What would you do if you “caught” someone with a butt plug in them?

Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I recently had my first experience wearing a butt plug out in public and it made me think of the following questions:

1) Let say you just picked someone up and are about to have some fun when you discover the person you just picked up was in the middle of an extended play session and had a butt plug in him or herself the whole time. What would your response be? Get even more turned on? Turned off? Neutral? Confused?

2) Let say you are in the middle of an extended play session and find yourself getting picked up. Would you be bold enough to leave the plug in and see what the other person's reaction would be? Or would you just excuse yourself and take the plug out before the other person notices?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'm male and...
Avery Dragon , SilkyJohnson , jakjak , Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) , LiftedUp , Jimbo Jones , AnalArtist , Keegski , Welfarecowboy , Sir , Two Loves , Wrecked-Czech , josiphinetv , Alex B. , El-Jaro , anelinvader , rojo59 , Bill , Reala~ , RyoKenOhki , NY Toyfan , PDeviL , JustYourAverageGuy , bacon , ToyTimeTim , Volund , Chou Wang , ankie212 , fungo , Uncommon Pleasures , c0l3m4ntg4nn , beachbuns , Yoda , YoungCouple , Avant-garde , testing123 , heydude , Lurr , tkphoto6 , Anally Fixated , Research , CollegeDude , Kindred , Berekiah , Oddity , Lummox , Blu , dv8 , Nightcrawler , Ropeguy , ihavenipples , namelesschaos , qqqqqqqqqqqq , Crash , navigator-d , Herper , Solar Ray , guy4guyz420 , JavaJunkie311 , AYoungMan , cobiffle , skunked , dhig , Stagger13 , Fougue , callsignhusker , TeeBeans , ToyBoy , Cookie Monster Mike , Funtastic , Devz , stlouisxxx , Bignuf , Hai thar , lovemuscle n cookie , angel142stx , Spilock , Ninja Bunny , jay28 , EvilHomer , holypoison , mmike , Lucky21 , topstim , Istanbull , LennaKieran , jj1228 , Errant Venture , Kendrir , BlooJay , Fidelity , markwashere , PassionateLover2 , sarahswallows , Raizer911 , Pi , te , RavenDevereux , Jins , Allstars316 , ECU Pirate , Jon S , rom323 , steep069 , Incendiaire , Big Dog , mlmac , Falsepast , Clubbinseals , Sauceboss , Why Not? , Life's Little Secrets , woofcub , butts , Stinkytofu10 , HusbandandWife , Two Grand , mmmmm , ghent529 , BurntToast , Mikemanz , Kappa8564 , FantasyFanatic , thesquaredeific , moose1120 , playsalot , allme1 , MrWill
I'm female and...
Darling Dove , LikeSunshineDust , Owl Identified , Femme Mystique , Maiden , Miss Cinnamon , Sammi , Kaijah , SexySkye , Envy , Valyn , Saraid , Victoria , Rayne Millaray , Airen Wolf , Alan & Michele , Raven , Anita Swann , spnkegrl , MonaFry , carnivalesq , ~miss.heather~ , MuffysPinguLove , EffinSara , fanarama , her.royal.redness , hornymommy , Miss Jane , Domineight , ArmyWife Kira , HevansS , Lithaewyn , Sundae , BlessedRaven , Jul!a , sophie2229 , HiImKate , BitterSweet , Britni TheVadgeWig , Lustful Dreams , Carrie Ann , Kayla , null , Tori Rebel , ~LaUr3n~ , Hannah Savage , B & M , Hollywood Chic , Red Vinyl Kitty , Alicia , beautifulpierced , Lady Venus , joja , ToyingCouple , Splendwhore , Red Riding Hood , AVDisco , NymphetamineKiss , SexyySarah , DixieDoo , Crotchodile , deltalima , smartbabi92 , Wiggles , V.T.T , LittleBoPeep , DeliciousSurprise , EndlessFrost , YvetteJeannine , Madeira , Kitty Kitty , Trashley , PuplePleasures , I'll Miss You EF :( , Shellz31 , Misfit Momma , DustBunny , SexyTabby , sunnie , Anne Ardeur , Tart , Kimbertrees , clp , moonlitlilly , Airekah , Gallowraven , M121212 , Navigator , Woman China , darthkitt3n , Pixel , KnK , Elliotstar , BadassFatass , Emma (Girl With Fire) , C4ss , tigerkate , I Wear The Pants , kawigrl , *HisMrs* , Miss Madeline , Wild Orchid , TheSinDoll , Eliza , loopyliza , Midway through , Amy Snookum , potstickers , Sweet-Justice , cburger , MaryExy , barrettbn2 , Cream in the Cupcake , sexygoddess , chidoll , Ms. Spice , kelaaa33wish , jean19paul , DCorrelle , teeny <3 , Antipova , butterflygirlxo , Lady Marmelade , lunapixie , Hadespark , Rhazya , Devz , ss143 , ichwillwaffels , Sinfully , llorraine , Miss Anonymous , Ryuson , CoffeeCup , ladyred , bayosgirl , ily , ms.anon , goodeatz , BlackxxxRose , sarki , Booktease , JessCee , acessorie , Nora , padmeamidala , zracer , MeliPixie , TheBadHobbit , geliebt , Eva Schwaltz , Mew , RedGoddess , Beck , Kaltir , Willow Wand , Tessa Taboo , aliceinthehole , Missmarc , K101 , AMTTT , 12345678 , NavyDoll87 , Apirka , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , idunshire , spiceboy , ConnerJay , rawsonbr , Bebela , Harpina is gone , tinadice , LusciousLollypop , Faeya , SubmissiveFeminist , BiJess , Lulia , Gone (LD29) , redhead1977 , RTC , Love Obsessed , Lady Bear , sweetpea12 , Soni , Liberalqueer , KRD , EdenUser , RomanticGoth , LAndJ , Clara , Yumi , Jeff & MJ , bh253 , Kitka , AlianneCimorene , Vaginas , panthercat23 , Moniqua , amie.snape , BoobCopter , Pururin , Anne , gloomybear , sexxxkitten , Lavendar , kennycake , jr2012 , MissCandyland , CaliGirl , Katzer , Beautiful-Disaster , Katelyn , Isola , Rosen Rot , Pink Lily , Arlinnae , apryls , KissTheSkyBaby , CaseyDeuce
I'd be turned on if I caught someone
Avery Dragon , SilkyJohnson , Darling Dove , jakjak , Owl Identified , Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) , LiftedUp , Alt , Maiden , Miss Cinnamon , Sammi , Jimbo Jones , Valyn , AnalArtist , Victoria , Keegski , Airen Wolf , Alan & Michele , Raven , Anita Swann , Two Loves , Wrecked-Czech , josiphinetv , carnivalesq , MuffysPinguLove , Kinky Skier , Alex B. , SilverVixen , her.royal.redness , anelinvader , hornymommy , rojo59 , Miss Jane , Bill , Domineight , Reala~ , JD&KD , HevansS , Lithaewyn , RyoKenOhki , NY Toyfan , PDeviL , sophie2229 , HiImKate , JustYourAverageGuy , BitterSweet , Britni TheVadgeWig , Lustful Dreams , bacon , ToyTimeTim , Kayla , Volund , Tori Rebel , Chou Wang , ankie212 , B & M , fungo , SweetestAngelGoneBad , Uncommon Pleasures , c0l3m4ntg4nn , Brandiewhy , Red Vinyl Kitty , ToyingCouple , YoungCouple , Sera , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , NymphetamineKiss , SexyySarah , Crotchodile , Pleasured n Aroused , smartbabi92 , testing123 , SydVicious , Wiggles , heydude , V.T.T , Anally Fixated , Research , DeliciousSurprise , Kitty Kitty , Vexed , Twist , Berekiah , I'll Miss You EF :( , Shellz31 , Oddity , jb1walker , Lummox , Up4Anything2nite , Lavendar Menace , Scension Earthbound , dv8 , Nightcrawler , Ropeguy , moonlitlilly , Airekah , Gallowraven , M121212 , Hallmar82 , ihavenipples , Navigator , Woman China , Orion , Pixel , Elliotstar , namelesschaos , roarr , qqqqqqqqqqqq , BadassFatass , jrz , Crash , navigator-d , Miss Madeline , Wild Orchid , TheSinDoll , JavaJunkie311 , Mr.RightNow , AYoungMan , Midway through , Skitlz , skunked , dhig , chidoll , Fougue , jean19paul , TeeBeans , teeny <3 , Antipova , Cookie Monster Mike , lunapixie , Hadespark , Devz , stlouisxxx , Bignuf , Hai thar , lovemuscle n cookie , angel142stx , Spilock , CoffeeCup , ms.anon , Ninja Bunny , Jabberwok , LilyLust , jay28 , EvilHomer , holypoison , Dr Anal , mmike , Lucky21 , topstim , Istanbull , MeliPixie , ajwonder , jj1228 , RedGoddess , Kaltir , aliceinthehole , Missmarc , Errant Venture , AMTTT , Kendrir , 12345678 , Fidelity , markwashere , idunshire , PassionateLover2 , toastedbananas , sarahswallows , Raizer911 , Pi , te , RavenDevereux , Jins , Bebela , Allstars316 , LusciousLollypop , plaidvulva , rom323 , SubmissiveFeminist , Gone (LD29) , redhead1977 , steep069 , Incendiaire , RTC , mlmac , iabicpl09 , Falsepast , Sauceboss , Why Not? , Liberalqueer , Life's Little Secrets , woofcub , RomanticGoth , Clara , sexNerd62 , butts , SecretKinksters , Stinkytofu10 , Yumi , Kitka , Two Grand , amie.snape , babycin , BoobCopter , Pururin , gloomybear , Mikemanz , FantasyFanatic , dollsteak , CaliGirl , Katzer , moose1120 , Katelyn , playsalot , Rosen Rot , Boosty , Arlinnae , MrWill , KissTheSkyBaby , CaseyDeuce
I'd be turned off if I caught someone
deltalima , Blu , sexyk515 , Ryuson , geliebt , K101 , rawsonbr , Love Obsessed , sweetpea12 , Jeff & MJ
I'd be neutral to it if I caught someone
SilkyJohnson , LikeSunshineDust , Femme Mystique , Kaijah , SexySkye , Saraid , Welfarecowboy , ~miss.heather~ , EffinSara , fanarama , Domineight , ArmyWife Kira , Sundae , BlessedRaven , Jul!a , Carrie Ann , joja , Splendwhore , Red Riding Hood , SexyySarah , DixieDoo , lamira , Kindred , Madeira , PuplePleasures , Misfit Momma , Anne Ardeur , Tart , clp , KnK , Emma (Girl With Fire) , C4ss , Herper , Eliza , loopyliza , Midway through , cobiffle , potstickers , Sweet-Justice , barrettbn2 , sexygoddess , Ms. Spice , DCorrelle , ToyBoy , Lady Marmelade , Rhazya , ss143 , ichwillwaffels , Sinfully , goodeatz , sarki , padmeamidala , TheBadHobbit , LennaKieran , Eva Schwaltz , Beck , BlooJay , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , MagicKitty , RavenDevereux , Harpina is gone , SubmissiveFeminist , Lulia , Clubbinseals , travelnurse , bh253 , AlianneCimorene , mmmmm , Vaginas , BurntToast , panthercat23 , Moniqua , Lavendar , thesquaredeific , jr2012 , Pink Lily , allme1 , apryls
I'd be confused/ I don't know
Alt , Envy , Rayne Millaray , MonaFry , carnivalesq , El-Jaro , RyoKenOhki , JF , null , ~LaUr3n~ , Hannah Savage , Alicia , beautifulpierced , Lady Venus , AVDisco , Meowmix , Jenniae09 , LittleBoPeep , CollegeDude , EndlessFrost , YvetteJeannine , Trashley , PuplePleasures , Misfit Momma , SexyTabby , Kimbertrees , Hallmar82 , darthkitt3n , KnK , mrs.mckrakn , tigerkate , I Wear The Pants , kawigrl , *HisMrs* , kutekatie , cburger , MaryExy , butterflygirlxo , PinkPedal , Rhazya , Eucaly , bayosgirl , ily , BlackxxxRose , Booktease , JessCee , acessorie , Nora , Mew , RedGoddess , Willow Wand , aliceinthehole , Kdlips , GRRRRR , NavyDoll87 , Apirka , spiceboy , ConnerJay , ECU Pirate , hatman , cheesewizz , Faeya , Big Dog , sweetpea12 , Clubbinseals , Sauceboss , KRD , EdenUser , LAndJ , HusbandandWife , ghent529 , Anne , sexxxkitten , Lavendar , kennycake , MissCandyland , Melan!e , Beautiful-Disaster , Isola
