terrorists than Muslim. We just hear about the Muslims more.
Christians who don't take it to those extremes turn a blind eye to what other Christians do in the name of that same God. Pretend like they're just wackos or that it doesn't happen. Personally, I think that people who pretend like all Christians are peaceful loving people are as bad as the ones who blow up clinics and gay-friendly churches, maybe worse, because you're not doing anything about it. I know that in my city, if a clinic or a church had been burned down, I'd be there helping them rebuild it rather than just feeling bad about it. Thankfully, it hasn't happened here that I've ever been aware of.
Personally, while initially I found some of these toys somewhat amusing (mostly because of the sarcastic commentary running through my head), I think it borders on the line of ridiculous (sorry if that offends) and tasteless. And for the most part I'm offended by them. But I chose to come in to this forum and I chose to Google them and look at them, so if it's offensive to me, I suppose I offended myself. And you offended yourself by coming in here and reading about/looking at these things as well.
I second this exactly. Creepy!
Originally posted by
Rainbow Boy
That's kind of bizarre. I can't imagine anyone wanting to actually use that. It looks more like a gag gift.
Don't project what some idiot on faceboook said onto what I was saying. I was merely drawing comparisons in the heinous shit that SOME (a select few fanatics) people did in the name of the religion they believe in. Muslims and Christians aren't the only ones who have done this, they're just the most widely recognized.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
Okay, this is getting a bit heated here. So forgive me for kicking it up a notch, but comparing Muslims and Christians and the "current vs history" argument really burns my butt.
I had an acquaintance say on FB one time that ... more
I had an acquaintance say on FB one time that ... more
Okay, this is getting a bit heated here. So forgive me for kicking it up a notch, but comparing Muslims and Christians and the "current vs history" argument really burns my butt.
I had an acquaintance say on FB one time that "Christians burn books, Muslims burn people so who's worse?" But honestly, Christians have been committing hate crimes since the church turned political and they still do. Take a look at the American terrorists of the past 30 years, religious fanatics. What about bombing PP clinics? What about standing outside a PP clinic screaming about how someone is going to Hell and Jesus hates them for what they're "doing?" Is that not terrorism? Or telling people that they're going to burn in Hell just for who they sleep with. Or what about beating someone to death, or nearly to death because of who they sleep with. Is that not terrorism?
It's the same thing that's happening in the Muslim world. The religion has been political for quite some time, but it's gotten increasingly political and fanatic groups are taking their turn at "exacting justice for their god," much like Christians have for centuries. But truth be told, there are a lot more Christian terrorists than Muslim. We just hear about the Muslims more.
Christians who don't take it to those extremes turn a blind eye to what other Christians do in the name of that same God. Pretend like they're just wackos or that it doesn't happen. Personally, I think that people who pretend like all Christians are peaceful loving people are as bad as the ones who blow up clinics and gay-friendly churches, maybe worse, because you're not doing anything about it. I know that in my city, if a clinic or a church had been burned down, I'd be there helping them rebuild it rather than just feeling bad about it. Thankfully, it hasn't happened here that I've ever been aware of.
Personally, while initially I found some of these toys somewhat amusing (mostly because of the sarcastic commentary running through my head), I think it borders on the line of ridiculous (sorry if that offends) and tasteless. And for the most part I'm offended by them. But I chose to come in to this forum and I chose to Google them and look at them, so if it's offensive to me, I suppose I offended myself. And you offended yourself by coming in here and reading about/looking at these things as well. less
I had an acquaintance say on FB one time that "Christians burn books, Muslims burn people so who's worse?" But honestly, Christians have been committing hate crimes since the church turned political and they still do. Take a look at the American terrorists of the past 30 years, religious fanatics. What about bombing PP clinics? What about standing outside a PP clinic screaming about how someone is going to Hell and Jesus hates them for what they're "doing?" Is that not terrorism? Or telling people that they're going to burn in Hell just for who they sleep with. Or what about beating someone to death, or nearly to death because of who they sleep with. Is that not terrorism?
It's the same thing that's happening in the Muslim world. The religion has been political for quite some time, but it's gotten increasingly political and fanatic groups are taking their turn at "exacting justice for their god," much like Christians have for centuries. But truth be told, there are a lot more Christian terrorists than Muslim. We just hear about the Muslims more.
Christians who don't take it to those extremes turn a blind eye to what other Christians do in the name of that same God. Pretend like they're just wackos or that it doesn't happen. Personally, I think that people who pretend like all Christians are peaceful loving people are as bad as the ones who blow up clinics and gay-friendly churches, maybe worse, because you're not doing anything about it. I know that in my city, if a clinic or a church had been burned down, I'd be there helping them rebuild it rather than just feeling bad about it. Thankfully, it hasn't happened here that I've ever been aware of.
