How do you feel about upgrade requests?

Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
How do you feel about the system? Do you think it works? Do you wish it would go away? Can you think of some changes it could use or would you just get rid of it entirely?

When I became an Advanced Reviewer, I used the upgrade request method. I was very proud when I found myself voted in. Now that I am used to the site and have been here for a while, I would gladly give up my Advanced Reviewer status and go through the Mentor Program to get it back if it meant getting rid of this system. Little did I know, it was next to impossible not to get voted in so my accomplishment meant nothing. In all my time here, I have never seen anyone not get voted in. I saw some questionable people go through a few times and I bit my tongue but lately, I feel that the system is a complete failure.

(No names being said) When someone whose only reviews were an undetailed one with little to no information and a review that wasn't even about the product (but one similar-looking) can get voted in, the system obviously does not work. I believe the system should be completely thrown out and if not that, at least it should be overhauled (perhaps by increasing the needed votes DRAMATICALLY and maybe adding a way to vote NOT to let someone in). I hate to be so cynical but at this point, I can't help but shake my head. I'm worried that EdenFantasys is going to lose money on sub-par reviews and good reviewers are going to miss out on chances because of all the bad reviewers being let in. If everyone had to go through the Mentor Program to become an Advanced Reviewer, the quality of reviews would significantly increase.
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Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I agree wholeheartedly. I think that the mentor program was a step in the right direction and the old method is stale and out of date. When I first started over two years ago there was no mentor program, and there were people who did not getting voted up. Now, like you said, I never see someone not get it.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by TitsMcScandal
I agree wholeheartedly. I think that the mentor program was a step in the right direction and the old method is stale and out of date. When I first started over two years ago there was no mentor program, and there were people who did not getting ... more
I mean literally NEVER. I have NEVER seen someone not get voted in. I've given up on looking at reviews to vote on because I know that no matter what I do, they're going to get in. I'm telling you, this person wrote a review on a product that looked like the one they reviewed. Just looked like it and at least five people thought they were good enough to let in. There's no points involved for voting so I don't get why people would vote them in. I really don't, unless it's other bad reviewers who slipped in, as well. I hate bringing up this kind of thing in a public way but A. I'm not naming names and B. I want to know what others think. I've ranted and raved to my boyfriend more than once about the system and so now I wanted to see what others thought.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I think there are many here who agree with you. I've seen this exact topic brought up on a fairly regular basis, so you are definitely not alone in your frustration. Up to this point, however, it seems that Eden's stance is that it really isn't a huge deal because the people who do lousy reviews don't usually last very long here anyway. They do a couple of reviews, make it to advanced status, then get a free item and never come back. So Eden doesn't seem overly concerned about it. It used to aggravate me too, but I decided I had to let it go or I'd drive myself crazy. LOL

I don't get it either, but it seems to be the status quo.
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Normally, I refuse to vote to help people become advanced reviewers. I think the mentor program is really good and everyone should go through it (usually).

With that said, as an editor/proofreader, today I proofread someone's SECOND review that they'd submitted and it was good. No - it was VERY good. They are probably the first person I would consider voting for - because they were able to take a lube and describe it.

I don't know who person B is you're referring to - but i have someone that I and many others suspect may not own products because their reviews are so vague. It is so hard for me to see their rating go up, their number of reviews go up and to read their reviews. I try to stay away - I really do.

I say that because sometimes that is all you CAN do - stay away and let it go. It's hard for me to do because this person may hit 100 reviews in less time than it took me (and I was proud of my record).

But the more I focus on that - the less I enjoy my time on the site and the more I find myself taking a break and not writing reviews because I'm afraid I will let myself slack off if I'm not careful since my focus is in the wrong place.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by indiglo
I think there are many here who agree with you. I've seen this exact topic brought up on a fairly regular basis, so you are definitely not alone in your frustration. Up to this point, however, it seems that Eden's stance is that it really ... more
Huh. Really? I guess it just kind of burns me a bit because I was so proud when I got voted in. I thought it was an accomplishment and I even bragged to all my friends (who know I'm involved here). But now that I've been here forever, I realize my status means jack-squat. I just think the whole thing would be much simpler if the voting were done away with. Eden might not care that much (which is strange because if I were a business, I'd be furious) but it'd certainly keep us grumbly reviewers quiet. Lol. I think I'll try to just...ignore bad reviewers from now on. That's what I've slowly been doing. When I look for reviews to read on products, instead of voting bad on reviews and telling them WHY I did so and what they left out, I've just skipped bad reviews and saved myself a lot of time and frustration.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Normally, I refuse to vote to help people become advanced reviewers. I think the mentor program is really good and everyone should go through it (usually).

