So recently, I reviewed this book for another toy company. Prior to reading this book, pretty much all of my knowledge surrounding anal sex was based on rumor and conjecture. I'd never really sought out the advice of a professional.
The book's written by a doctor with the intent of doing away with the stigma surrounding anal sex. And it debunks quite a few anal myths that I've heard around the community.
For example, Mr. Morin says that generally speaking, people who've had to have things removed from their bum were overzealous in their thrusting, and tensed up too much for the object of their choice to exit their rump in the usual way. He says that while it's possible to build up the sort of suction required to suck a toy out of your hand, it's rare, and healthy bowels will easily evacuate the toy. He tells the reader to relax, and just push the toy out.
He suggests starting anal play out with a thin traditional vibrator. He says something over 7 inches is too long to completely disappear into most butts, so it's fine to use something like that.
I know, right? That goes against pretty much everything I've ever heard, too!
So! Where'd you get your anal information? And what are some common anal myths that you've recently learned aren't true? Or... what are some you've heard that you aren't sure of?