Personally, while initially I found some of these toys somewhat amusing (mostly because of the sarcastic commentary running through my head), I think it borders on the line of ridiculous (sorry if that offends) and tasteless. And for the most part I'm offended by them. But I chose to come in to this forum and I chose to Google them and look at them, so if it's offensive to me, I suppose I offended myself. And you offended yourself by coming in here and reading about/looking at these things as well. less
I never once said that any of the things you mentioned weren't terrorism. Not once. Just because I was defending the right that people have to practice a religion they choose and that I think it's disrespectful to craft a butt plug in the shape of someone else's God does not mean that I condone terroristic behavior.
You have absolutely no clue what is in the minds and hearts of the vast majority of religious people, including Christians. You have no idea what they're doing in their free time. When I was a practicing Christian, I spent months doing fund raisers and working odd jobs after school so I could save up money to go on trips where I would spend my entire Spring break and part of my Summer vacation going on trips with other teenagers in my church. On those trips we traveled to poor areas (in the U.S. and even went to Mexico one year). The men in the group would go around doing construction, building churches and shelters, cleaning up the area. The women would cook and prepare food for the local people who wouldn't have otherwise had meals to eat that week. They do this shit every single year and everyone in the church who is able is welcome to go.
I spent a lot of free time collecting donations and used my own babysitting money to put together care packages to be taken to battered women's shelters so that women who escaped abusive relationships would have simple things like shampoo, razors, soap, deodorant and clothes to wear. So that their children would have those things too. I spent weekends working at food pantries, putting together bags and boxes of groceries for people who couldn't afford to buy any. I made cards and potted plants to take to nursing homes on holidays and spent time talking and reading to elderly people who had no family to come visit them. I put together shoeboxes full of school supplies, basic necessities and toys to send to children in Africa every August.
That? Is what good people do, and sometimes those people happen to be Christians. Sometimes they happen to be Muslim, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Taoist, or Catholic or Jewish or Agnostic or Athiest. So no, not all Christians are busy turning a blind eye to the hateful things some idiot wants to do in the name of their God. Sometimes, they're too busy trying to do all of these good things that never even get noticed because people are too busy paying attention to the idiots bombing abortion clinics.
No, not all Christians are peaceful, but not all people are peaceful. There are hateful, mean people who believe all sorts of things. And no, I don't have to look at baby Jesus butt plugs, but I can still think it's pretty fucking rude for someone to create them.
I apologize. I wasn't trying to project, but I did. Please be on the watch for a personal message from me.
Originally posted by
Don't project what some idiot on faceboook said onto what I was saying. I was merely drawing comparisons in the heinous shit that SOME (a select few fanatics) people did in the name of the religion they believe in. Muslims and Christians
Don't project what some idiot on faceboook said onto what I was saying. I was merely drawing comparisons in the heinous shit that SOME (a select few fanatics) people did in the name of the religion they believe in. Muslims and Christians aren't the only ones who have done this, they're just the most widely recognized.
I never once said that any of the things you mentioned weren't terrorism. Not once. Just because I was defending the right that people have to practice a religion they choose and that I think it's disrespectful to craft a butt plug in the shape of someone else's God does not mean that I condone terroristic behavior.
You have absolutely no clue what is in the minds and hearts of the vast majority of religious people, including Christians. You have no idea what they're doing in their free time. When I was a practicing Christian, I spent months doing fund raisers and working odd jobs after school so I could save up money to go on trips where I would spend my entire Spring break and part of my Summer vacation going on trips with other teenagers in my church. On those trips we traveled to poor areas (in the U.S. and even went to Mexico one year). The men in the group would go around doing construction, building churches and shelters, cleaning up the area. The women would cook and prepare food for the local people who wouldn't have otherwise had meals to eat that week. They do this shit every single year and everyone in the church who is able is welcome to go.
I spent a lot of free time collecting donations and used my own babysitting money to put together care packages to be taken to battered women's shelters so that women who escaped abusive relationships would have simple things like shampoo, razors, soap, deodorant and clothes to wear. So that their children would have those things too. I spent weekends working at food pantries, putting together bags and boxes of groceries for people who couldn't afford to buy any. I made cards and potted plants to take to nursing homes on holidays and spent time talking and reading to elderly people who had no family to come visit them. I put together shoeboxes full of school supplies, basic necessities and toys to send to children in Africa every August.
That? Is what good people do, and sometimes those people happen to be Christians. Sometimes they happen to be Muslim, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Taoist, or Catholic or Jewish or Agnostic or Athiest. So no, not all Christians are busy turning a blind eye to the hateful things some idiot wants to do in the name of their God. Sometimes, they're too busy trying to do all of these good things that never even get noticed because people are too busy paying attention to the idiots bombing abortion clinics.