With that said, as an editor/proofreader, today I proofread someone's SECOND review ... more
I agree that sometimes, there ARE people who wouldn't benefit from the mentor program much or at the very least, they're good enough to start off reviewing on their own. Not to toot my own horn but this was my first ever review: link I think I did pretty darn good and I didn't necessarily need a mentor because I researched other reviews and material safeties/etc. beforehand. But very few people seem to do that when they're just starting out and so I'd say that it's better to make a few good reviewers go through a program they don't need than let a million bad reviewers go through a voting process they don't deserve.

I'm not referring to the person you are because they've only written two reviews but they sound just awful. I'm glad I haven't ran into them yet because people on here stress me out enough. Lol. It's reviews like yours and several others that keep me sane here.
Contributor: js250 js250
I agree wholeheartedly, however the administrators do know what works and what does not. I wish the mentor program was mandatory with an option for mentors to do an upgrade if the person has excellent writing skills.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I think it is nice to have another way to get the advanced status other than the mentoring program because not everyone needs a mentor, but I will have to say that the requirement of only having two reviews to get casted for the vote is too little. It should be more like 5. Seems like there are many people who just get the two reviews up (which can take very little time or effort) and then are voted in. Then they most likely get their item and never return. I think the rules should be changed on how easy it is to get up for the upgrade not the second solution to the mentoring program.

I only vote for those who have 2 or more EU reviews from the start, because they deserve my vote, but rarely do I look at them unless I am sick of seeing them. Usually those asking for the upgrade do not have EU or eve useful reviews, so they don't get my vote.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Beck
I think it is nice to have another way to get the advanced status other than the mentoring program because not everyone needs a mentor, but I will have to say that the requirement of only having two reviews to get casted for the vote is too little. ... more
Increasing the amount of reviews needed is a good addition, though not entirely flawless (what is, though?). I've seen someone post seven reviews in a day just starting out (my number may be a little off). It IS nice to have this option for good reviewers from the start but you're right in that it definitely needs to be changed. I don't think five votes is nearly enough, especially when there are already bad reviewers who got voted in who could vote on them. I also kind of wish there was a way to de-vote someone, even if it seems a little mean. At this point, it seems necessary.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by js250
I agree wholeheartedly, however the administrators do know what works and what does not. I wish the mentor program was mandatory with an option for mentors to do an upgrade if the person has excellent writing skills.
That's a good idea, as well.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I agree, when I applied I was prepared mentally to have to apply at least a few more times (I had no idea about the mentor program) until I got in. Now that EVERYONE gets in I feel like it takes away the accomplishment. I have voted for maybe two or three people who seemed to already write super good reviews, but I usually don't.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Ryuson
I agree, when I applied I was prepared mentally to have to apply at least a few more times (I had no idea about the mentor program) until I got in. Now that EVERYONE gets in I feel like it takes away the accomplishment. I have voted for maybe two or ... more
Right? I also thought I might get rejected and I was prepared to try again. But that didn't happen, as it never happens. I think I've only ever voted once or twice.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
My first reviews were awful which I will admit to. I got voted in, which I did not deserve. However, after being voted in and having a few people ask me questions in the comments, I went reading good reviews instead of just any old reviews to get an idea of what I wanted mine to look like. My reviews after that point went from "complete crap" to being nominated for the Rumble. No mentor in that time.

To be honest, if mentoring was required I would not have joined. I am an independent learner. I don't like people "teaching" me. I did go through the mentor program after I had done quite a few reviews for a lingerie specifically because I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't forced into it, so I was willing to learn.

I'd like to think that many people find my reviews to be a positive in the community, even though my start might not have been the greatest. So ushering in a forced mentor program would mean that wouldn't be there. I'd also like to think that might mean something to at least some people.

I do think the system now sucks. Perhaps more reviews needed to be voted in or more votes needed. Another idea would be that only advanced reviewers that had been advanced reviewers for X period of time could vote people in. I think the majority of the votes come from people who have been in less than a month. Or only people with ranks above X can vote people in. Something so that freshly minted advanced reviewers aren't voting everyone who can type in. I don't think forcing mentoring is the answer. I'd rather have it the way it is now than that.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by - Kira -
My first reviews were awful which I will admit to. I got voted in, which I did not deserve. However, after being voted in and having a few people ask me questions in the comments, I went reading good reviews instead of just any old reviews to get ... more
Those are all good ideas. You're right, actually, now that I think about it. I was scared to join the Mentor Program at first (still haven't) because I'm a very shy person. I might join for a bit to help me on some lube reviews I have to do but at first, I don't think I would have done it. But anyway, yes. Those are excellent suggestions. I wish they would take some of them into consideration.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
Originally posted by Nazaress
Increasing the amount of reviews needed is a good addition, though not entirely flawless (what is, though?). I've seen someone post seven reviews in a day just starting out (my number may be a little off). It IS nice to have this option for good ... more
I posted quite a lot of reviews on the day I first joined, because I already had them on my blog and thought they might be useful to share with people here.