I'd leave the plug in for them to find
Avery Dragon , Darling Dove , jakjak , Owl Identified , LiftedUp , Maiden , Sammi , SexySkye , Valyn , AnalArtist , Victoria , Airen Wolf , Alan & Michele , Raven , Anita Swann , Two Loves , MuffysPinguLove , EffinSara , Alex B. , her.royal.redness , anelinvader , hornymommy , rojo59 , Miss Jane , Bill , Domineight , Reala~ , HevansS , NY Toyfan , Crypty , sophie2229 , HiImKate , JustYourAverageGuy , BitterSweet , Carrie Ann , Kayla , Volund , Chou Wang , ~LaUr3n~ , ankie212 , B & M , fungo , Hollywood Chic , Uncommon Pleasures , c0l3m4ntg4nn , Alicia , Splendwhore , Red Riding Hood , NymphetamineKiss , DixieDoo , Crotchodile , smartbabi92 , SydVicious , Wiggles , tkphoto6 , Anally Fixated , Research , DeliciousSurprise , Madeira , Kitty Kitty , Trashley , Misfit Momma , Oddity , DustBunny , sunnie , Anne Ardeur , Tart , Lavendar Menace , MasterBlaster , clp , Ropeguy , moonlitlilly , Gallowraven , ihavenipples , Navigator , Woman China , Pixel , cinnie0 , Elliotstar , Emma (Girl With Fire) , navigator-d , Miss Madeline , Wild Orchid , TheSinDoll , Solar Ray , JavaJunkie311 , AYoungMan , Amy Snookum , potstickers , skunked , dhig , chidoll , Fougue , kelaaa33wish , TeeBeans , teeny <3 , Antipova , Cookie Monster Mike , lunapixie , stlouisxxx , llorraine , Miss Anonymous , Spilock , ladyred , bayosgirl , ily , Jabberwok , jay28 , Lucky21 , topstim , Istanbull , MeliPixie , TheBadHobbit , RedGoddess , Beck , Missmarc , AMTTT , Kendrir , 12345678 , Fidelity , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , idunshire , PassionateLover2 , Raizer911 , te , Bebela , plaidvulva , rom323 , Gone (LD29) , redhead1977 , steep069 , RTC , Falsepast , Soni , Vadim50 , Why Not? , Liberalqueer , Life's Little Secrets , woofcub , RomanticGoth , Clara , butts , SecretKinksters , Yumi , bh253 , Kitka , AlianneCimorene , Vaginas , shl333 , amie.snape , BoobCopter , gloomybear , Mikemanz , malantha , FantasyFanatic , moose1120 , Katelyn , Pink Lily , Arlinnae , apryls , subbieforHer , KissTheSkyBaby , CaseyDeuce
I'd take the plug out
Jimbo Jones , Envy , Keegski , Welfarecowboy , Sir , spnkegrl , josiphinetv , MonaFry , carnivalesq , fanarama , Lithaewyn , Sundae , BlessedRaven , Jul!a , PDeviL , sophie2229 , Britni TheVadgeWig , bacon , ToyTimeTim , null , Yoda , YoungCouple , AVDisco , SexyySarah , deltalima , testing123 , EndlessFrost , YvetteJeannine , Kindred , Kitty Kitty , I'll Miss You EF :( , SexyTabby , Lummox , Up4Anything2nite , namelesschaos , qqqqqqqqqqqq , BadassFatass , Eliza , loopyliza , cburger , MaryExy , Cream in the Cupcake , DCorrelle , ToyBoy , PinkPedal , Devz , ichwillwaffels , angel142stx , kissyspanx , BlackxxxRose , Booktease , JessCee , mmike , Nora , jj1228 , Tessa Taboo , Errant Venture , Apirka , spiceboy , Pi , Jins , Faeya , Lulia , Love Obsessed , mlmac , RomanticGoth , LAndJ , Pururin , kennycake , Melan!e , Rosen Rot , MrWill
Total votes: 969 (404 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Relevant topic analysis on Butt plugs:

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What size plug should i use for most of the day
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Contributor: SilkyJohnson SilkyJohnson
ofcourse it would depend who it was
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Hah, this is such a funny poll, I love it!
Contributor: Jimbo Jones Jimbo Jones
This is a pretty cool poll structure.
I would definitely be turned on if I caught some one with a plug in because it would mean that they were at least somewhat open to anal play and were bold enough to put it out there. On the other hand, if I didn't know them very well, I would be afraid of their reaction to the possible mess that comes with anal play and would probably go conservative and take the plug out.
Contributor: SexySkye SexySkye
It really would depend on how much I was attracted to the person. I wouldn't be horny as heck if I found they had one but I'd definitely be more interested in the person. I would be very curious as to what else they're hiding for me to find. ;P
Contributor: jedent jedent
My husband brought up the other day the fact that he's pretty sure he could never do this because he'd be worried about getting into a car wreck.

Know that thing about your mother always telling you to wear clean underwear? Probably the same goes for butt plugs. Just saying.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by jedent
My husband brought up the other day the fact that he's pretty sure he could never do this because he'd be worried about getting into a car wreck.

Know that thing about your mother always telling you to wear clean underwear? Probably ... more
Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray
I tend to forget there are people in the world as kinky as M and me. So I'd be thrown off if we picked someone up and they had a plug in. I'm sure I'd probably play it off like it was nothing, though, cause that's just how I roll.

If I was wearing one... I guess it would depend on whether or not I was wearing it cause I wanted to. Sometimes M makes me wear one out in public. I wouldn't be allowed to take it out, for sure, if that were the case.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by jedent
My husband brought up the other day the fact that he's pretty sure he could never do this because he'd be worried about getting into a car wreck.

Know that thing about your mother always telling you to wear clean underwear? Probably ... more
Just be sure it's a clean butt plug?
Contributor: Sir Sir
If I caught my partner like that, I'd get very angry.

She does nothing without my allowance.
Contributor: Raven Raven
Wearing a butt plug in public is erotic enough but having someone find it in you could be unreal, as long as they were into anal play. Their facial expressions could be a turn-on all by themselves. But since I don't have sex with anyone other than my husband, getting picked up by someone like that is no longer a possibility.
Contributor: carnivalesq carnivalesq
It's all dependent on the person.

I had an LTR and the guy had been wearing a plug for hours, around my family, and I was SQUICKED.

But someone hot, out on a date? Possibly, very turned on.
Contributor: anelinvader anelinvader
all I can say sounds like fun
Contributor: Miss Jane Miss Jane
I've worn them in public, but never been caught.
Contributor: Mesmerizing Mesmerizing
Originally posted by Jimbo Jones
This is a pretty cool poll structure.
I would definitely be turned on if I caught some one with a plug in because it would mean that they were at least somewhat open to anal play and were bold enough to put it out there. On the other hand, if I ... more
I completely agree Jimbo.

Ps: I love this poll! heehee
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I'd say "HA! Caught ya!" and let it go from there...
Contributor: RyoKenOhki RyoKenOhki
Originally posted by namelesschaos
I recently had my first experience wearing a butt plug out in public and it made me think of the following questions:

1) Let say you just picked someone up and are about to have some fun when you discover the person you just picked up was in ... more
If I picked someone up, and they had a plug, I'd totally LOVE it! I'd want to see if they'd let me replace that plug, too =P

And if someone was picking me up, I dunno. Depends on the feel I got from the person. I assume I've met them before if they're picking me up. If they seem the type to be cool with it if things went that way, I'd def leave it in. I think if I guy was picking me up, though, I'd pretty much just say yeah to leaving it in. If it's a girl picking me up, I'd kinda have to feel around if she's a prude or not =P
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
Laugh and ask them how it feels. Ask if I could replace it with my cock.
Contributor: HiImKate HiImKate
I have gone out leaving a plug in and it was kinda kinky. The whole time i had this dirty little secret. One guy slapped my butt and wow that was an experience. I wanted to take him home right then and there. Im a laaady though, so I didnt. I highly recommend it sometime.