No, not all Christians are peaceful, but not all people are peaceful. There are hateful, mean people who believe all sorts of things. And no, I don't have to look at baby Jesus butt plugs, but I can still think it's pretty fucking rude for someone to create them. less
I never once said that any of the things you mentioned weren't terrorism. Not once. Just because I was defending the right that people have to practice a religion they choose and that I think it's disrespectful to craft a butt plug in the shape of someone else's God does not mean that I condone terroristic behavior.
You have absolutely no clue what is in the minds and hearts of the vast majority of religious people, including Christians. You have no idea what they're doing in their free time. When I was a practicing Christian, I spent months doing fund raisers and working odd jobs after school so I could save up money to go on trips where I would spend my entire Spring break and part of my Summer vacation going on trips with other teenagers in my church. On those trips we traveled to poor areas (in the U.S. and even went to Mexico one year). The men in the group would go around doing construction, building churches and shelters, cleaning up the area. The women would cook and prepare food for the local people who wouldn't have otherwise had meals to eat that week. They do this shit every single year and everyone in the church who is able is welcome to go.
I spent a lot of free time collecting donations and used my own babysitting money to put together care packages to be taken to battered women's shelters so that women who escaped abusive relationships would have simple things like shampoo, razors, soap, deodorant and clothes to wear. So that their children would have those things too. I spent weekends working at food pantries, putting together bags and boxes of groceries for people who couldn't afford to buy any. I made cards and potted plants to take to nursing homes on holidays and spent time talking and reading to elderly people who had no family to come visit them. I put together shoeboxes full of school supplies, basic necessities and toys to send to children in Africa every August.
That? Is what good people do, and sometimes those people happen to be Christians. Sometimes they happen to be Muslim, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Taoist, or Catholic or Jewish or Agnostic or Athiest. So no, not all Christians are busy turning a blind eye to the hateful things some idiot wants to do in the name of their God. Sometimes, they're too busy trying to do all of these good things that never even get noticed because people are too busy paying attention to the idiots bombing abortion clinics.
No, not all Christians are peaceful, but not all people are peaceful. There are hateful, mean people who believe all sorts of things. And no, I don't have to look at baby Jesus butt plugs, but I can still think it's pretty fucking rude for someone to create them. less
Not to fan the flames, (wow, I'm downright punny, eh?) but the connection with burning people at the stake to the Salem Witch Trials, is incorrect.
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death by heavy stones, while interrogated. A few died while imprisoned.
It is a common misconception that accused witches in Salem were burned, since it was indeed one of the ways people executed accused witches, though I've read hanging was more prevalent in Britain and the American Colonies, while burning was more of a Continental European method. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking, but I just want to put the facts on the table.
Since records were not kept back then, it is unknown exactly how many accused witches have been murdered throughout history. Some put the number at many, many tens of thousands. Others, even say possibly hundreds of thousands.
And it's not only Christianity that accuses/accused people of being witches and executes for it. It's estimated that around 200 people are lynched in India a year for that very reason. In Sub-Saharan Africa and Saudi Arabia, they kill accused witches too. It's something that happens in *alot* of places, so it's not exclusive to Christianity.
I think that Girl With Fire was just using the burning of accused witches as an example from off the top of her head, though there are many more. The Crusades for example, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other religions that have done terrible things too. Nor should it mean that the whole of a religion should be defined by such acts.
It's *primarily* the religious extremists that do the terrible things. Unfortunately, for example, alot of innocent, kind Muslims are wrongfully judged now for what the few extremists did on 9/11. Just because there are alot of bad people in the world doesn't mean that everyone in a specific group/s is horrible.
Personally, I don't mind any religion as long as the person in question is nice to me and doesn't try and convert me, then "I'm cool" with them. And even if they do try to convert me, I do my best to try and be polite, and feel that they're just doing so because they care. I don't necessarily like, nor appreciate, someone trying to convert me, but I like to think they're still a good person.
As for the Baby Jesus Butt Plug and other toys, while they personally do not offend me, I could see where they would offend some.
There are things that people of any religion do towards others or towards myself that vex me, and I'll admit, there are passages in the Bible that shock and offend me.
*HOWEVER*, I know there are Christians who are just as offended as I am at those passages. And I also know that there are great morals in the Bible too. Like caring for others, helping the poor, less fortunate, and needy, not judging others, forgiveness, and other good teachings. When I think of Christians, I like to think of these people, the kind, caring people who are accepting of everyone and who lend a helping hand to others.
I may not be a Christian, and have been happily Wiccan for many years, but even I recognize there are good teachings and good people.
Thus far, I've not had anyone chase after me wielding a rock, so I can't be too angry. Granted, I've had my share of people wanting to convert me, but hey, at least they aren't trying to beat it into me with said rock.
*TL;DR* : I'm not offended by the sex toys, but I can see where they might offend some. Don't judge a whole religion by the acts of it's extremists (no matter what religion it may be). No one was burned in Salem. Please don't try to convert or throw rocks at me, it makes me has a sad .