I too was quite surprised how quickly I got approved for advanced status though.

It's an imperfect system, but there are pros and cons to every approach, and the difficulty is in trying to balance those out as best you can.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Incendiaire
I posted quite a lot of reviews on the day I first joined, because I already had them on my blog and thought they might be useful to share with people here.

I too was quite surprised how quickly I got approved for advanced status ... more
That's a different situation and one I wouldn't have thought of. I guess it goes to show that you can't predict everything. I think changing the system would decrease the amount of headaches overall, however.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
I do not vote to advance reviewers. In my opinion, everyone should go through the mentor program, but most that I have advised to do so do not want to for one reason or another. Anyway, that's how I feel about it.
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Originally posted by Incendiaire
I posted quite a lot of reviews on the day I first joined, because I already had them on my blog and thought they might be useful to share with people here.

I too was quite surprised how quickly I got approved for advanced status ... more
Reviews posted on Eden can not be posted on another site (like a blog) unless you already have some sort of an agreement established with Eden Fantasys.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Reviews posted on Eden can not be posted on another site (like a blog) unless you already have some sort of an agreement established with Eden Fantasys.
Oh! I didn't know that. Thank goodness I've never posted a review on a blog and only on here. Hopefully that reviewer sees this. Or maybe someone should message them or the like.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I saw a couple of reviews today that were completely useless. Only to scroll down and see 'eden advanced reviewer' next to the name. It is sort of saddening to see something that I think genuinely helps people go to the toilet. But hey, I can't complain too much, EF is still giving us all free products and money (with points). Who cares if people take advantage of it.
Contributor: Breas Breas
So many threads on this already, while others touch on the subject:





There are so many more if I were to actually do a hunt for them but I'm too lazy right now

I usually don't vote people in since I feel the mentor program would be beneficial to all, though I understand not everyone has the time for that. I went through the mentor program, and am glad I did.
Contributor: hyperballad hyperballad
Originally posted by TitsMcScandal
I saw a couple of reviews today that were completely useless. Only to scroll down and see 'eden advanced reviewer' next to the name. It is sort of saddening to see something that I think genuinely helps people go to the toilet. But hey, I ... more
I agree completely.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Breas
So many threads on this already, while others touch on the subject:





There are so many more if I were to actually do a hunt for them but I'm too lazy right now

I usually don't vote ... more
Contributor: Breas Breas
Originally posted by Nazaress
Don't be sorry! I was just pointing you to those threads because there has been talk about such things and I figured they may help provide more insight. There has been a lot of talk about such things since I've been here though it seems that there won't be any changes made to the voting. I remember in one thread that a staffer mentioned that it's basically the advanced reviewers responsibility to vote new people in if they feel they have what it takes so I don't think it's at the fault of EF and the system. It's more so the fault of the people doing the voting without reading the reviews. Know what I mean?
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by Breas
Don't be sorry! I was just pointing you to those threads because there has been talk about such things and I figured they may help provide more insight. There has been a lot of talk about such things since I've been here though it seems ... more
Oh! Okay.

And definitely. They are to blame. There's NO way that one person would have been voted in if the five people who voted them in had actually read their reviews. I know there isn't. So shame, shame, a million times shame on them for not doing their job and actually reading the reviews. I don't see why people are so quick to vote people in. There's no reward for it! They're actually only hurting themselves by voting in because they're letting bad reviewers take free assignments that could have been theirs. I'll never understand people sometimes. But yeah, that does make sense. It's just a darn shame that we responsible voters can't do anything about it when it comes to these people who vote willy-nilly.

EDIT: Also, I wish they had a "blush" emoticon that had a sad face. Lol. It made it look like I was a little kid apologizing for something they weren't actually sorry for.
Contributor: Breas Breas
Yeah that is why I just avoid the whole voting thing. Also though, what one person finds a good review, another may not right? So it's kind of subjective (to an extent of course). It'd be easy for someone to argue that even though one person may not find a reviewer that "good", the voter could say "I see potential". It's a sticky subject lol
Contributor: oldman oldman
Originally posted by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Normally, I refuse to vote to help people become advanced reviewers. I think the mentor program is really good and everyone should go through it (usually).

With that said, as an editor/proofreader, today I proofread someone's SECOND review ... more
I miss you!!!!
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Haha, I remember feeling so proud of myself for getting voted in, too.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Originally posted by indiglo
I think there are many here who agree with you. I've seen this exact topic brought up on a fairly regular basis, so you are definitely not alone in your frustration. Up to this point, however, it seems that Eden's stance is that it really ... more
I've noticed this too, lots of inactive reviewers. They seem to weed themselves out, eventually. Maybe a solution then would be just to remove the poorly rated reviews from time to time.