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It's too bad there isn't a good kit made of high quality silicone - but I would stay with quality. The good news is that you can try different types to see what you like; glass, metal silicone, smooth, rippled and off course size.
I agree... I still wonder how come we still haven't seen any...
I just like the idea of getting used to the very same shape, gradually increasing in size... (But am a wimp when it comes to such things, gotta get into it more so Master could use me more and better, and of course I would get hooked on it too...
But yep, I pretty much wouldn't mind getting individual ones too, just it's easier and quicker to get a kit... I want vrooming toys much more now, and I always decide to get those instead of things what would be useful and/or enjoyable for my Master's Pleasure too (like kink items, I have just got the pony bridle because I should start to get things like that too), so now I really want to figure out what anal toys to get for myself so He can benefit from it too...