And cloches and pomegranates are awesome. The End
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death by heavy stones, while interrogated. A few died while imprisoned.
It is a common misconception that accused witches in Salem were burned, since it was indeed one of the ways people executed accused witches, though I've read hanging was more prevalent in Britain and the American Colonies, while burning was more of a Continental European method. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking, but I just want to put the facts on the table.
Since records were not kept back then, it is unknown exactly how many accused witches have been murdered throughout history. Some put the number at many, many tens of thousands. Others, even say possibly hundreds of thousands.
And it's not only Christianity that accuses/accused people of being witches and executes for it. It's estimated that around 200 people are lynched in India a year for that very reason. In Sub-Saharan Africa and Saudi Arabia, they kill accused witches too. It's something that happens in *alot* of places, so it's not exclusive to Christianity.
I think that Girl With Fire was just using the burning of accused witches as an example from off the top of her head, though there are many more. The Crusades for example, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other religions that have done terrible things too. Nor should it mean that the whole of a religion should be defined by such acts.
It's *primarily* the religious extremists that do the terrible things. Unfortunately, for example, alot of innocent, kind Muslims are wrongfully judged now for what the few extremists did on 9/11. Just because there are alot of bad people in the world doesn't mean that everyone in a specific group/s is horrible.
Personally, I don't mind any religion as long as the person in question is nice to me and doesn't try and convert me, then "I'm cool" with them. And even if they do try to convert me, I do my best to try and be polite, and feel that they're just doing so because they care. I don't necessarily like, nor appreciate, someone trying to convert me, but I like to think they're still a good person.
As for the Baby Jesus Butt Plug and other toys, while they personally do not offend me, I could see where they would offend some.
There are things that people of any religion do towards others or towards myself that vex me, and I'll admit, there are passages in the Bible that shock and offend me.
*HOWEVER*, I know there are Christians who are just as offended as I am at those passages. And I also know that there are great morals in the Bible too. Like caring for others, helping the poor, less fortunate, and needy, not judging others, forgiveness, and other good teachings. When I think of Christians, I like to think of these people, the kind, caring people who are accepting of everyone and who lend a helping hand to others.
I may not be a Christian, and have been happily Wiccan for many years, but even I recognize there are good teachings and good people.
Thus far, I've not had anyone chase after me wielding a rock, so I can't be too angry. Granted, I've had my share of people wanting to convert me, but hey, at least they aren't trying to beat it into me with said rock.
*TL;DR* : I'm not offended by the sex toys, but I can see where they might offend some. Don't judge a whole religion by the acts of it's extremists (no matter what religion it may be). No one was burned in Salem. Please don't try to convert or throw rocks at me, it makes me has a sad .
And cloches and pomegranates are awesome. The End
This didn't fan any flames. It was very well thought out and clarified a lot of things. It's important to lay out facts on the table because people often get caught up repeating things they've heard bits and pieces of but have no real knowledge about. Facts can squash a debate quickly by making people really think about what they're talking about instead of spewing generalizations back and forth at each other.
Originally posted by
Persephone Nightmare
Not to fan the flames, (wow, I'm downright punny, eh?) but the connection with burning people at the stake to the Salem Witch Trials, is incorrect.
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles ... more
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles ... more
Not to fan the flames, (wow, I'm downright punny, eh?) but the connection with burning people at the stake to the Salem Witch Trials, is incorrect.
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death by heavy stones, while interrogated. A few died while imprisoned.
It is a common misconception that accused witches in Salem were burned, since it was indeed one of the ways people executed accused witches, though I've read hanging was more prevalent in Britain and the American Colonies, while burning was more of a Continental European method. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking, but I just want to put the facts on the table.
Since records were not kept back then, it is unknown exactly how many accused witches have been murdered throughout history. Some put the number at many, many tens of thousands. Others, even say possibly hundreds of thousands.
And it's not only Christianity that accuses/accused people of being witches and executes for it. It's estimated that around 200 people are lynched in India a year for that very reason. In Sub-Saharan Africa and Saudi Arabia, they kill accused witches too. It's something that happens in *alot* of places, so it's not exclusive to Christianity.
I think that Girl With Fire was just using the burning of accused witches as an example from off the top of her head, though there are many more. The Crusades for example, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other religions that have done terrible things too. Nor should it mean that the whole of a religion should be defined by such acts.
It's *primarily* the religious extremists that do the terrible things. Unfortunately, for example, alot of innocent, kind Muslims are wrongfully judged now for what the few extremists did on 9/11. Just because there are alot of bad people in the world doesn't mean that everyone in a specific group/s is horrible.
Personally, I don't mind any religion as long as the person in question is nice to me and doesn't try and convert me, then "I'm cool" with them. And even if they do try to convert me, I do my best to try and be polite, and feel that they're just doing so because they care. I don't necessarily like, nor appreciate, someone trying to convert me, but I like to think they're still a good person.