Maybe you and your significant other, one has one in and it is your personal little joke all night. Maybe you slap them on the butt or make them bend over for something, all very innocent to the outside world. The two of you know whats going on though. Its a lot of fun!
Contributor: Britni TheVadgeWig Britni TheVadgeWig
I've gone out plugged, and revealed it to some of my friends. They laugh and think it's awesome. I tend to forget it's there.

I've also forgotten that I have a plug in and gone home with someone. Unfortunately, they just thought it was weird, and not hot at all. Sadness.

I would be totally turned on if I caught someone with a butt plug in, though!
Contributor: Lucky Luna Lucky Luna
If the extended play session is with one person, and the pick up is with someone else, then I'm not really going to be able to vote in this poll.
I have been in a situation where he was playing with it himself and left it there for me to find, but that doesn't sound like the same situation to me - especially since I'm fully aware of his likes in this department already.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Fun poll! I voted I'm female...I'd be confused, and I'd leave it in.

I have been told by a few partners that it would be hot for them to find one in me, but I have never done it.

I have never even thought of a partner doing this to me and I don't think they have ever thought of it either. I think I'd be dazed and confused.
Contributor: Kinky Skier Kinky Skier
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Fun poll! I voted I'm female...I'd be confused, and I'd leave it in.

I have been told by a few partners that it would be hot for them to find one in me, but I have never done it.

I have never even thought of a partner doing ... more
I agree, i would probably be like "wow, okay. I guess this means less conversation, or more..."
Contributor: Crystal_Rose Crystal_Rose
Originally posted by jedent
My husband brought up the other day the fact that he's pretty sure he could never do this because he'd be worried about getting into a car wreck.

Know that thing about your mother always telling you to wear clean underwear? Probably ... more
Contributor: B & M B & M
I'm a lover of butt plugs, and while I have never had the desire to wear one while out and about during the day, finding someone who wears one during the day would get me all excited. I'm not really sure why though.

As for me wearing one, I would probably leave it in, but I guess that would be more dependant on the type of person they are.
Contributor: fungo fungo
Is a high 5 appropriate in these circumstances?

Seriously, if it was me who had one, I would probably make an effort to let it be known. Surprises aren't always a good thing.

I personally am the type that would relish such a surprise.
Contributor: Hollywood Chic Hollywood Chic
Originally posted by namelesschaos
I recently had my first experience wearing a butt plug out in public and it made me think of the following questions:

1) Let say you just picked someone up and are about to have some fun when you discover the person you just picked up was in ... more
I'm new to the forums and this is actually my first time discussing sex toys openly with others who enjoy these delicious devices! I'm a submissive and often I am required to go out and do various things with a butt plug security inside.

Typically those who I am around would love to pick me up with the plug in me. I think this depends in the case of just who the person is; also the personal reservations of the one plugged. I will remove the plug *if* I feel that the person I am with would be turned off or confused so to respect them (only if I have Master's permission). However, in my case Master tends to send me to those who wouldn't be turned off/confused and love the plug (and knowing). W/we have a open disclose policy with play partners if it involves plugs and eggs (or both).

If I came across a person who was plugged (which is what W/we refer to it as in O/our household, I would smile and do properly what I am taught. Er. It really wouldn't matter as I cannot condemn one who does the same as i.
Contributor: beachbuns beachbuns
I voted for "I'm male and..." so here's the "and".

I'm 57, married, monogamous...and use Butt Plugs myself. Tantus Severin (Sp?) Medium is my favorite, which I use in private as part of our sex life. It definitely has it's bennies from that "full" felling up to and including in the butt stimulation of the base of my cock- which is absolutely spectacular when we're having intercourse and when I cum.

But, I'm not too likely to be picked up, or be picking someone up, when wearing one. Timing is everything I guess, but I can say that my wife seems to always be pleasantly surprised to find that I have put one in during a shower prior to our love making. In fact, my trying a butt plug at all was her idea, and I wound up liking them!
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
I voted that I am female and would be turned on. <3 Although truthfully, I would be turned on if I found someone I was into with nearly *any* sex toy on or in them. Butt plugs are awesome though.