As for the Baby Jesus Butt Plug and other toys, while they personally do not offend me, I could see where they would offend some.
There are things that people of any religion do towards others or towards myself that vex me, and I'll admit, there are passages in the Bible that shock and offend me.
*HOWEVER*, I know there are Christians who are just as offended as I am at those passages. And I also know that there are great morals in the Bible too. Like caring for others, helping the poor, less fortunate, and needy, not judging others, forgiveness, and other good teachings. When I think of Christians, I like to think of these people, the kind, caring people who are accepting of everyone and who lend a helping hand to others.
I may not be a Christian, and have been happily Wiccan for many years, but even I recognize there are good teachings and good people.
Thus far, I've not had anyone chase after me wielding a rock, so I can't be too angry. Granted, I've had my share of people wanting to convert me, but hey, at least they aren't trying to beat it into me with said rock.
*TL;DR* : I'm not offended by the sex toys, but I can see where they might offend some. Don't judge a whole religion by the acts of it's extremists (no matter what religion it may be). No one was burned in Salem. Please don't try to convert or throw rocks at me, it makes me has a sad .
And cloches and pomegranates are awesome. The End
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death by heavy stones, while interrogated. A few died while imprisoned.
It is a common misconception that accused witches in Salem were burned, since it was indeed one of the ways people executed accused witches, though I've read hanging was more prevalent in Britain and the American Colonies, while burning was more of a Continental European method. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking, but I just want to put the facts on the table.
Since records were not kept back then, it is unknown exactly how many accused witches have been murdered throughout history. Some put the number at many, many tens of thousands. Others, even say possibly hundreds of thousands.
And it's not only Christianity that accuses/accused people of being witches and executes for it. It's estimated that around 200 people are lynched in India a year for that very reason. In Sub-Saharan Africa and Saudi Arabia, they kill accused witches too. It's something that happens in *alot* of places, so it's not exclusive to Christianity.
I think that Girl With Fire was just using the burning of accused witches as an example from off the top of her head, though there are many more. The Crusades for example, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other religions that have done terrible things too. Nor should it mean that the whole of a religion should be defined by such acts.
It's *primarily* the religious extremists that do the terrible things. Unfortunately, for example, alot of innocent, kind Muslims are wrongfully judged now for what the few extremists did on 9/11. Just because there are alot of bad people in the world doesn't mean that everyone in a specific group/s is horrible.
Personally, I don't mind any religion as long as the person in question is nice to me and doesn't try and convert me, then "I'm cool" with them. And even if they do try to convert me, I do my best to try and be polite, and feel that they're just doing so because they care. I don't necessarily like, nor appreciate, someone trying to convert me, but I like to think they're still a good person.
As for the Baby Jesus Butt Plug and other toys, while they personally do not offend me, I could see where they would offend some.
There are things that people of any religion do towards others or towards myself that vex me, and I'll admit, there are passages in the Bible that shock and offend me.
*HOWEVER*, I know there are Christians who are just as offended as I am at those passages. And I also know that there are great morals in the Bible too. Like caring for others, helping the poor, less fortunate, and needy, not judging others, forgiveness, and other good teachings. When I think of Christians, I like to think of these people, the kind, caring people who are accepting of everyone and who lend a helping hand to others.
I may not be a Christian, and have been happily Wiccan for many years, but even I recognize there are good teachings and good people.
Thus far, I've not had anyone chase after me wielding a rock, so I can't be too angry. Granted, I've had my share of people wanting to convert me, but hey, at least they aren't trying to beat it into me with said rock.
*TL;DR* : I'm not offended by the sex toys, but I can see where they might offend some. Don't judge a whole religion by the acts of it's extremists (no matter what religion it may be). No one was burned in Salem. Please don't try to convert or throw rocks at me, it makes me has a sad .
And cloches and pomegranates are awesome. The End
I really appreciate what you've added to the conversation.
Thanks for the lesson! Really! I didn't know that about Salem and it's very interesting.
Originally posted by
Persephone Nightmare
Not to fan the flames, (wow, I'm downright punny, eh?) but the connection with burning people at the stake to the Salem Witch Trials, is incorrect.
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles ... more
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles ... more
Not to fan the flames, (wow, I'm downright punny, eh?) but the connection with burning people at the stake to the Salem Witch Trials, is incorrect.
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death by heavy stones, while interrogated. A few died while imprisoned.
It is a common misconception that accused witches in Salem were burned, since it was indeed one of the ways people executed accused witches, though I've read hanging was more prevalent in Britain and the American Colonies, while burning was more of a Continental European method. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking, but I just want to put the facts on the table.
Since records were not kept back then, it is unknown exactly how many accused witches have been murdered throughout history. Some put the number at many, many tens of thousands. Others, even say possibly hundreds of thousands.
And it's not only Christianity that accuses/accused people of being witches and executes for it. It's estimated that around 200 people are lynched in India a year for that very reason. In Sub-Saharan Africa and Saudi Arabia, they kill accused witches too. It's something that happens in *alot* of places, so it's not exclusive to Christianity.
I think that Girl With Fire was just using the burning of accused witches as an example from off the top of her head, though there are many more. The Crusades for example, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other religions that have done terrible things too. Nor should it mean that the whole of a religion should be defined by such acts.
It's *primarily* the religious extremists that do the terrible things. Unfortunately, for example, alot of innocent, kind Muslims are wrongfully judged now for what the few extremists did on 9/11. Just because there are alot of bad people in the world doesn't mean that everyone in a specific group/s is horrible.
Personally, I don't mind any religion as long as the person in question is nice to me and doesn't try and convert me, then "I'm cool" with them. And even if they do try to convert me, I do my best to try and be polite, and feel that they're just doing so because they care. I don't necessarily like, nor appreciate, someone trying to convert me, but I like to think they're still a good person.
As for the Baby Jesus Butt Plug and other toys, while they personally do not offend me, I could see where they would offend some.
There are things that people of any religion do towards others or towards myself that vex me, and I'll admit, there are passages in the Bible that shock and offend me.
*HOWEVER*, I know there are Christians who are just as offended as I am at those passages. And I also know that there are great morals in the Bible too. Like caring for others, helping the poor, less fortunate, and needy, not judging others, forgiveness, and other good teachings. When I think of Christians, I like to think of these people, the kind, caring people who are accepting of everyone and who lend a helping hand to others.
I may not be a Christian, and have been happily Wiccan for many years, but even I recognize there are good teachings and good people.
Thus far, I've not had anyone chase after me wielding a rock, so I can't be too angry. Granted, I've had my share of people wanting to convert me, but hey, at least they aren't trying to beat it into me with said rock.
*TL;DR* : I'm not offended by the sex toys, but I can see where they might offend some. Don't judge a whole religion by the acts of it's extremists (no matter what religion it may be). No one was burned in Salem. Please don't try to convert or throw rocks at me, it makes me has a sad .
And cloches and pomegranates are awesome. The End
Nineteen people, primarily women, were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. One man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death by heavy stones, while interrogated. A few died while imprisoned.
It is a common misconception that accused witches in Salem were burned, since it was indeed one of the ways people executed accused witches, though I've read hanging was more prevalent in Britain and the American Colonies, while burning was more of a Continental European method. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking, but I just want to put the facts on the table.
Since records were not kept back then, it is unknown exactly how many accused witches have been murdered throughout history. Some put the number at many, many tens of thousands. Others, even say possibly hundreds of thousands.
And it's not only Christianity that accuses/accused people of being witches and executes for it. It's estimated that around 200 people are lynched in India a year for that very reason. In Sub-Saharan Africa and Saudi Arabia, they kill accused witches too. It's something that happens in *alot* of places, so it's not exclusive to Christianity.
I think that Girl With Fire was just using the burning of accused witches as an example from off the top of her head, though there are many more. The Crusades for example, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other religions that have done terrible things too. Nor should it mean that the whole of a religion should be defined by such acts.
It's *primarily* the religious extremists that do the terrible things. Unfortunately, for example, alot of innocent, kind Muslims are wrongfully judged now for what the few extremists did on 9/11. Just because there are alot of bad people in the world doesn't mean that everyone in a specific group/s is horrible.
Personally, I don't mind any religion as long as the person in question is nice to me and doesn't try and convert me, then "I'm cool" with them. And even if they do try to convert me, I do my best to try and be polite, and feel that they're just doing so because they care. I don't necessarily like, nor appreciate, someone trying to convert me, but I like to think they're still a good person.
As for the Baby Jesus Butt Plug and other toys, while they personally do not offend me, I could see where they would offend some.
There are things that people of any religion do towards others or towards myself that vex me, and I'll admit, there are passages in the Bible that shock and offend me.
*HOWEVER*, I know there are Christians who are just as offended as I am at those passages. And I also know that there are great morals in the Bible too. Like caring for others, helping the poor, less fortunate, and needy, not judging others, forgiveness, and other good teachings. When I think of Christians, I like to think of these people, the kind, caring people who are accepting of everyone and who lend a helping hand to others.
I may not be a Christian, and have been happily Wiccan for many years, but even I recognize there are good teachings and good people.
Thus far, I've not had anyone chase after me wielding a rock, so I can't be too angry. Granted, I've had my share of people wanting to convert me, but hey, at least they aren't trying to beat it into me with said rock.
*TL;DR* : I'm not offended by the sex toys, but I can see where they might offend some. Don't judge a whole religion by the acts of it's extremists (no matter what religion it may be). No one was burned in Salem. Please don't try to convert or throw rocks at me, it makes me has a sad .
And cloches and pomegranates are awesome. The End
Personally, I shouldn't have let @Sarahbear's comment bother me as much as it did and I did project a personal experience and allow it to stoke the fire that is usually burning in such hot-button issues such as religion.
My examples were simply to put terrorist acts that Christians commit into the same "current events" category as what Muslims have done in the past decade. It's sad, scary, and quite disturbing. But it has more to do with the religion than the faith. People put too much stock into the rhetoric, the "rules," plucking little statements out of the Bible and putting it into context of what they think it means, instead of learning to interpret the WHOLE text. Just because the Bible is in English doesn't mean that the language is plain or easily understood.
I'm going to say something here that might make people mad, but you gotta understand, I worship God (aka Jesus, aka the Holy Spirit) so I'm just trying to put all this into perspective for myself and I hope that people understand:
For example, the Virgin Mary was just a woman, a woman who was chosen, but still just a woman. She wasn't perfect and she wasn't holy and nobody but a guy in a robe who thought he had the right made her (or anyone else for that matter) a saint. These people are not more holy. And if you believe in Jesus, but pray to these saints, you are in fact, worshiping graven images. I think, like I said above, that making these into sex toys is akin to the act of writing obscene graffiti on a wall. It's obscene. It's childish. It's disrespectful to the people who practice the faith. Is turning all these religious symbols into sex toys the (insert heavy sarcasm at italics) very worst thing that anyone has ever done to offend God? I think I can honestly say "No." I think one of the most offensive things we can do to God is to presume we know His plans and that we are better than others because of our faith. It's not what the Bible teaches. In fact Jesus spoke out against them (they were called Pharisees).
The reason I wouldn't use one is more about it looking like a baby than it being jesus, I'm not keen on inserting a baby's face anywhere lol.... I have seen this crucifix one which I wouldn't have any problems dressing up like a nun and getting naughty with link (bottom of the page)
I mean I respect all religions and would never disrespect someones religion but I don't think this is.
I mean I respect all religions and would never disrespect someones religion but I don't think this is.
Why thank y'all I'm glad that I contributed to the thread
Now, you all play nice up there, alrighty? Lol, just kidding. But seriously, lets try and keep it civil
Now, you all play nice up there, alrighty? Lol, just kidding. But seriously, lets try and keep it civil
I can see how this can be offensive to some, but I take it with a grain of salt. It's cute. It looks like it would be a fun plug, be it Baby Jesus or Baby John Doe. I, personally, find nothing offensive about it. I'm Buddhist, and even the Buddha looks interesting. I don't think of them as images of a deity. I look at the toys in terms of texture, size, shape.
I agree with what many have already said about there being good people and bad people all across the globe, across varying belief systems in religion (from atheistic, agnostic, Christian, Muslim, etc.) and that it is unfair to assume that anyone from any persuasion (or even the religion itself) supports the actions of a few extreme examples.
But, as a (very amateur) lover of history, I can't help but point out that the burning at the stake reference is most likely a reference to England's King Henry VIII burning so many people back when he declared himself to be the head of the Church, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church to establish the Church of England. Granted, he misused Christianity and redefined many doctrines with purely selfish intentions to gain more power and personal authority; and his purpose in doing so was political in nature and not religious. He used his newly-established Church as a weapon, as a vicious means to a totalitarian end.
But Christians hardly had the market cornered on burning people at the stake. The Romans certainly come to mind here (and the Vikings, and the . . . well, you get the idea). There is certainly no shortage of examples of people being cruel to other people when you examine history. And you can find plenty of examples, no matter what the religious beliefs of the people (or lack thereof).
But that is getting this thread off-topic. I just find history and human behavior fascinating. Don't mind me.
But, as a (very amateur) lover of history, I can't help but point out that the burning at the stake reference is most likely a reference to England's King Henry VIII burning so many people back when he declared himself to be the head of the Church, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church to establish the Church of England. Granted, he misused Christianity and redefined many doctrines with purely selfish intentions to gain more power and personal authority; and his purpose in doing so was political in nature and not religious. He used his newly-established Church as a weapon, as a vicious means to a totalitarian end.
But Christians hardly had the market cornered on burning people at the stake. The Romans certainly come to mind here (and the Vikings, and the . . . well, you get the idea). There is certainly no shortage of examples of people being cruel to other people when you examine history. And you can find plenty of examples, no matter what the religious beliefs of the people (or lack thereof).
But that is getting this thread off-topic. I just find history and human behavior fascinating. Don't mind me.
I've seen that site. And I've laughed so hard.
And yeah, I'm probably buy it for the sake of being tacky and getting a laugh. Not like I'd show it to anyone.
And yeah, I'm probably buy it for the sake of being tacky and getting a laugh. Not like I'd show it to anyone.
To each their own.
Originally posted by
It shows a deep level of disrespect for other people when you take their religious deity and make it into something that goes up your butt. It's not clever or original. It's rude.
Just so we are clear here, the reason I used that specific example and in reference to religions that follow God/Jesus, is because those are the religions whos followers the butt plug has a high likelihood of offending. And YES Christians/Catholics burned a ton of people at the stake for a LOT of reasons, and YES so did a lot of other people.
Originally posted by
Just because a few extreme followers of a certain religion chose to use their beliefs to justify doing very wrong things does not mean that the rest of the people who follow that religion should just have to suck it up when someone does something
Just because a few extreme followers of a certain religion chose to use their beliefs to justify doing very wrong things does not mean that the rest of the people who follow that religion should just have to suck it up when someone does something blatantly offensive.
I notice you only mention Christian/Judaism/Cath olicism in your religious rant, specifically when referencing the Salem Witch Trials. What of the extreme Muslims who blow people up in suicide bombings or who fly planes into buildings that have thousands of people inside of them? There are a lot of people who misuse religion to wage wars and oppress people. That doesn't mean everyone who practices that religion believes what those people do is right. less
I notice you only mention Christian/Judaism/Cath olicism in your religious rant, specifically when referencing the Salem Witch Trials. What of the extreme Muslims who blow people up in suicide bombings or who fly planes into buildings that have thousands of people inside of them? There are a lot of people who misuse religion to wage wars and oppress people. That doesn't mean everyone who practices that religion believes what those people do is right. less
My point was that the butt plug is mainly a social/religious criticism and the fact that people are getting so worked up over it actually makes me want to laugh. If you find that offensive so be it. I'm fine with that. I am not trying to offend anybody but with all of the stupid shit people do, THIS is getting you so heated.... I just cannot imagine how angry the world must make you. People are stupid, they do stupid shit, some of it is funny, some of it is meant to be funny but isn't. Personally I am more offended that people decided to start marketing Bam Margera videos to the public. .... Or by the fact that people are assholes to immigrants. AND A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES TO IMMIGRANTS.
Have respect for peoples religion. Such a thing degrades peoples faith and should never be on a site that claims to respect all peoples.
Originally posted by
Yes, it exists at divine
Oh wow. I can't take that seriously.
Soooo, I totally didn't read what everyone has said. Way too long. Haha. So, I'll just speak for my own feelings on this. I am a Christian, and yes, I do find this offensive. I think it's rude and shocking for the sake of being rude and shocking. I think it's stupid and disrespectful. But people do things like that. I just click past it and move on.
Aside from that, all I got from what I read above was a lot of arguing back and forth and stuff. I skimmed. I'll just say that just because some Christians have caused wars, committed hate crimes, and done generally terrible things, that doesn't mean that I do or that I believe in that. That's not what it's about for me. It's about love. Not violence and hate. I also understand other people being agnostic, atheistic, Muslim, Buddhist, whatever. If this thing was a little Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, whoever, it's still disrespectful, in my opinion.
Aside from that, all I got from what I read above was a lot of arguing back and forth and stuff. I skimmed. I'll just say that just because some Christians have caused wars, committed hate crimes, and done generally terrible things, that doesn't mean that I do or that I believe in that. That's not what it's about for me. It's about love. Not violence and hate. I also understand other people being agnostic, atheistic, Muslim, Buddhist, whatever. If this thing was a little Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, whoever, it's still disrespectful, in my opinion.
It doesn't offend me, but I wouldn't buy it.
Just read all the posts here... And wow!
People have different opinions, but I think the majority of those who posted have come to the conclusion that it's tacky, they wouldn't want it, they don't take it seriously, and they wouldn't want it to cause offense to others.
It certainly exists out there, because there are assholes (no pun intended!) in the world. Religious or not.
I personally don't want to associate with those people, or buy that type of merchandise!
It's a baby.. Jesus.. I think that bares repeating. I am glad that EF doesn't carry rather heated, offensive things.
People have different opinions, but I think the majority of those who posted have come to the conclusion that it's tacky, they wouldn't want it, they don't take it seriously, and they wouldn't want it to cause offense to others.
It certainly exists out there, because there are assholes (no pun intended!) in the world. Religious or not.
I personally don't want to associate with those people, or buy that type of merchandise!
It's a baby.. Jesus.. I think that bares repeating. I am glad that EF doesn't carry rather heated, offensive things.
This is precisely how I feel about this.
Originally posted by
Idk, this sorta goes with my general uneasiness with sex toys carrying cute little things on them. Like kittens or creatures with big baby eyes. Not my thing, and it's a baby... Jesus... Idk, some people might want it?

I think they have a buddha something or other
Originally posted by
It isn't necessary to offend people. Should we have Allah and Buddha butt plugs?
How about a little respect!
How about a little respect!
Doesn't surprise me - if you're going to be a jerk, why not offend them all.
Originally posted by
I think they have a buddha something or other
Are they willing to risk a fatwah by making one of allah - or are they afraid to offend Muslims?